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Publisert 6. nov. 2023 13:44 - Sist endret 16. mai 2024 10:01

ACSM’s Clinical exercise physiology 2024  

An Activist Approach to Physical Education and Physical Activity: Imagining What Might Be

Berger, Arthur Asa - Sports semiotics

Brassell, Andy - We play on : Shaktar Donetsk’s fight for Ukraine, football and freedom

Christoffersen, Line - Forskningsmetode for lærerutdanningene

Creswell, John W. - Qualitative inquiry & research design : choosing among five approaches

Dåsnes, Nora - Ti kniver i hjertet

Etnier, Jennifer L. - The psychological benefits of exercise and physical activity

Flynn, Jon - Sports and technology have the power to change the World : driving positive change through the use of data and AI

Gibson, Ann L. - Advanced fitness assessment and exercise prescription

Grønmo, Sigmund - Social research methods : qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches

Haff, G. Gregory - Scientific foundations and practical applications of periodization

Johansson, Fredrik - Träna och coacha unga idrottare

Management of Sport Organizations at the Crossroad of Responsibility and Sustainability: Perceptions, Practices, and Prospects Around the World

Managing Sport Development : an international approach

Mye mer enn et skirenn : Beitostølens bidrag til norsk skisport

Niemi, Mikael - Stein i silke : roman

Pedagogy of the Anthropocene Epoch for a Great Transition: A Novel Approach of Higher Education

Pielichaty, Hanya - Gender, Sport and Society: an Introduction

Research handbook on gender and diversity in sport management

Rogers, Anne - Living with health inequalities : upstream-downstream connections

Routledge handbook of the Olympic and Paralympic Games

Ryan, Richard M. & Deci, Edward L. - Self-determination theory : basic psychological needs in motivation, development, and wellness

Rønnestad, Bent Ronny - Interval training for cycling : from lab to races

Røthing, Åse - Mangfoldskompetanse og kritisk tenkning : perspektiver på undervisning

Salmona, Michelle - Qualitative research writing : credible and trustworthy writing from beginning to end

Sena, Barbara - The Case Study in Social Research : history, methods and applications

Sisk, Timothy D. - Sports in international politics : between power and peacebuilding

Smith, Aaron C. T. ; Stavros, Constantino ; Skinner, James ; Geurin, Andrea N.  and Burch, Lauren M. - Introduction to Sport Marketing

Soltvedt, Thor - Hibernian : den største seieren, det tyngste tapet

Sport, law and philosophy : the jurisprudence of sport

Stavrum, Arild - Siste mann på rygg : roman

Sverdrup-Thygeson, Anne - Skogen : om trær, folk og 25 000 andre arter

Textbook of immunopsychiatry

Tveiten, Sidsel - Veiledning mer enn ord ...

Wiig, Håvard - Physiological and perceived exertion responses to training and match load in football : external and internal load, neuromuscular fatigue, muscle damage, and recovery