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NIH's procedures on GDPR, privacy, information security.

An important aspect of privacy in the context of research is the duty to ensure that personal information does not come into unauthorized hands. NIH must ensure this through access management, pseudonymisation and anonymisation as well as correct storage of data.

The Managing Director is responsible for processing personal data at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences (NIH). Daily follow-up responsibilities are delegated to the specific managers.

Privacy concerns that the individual should have their privacy in peace and should have influence over the use and dissemination of the information about themselves. Strict requirements are therefore placed on researchers' use of personal information. NIH has guidelines and routines to ensure that our research complies with the regulations in this area.

The researcher is responsible for ensuring that the project complies with the requirements in the data protection regulation. A researcher who is project manager is responsible for ensuring that everyone working on the project has sufficient knowledge of privacy and data protection. PhD students must comply with special rules.

Master's students do not have project manager responsibility, but are responsible for the privacy of the participants in their research project