Image of Albin Paul Chilla Tenga

Albin Paul Chilla Tenga

Norwegian version of this page Department of Sport and Social Sciences
Associate Professor
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Soccer, tactical and technical effectiveness, theoretical and methodological development of sports performance analysis (invasion games).


Teaching research methods for sports performance analysis (invasion games), test methodology and statistics, coaching and soccer.

Short biography

Albin Tenga is as assistent professor at the Department og Sport and Social Science. He holds a doctorate and a postdoc in sports performance analysis, specialized in soccer, from the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences. He defended his doctorate in 2010 with his dissertation: Reliability and Validity of Match Performance Analysis in Soccer: A Multidimensional Qualitative Evaluation of Opponent Interaction.

In his research, Tenga has been most concerned with issues related to the 'game' itself. He has published research work on several different topics; from theoretical and methodological development perspectives in game structure and functionality, to applied research on performance effectiveness in match tactics, playing skills and training methods as well as research on injury risk and mechanism. Tenga has primarily used practice-relevant contextual analysis approaches with increased potential to produce results with significant applied relevance. Much of this research work has been published in collaboration with colleagues from Norway, Spain and England.

Tenga possesses a rare combination of professional expertise including practical experience in soccer coaching, theoretical understanding of the game, and research experience. He is authorized as a performance analyst of highest scientific level (5) by the International Society of Performance Analysis of Sport (ISPAS).


