
Time and place: , Aud. Innsikt, NIH

How are young athletes' opinions on performance-enhancing substances formed? Anette Skilbred has conducted qualitative interviews with 24 students at an elite sports high school on topics including dietary supplements.

Time and place: , Aud. Innsikt, NIH

Derrick Charways research shows that sports can play a key role in sustainable development in Ghana. The study also highlights obstacles that need to be addressed to fully exploit the potential of sports.

Time and place: , Aud. Innsikt, NIH

Håvard Wiig has researched the physiological response and perceived exertion of training and match load in football. He has specifically looked at how top clubs can use the GPS units that players wear to manage load.

Time and place: , Auditorium Utsikt

New professorship at the Institute of Sports and Social Sciences, NIH, in Sport Management.

Time and place: , Aud. Innsikt, NIH

What influences unhealthy health choices among ambitious sports youth? Research Fellow Jan Åge Kristensen has investigated what lies behind when young athletes at elite sports high schools use dietary supplements and push their bodies to train and compete with injuries and illness.

Time and place: , Aud. Innsikt, NIH

Every week, 1 out of 5 elite players has an injury or illness that means they cannot participate fully or perform optimally. Phd-candidate Roar Amundsen has mapped all injuries among all female footballers in Norwagian premier league.