  • Tenga, Albin; Mortensholm, Anders Eidem & O'Donoghue, Peter (2017). Opposition interaction in creating penetration during match play in elite soccer: evidence from UEFA champions league matches. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport. ISSN 2474-8668. 17(5), p. 802–812. doi: 10.1080/24748668.2017.1399326. Full text in Research Archive
  • Tenga, Albin; Zubillaga, Asier; Caro, Óscar & Fradua, Luis (2015). Explorative study on patterns of game structure in male and female matches from elite Spanish soccer. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport. ISSN 2474-8668. 15(1), p. 411–423.
  • Tenga, Albin (2014). First goal and home advantage at different levels of play in professional soccer. In Peters, Derek Melville & O'Donoghue, Peter (Ed.), Performance Analysis of Sport IX. Routledge. ISSN 978-0-415-64339-9. p. 45–56.
  • Fradua, Luis; Zubillaga, Asier; Caro, Óscar; Fernández-García, Ángel Iván; Ruiz-Ruiz, Carlos & Tenga, Albin (2013). Designing small-sided games for training tactical aspects in soccer: Extrapolating pitch sizes from full-size professional matches. Journal of Sports Sciences. ISSN 0264-0414. 31(6), p. 573–581. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2012.746722.
  • Tenga, Albin; Ronglan, Lars Tore & Sigmundstad, Einar (2013). Effects of sex, game format, and skill type on ball possession in Norwegian youth soccer. In Nunome, Hiroyuki; Drust, Barry & Dawson, Brian (Ed.), Science and football VII : the proceedings of the seventh World Congress on Science and Football. Routledge. ISSN 978-0-415-68991-5. p. 305–310.
  • Tenga, Albin (2013). Measuring effectiveness of zone-oriented defence on preventing goal scoring in professional soccer matches. In Nunome, Hiroyuki; Drust, Barry & Dawson, Brian (Ed.), Science and football VII : the proceedings of the seventh World Congress on Science and Football. Routledge. ISSN 978-0-415-68991-5. p. 205–209.
  • Tenga, Albin (2013). Soccer. In McGarry, Tim; O'Donohue, Peter & Sampaio, Jaime (Ed.), Routledge handbook of sports performance analysis. Routledge. ISSN 978-0-415-67361-7. p. 323–337.
  • Tenga, Albin & Sigmundstad, Einar (2011). Characteristics of goal-scoring possessions in open play : Comparing the top, in-between and bottom teams from professional soccer league. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport. ISSN 2474-8668. 11(3), p. 545–552. doi: 10.1080/24748668.2011.11868572.
  • Tenga, Albin; Ronglan, Lars Tore & Bahr, Roald (2010). Measuring the effectiveness of offensive match-play in professional soccer. European Journal of Sport Science (EJSS). ISSN 1746-1391. 10(4), p. 269–277. doi: 10.1080/17461390903515170.
  • Tenga, Albin; Holme, Ingar Morten K; Ronglan, Lars Tore & Bahr, Roald (2010). Effects of match location on playing tactics for goal scoring in Norwegian professional soccer. Journal of Sport Behavior. ISSN 0162-7341. 33(1), p. 89–108.
  • Tenga, Albin; Holme, Ingar Morten K; Ronglan, Lars Tore & Bahr, Roald (2010). Effect of playing tactics on achieving score-box possessions in a random series of team possessions from Norwegian professional soccer matches. Journal of Sports Sciences. ISSN 0264-0414. 28(3), p. 245–255. doi: 10.1080/02640410903502766.
  • Tenga, Albin; Holme, Ingar Morten K; Ronglan, Lars Tore & Bahr, Roald (2010). Effect of playing tactics on goal scoring in Norwegian professional soccer. Journal of Sports Sciences. ISSN 0264-0414. 28(3), p. 237–244. doi: 10.1080/02640410903502774.
  • Tenga, Albin; Bahr, Roald; Kanstad, Daniel & Ronglan, Lars Tore (2009). Developing a new method for team match performance analysis in professional soccer and testing its reliability. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport. ISSN 2474-8668. 9(1), p. 8–25.
  • Arnason, Arni; Tenga, Albin; Engebretsen, Lars & Bahr, Roald (2004). A prospective video-based analysis of injury situations in elite male football : football incident analysis. American Journal of Sports Medicine. ISSN 0363-5465. 32(6), p. 1459–1465.
  • Andersen, Thor Einar; Bahr, Roald; Tenga, Albin & Engebretsen, Lars (2004). Video analysis of injuries and incidents in Norwegian professional football. British Journal of Sports Medicine. ISSN 0306-3674. 38(5), p. 626–631.
  • Tenga, Albin (2003). Beyond movement intensity : a call for a more functional approach to time-motion analysis during soccer match play. ?. 1(2), p. 49–60.
  • Tenga, Albin & Larsen, Øyvind (2003). Testing the validity of match analysis to describe playing styles in football. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport. ISSN 2474-8668. 3(2), p. 90–102.
  • Andersen, Thor Einar; Bahr, Roald; Larsen, Øyvind; Tenga, Albin & Engebretsen, Lars (2003). Football incident analysis : a new video based method to describe injury mechanisms in professional football. British Journal of Sports Medicine. ISSN 0306-3674. 37(3), p. 226–232.
  • Tenga, Albin (1999). Sovraccarichi per migliorare la prestazione dell´atleta. Teknosport. ISSN 1824-6141. p. 19–26.

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  • Tenga, Albin (2017). Factors affecting sports performance: Effects of defensive team tactics on match performance in soccer WC 2014.
  • Tenga, Albin (2016). Defensive team playing styles in soccer WC 2014: Comparative study of multiple cases.
  • Tenga, Albin (2016). Increasing scoring certainty in soccer: Evidence from playing skills-related differences.
  • Tenga, Albin & Sigmundstad, Einar (2015). Exploring scoring certainty in soccer: Relative influences of playing level, offensive skills & fatigue.
  • Tenga, Albin & Jordet, Geir (2014). Forskningsnytt: Smålagsspill for trening taktik. Fotballtreneren. ISSN 0802-0906.
  • Tenga, Albin; Zubillaga, Asier & Fradua, Luis (2014). Determining emergent patterns of game structure in male and female matches from elite Spanish soccer.
  • Tenga, Albin & Sigmundstad, Einar (2013). Effects of playing level, passing sequence and fatigue on creating penetration prior to goal scoring in soccer.
  • Tenga, Albin (2012). Fotballforskeren. Josimar : tidsskriftet om fotball. ISSN 1891-4276.
  • Tenga, Albin (2012). First goal as a mechanism of home advantage in soccer.
  • Tenga, Albin (2012). Match analysis research: Challenges and possibilities.
  • Tenga, Albin (2012). First goal and home advantage at different levels of play in professional soccer.
  • Tenga, Albin (2012). Creating penetration in soccer: Finalists vs. their opponents from UEFA CL season 2010/11.
  • Tenga, Albin; Ronglan, Lars Tore & Sigmundstad, Einar (2011). Effects of gender, game format, and skill on ball possession in Norwegian youth soccer.
  • Tenga, Albin (2011). Zone-oriented defence in professional soccer matches: does it really work?
  • Tenga, Albin (2011). Concept of validity and its application to match performance analysis in soccer.
  • Tenga, Albin & Sigmundstad, Einar (2011). Spillorganisering i fotball for å stimulere ferdighetsutvikling - Erfaring fra våre forskningsarbeid.
  • Sigmundstad, Einar; Marcu, Sébastian & Tenga, Albin (2011). Treningsmetoder i barnefotball : effekten av to ulike treningsmetoder på utviklingen av fotballferdigheten. Fotballtreneren. ISSN 0802-0906. 25(2), p. 20–21.
  • Tenga, Albin (2010). Concept of validity and its application to match analysis in soccer.
  • Tenga, Albin; Ronglan, Lars Tore & Bahr, Roald (2009). Beyond match results: Intermediate measures of effectiveness and their relative ability to explain goal scoring in soccer.
  • Tenga, Albin; Kanstad, Daniel; Ronglan, Lars Tore & Bahr, Roald (2008). Developing and testing the reliability of team match performance analysis in professional football.
  • Tenga, Albin (2006). Developing and testing the reliability of team match performance analysis in professional football.
  • Tenga, Albin (2003). Time-motion analysis in football: methodological challenges.
  • Bahr, Roald; Andersen, Thor Einar; Tenga, Albin & Engebretsen, Lars (2003). Rule violation as a cause of injury in male Norwegian soccer : are the referees doing their job?
  • Andersen, Thor Einar; Larsen, Øyvind; Tenga, Albin; Bahr, Roald & Engebretsen, Lars (2003). Football incident analysis in male Norwegian professional soccer : a prospective video analysis.
  • Andersen, Thor Einar; Tenga, Albin; Engebretsen, Lars & Bahr, Roald (2002). Regelbrudd som årsak til skader i fotball - gjør dommeren jobben sin?
  • Andersen, Thor Einar; Larsen, Øyvind; Tenga, Albin; Engebretsen, Lars & Bahr, Roald (2002). Prospektiv videoanalyse av skader og hendelser i Tippeligaen 2000 - football incident analysis (FIA).
  • O'Donoghue, P.G. & Tenga, Albin (2001). The effect of score-line on work rate in elite soccer. Journal of Sports Sciences. ISSN 0264-0414. 19(1), p. 25–26.
  • Tenga, Albin (2000). Match analysis for the study of soccer injuries.
  • Tenga, Albin & Larsen, Øyvind (1998). A new method for a comprehensive analysis of a soccer match-play.
  • Tenga, Albin & Sigmundstad, Einar (2015). Pilotstudie av spillformers betydning for spilleres spill-involvering i 9ér og 11ér ungdomsfotball . Forskningssenter for barne- og ungdomsidrett (FOBU), NIH.
  • Ronglan, Lars Tore; Tenga, Albin & Sigmundstad, Einar (2012). Studie av spillformer med og uten frisone i femmer- og sjuerfotball . Forskningssenter for Trening og Prestasjon (FTP), NIH.
  • Ronglan, Lars Tore; Tenga, Albin & Sigmundstad, Einar (2010). Spillorganisering i barne- og ungdomsfotballen: ulike spillformers betydning for barnas involvering . Forskningssenter for Trening og Prestasjon (FTP), NIH.

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Published Oct. 17, 2023 1:08 PM - Last modified Jan. 8, 2024 12:53 PM