Special Arrangements for Students with Special Needs

Norwegian School of Sport Sciences provides special arrangements for students with sicknesses, disabilities, various special needs or injuries. 

Published June 13, 2024 2:40 PM - Last modified June 13, 2024 2:40 PM

Students with special needs that are either permanent or temporary, reduced vision or hearing, chronic illnesses, dyslexia, or who are under rehabilitation after illnesses or injuries, as well as any other circumstances that make daily student life challenging, can be granted individual special arrangements in their everyday student life and during examination. 

The deadline to apply for special arrangements is September 1. 

Special arrangement application

You must apply via an online form within September 1. 

Your application must include relevant documentation from a doctor or another responsible instance that states your need for special arrangements under your studies. You can send the documents in after the application deadline if it is not ready within the deadline. 

You apply for the entire duration of your study program at NIH. This means that you do not have to apply every semester/year. If you switch to a different study program, you will have to apply again.

You might be called in for a consultation, during which you will get a chance to tell us what works best for you in your situation as a student. 

After these steps, you will get a decision from us detailing which special arrangements at NIH you have the right to. This decision can then be used by you as documentation on your need for special arrangements that you can present to your instructors. 

Examples of special arrangements for examination 

  • Extended time for delivering written exams and term paper submissions
  • Dictionaries (for international students)

Other measures can be offered if needed. This will be considered individually and in dialogue with the applicant. 

Examples of special arrangements in everyday student life

  • Adjusted study plan
    In some situations it might be a good choice to reduce the number of subjects you take in one semester. We can adjust your study plan accordingly if you require more time. 
  • Study materials received beforehand
    It is more or less the rule that your syllabus should be available too you beforehand, but if you do not have it, please contact the instructor that publishes the materials on Canvas. 
  • Audio-recorded syllabus 
    Certain audiobooks can be borrowed from The Norwegian Library of Talking Books and Braille (NLB). Check your subject plan to see which parts of the syllabus are provided by NLB.
  • If you have specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, please contact us to see which special arrangements might be provided to you.
  • Mentoring offer 
    A private mentor is a limited offer for the students at NIH. Contact us to hear more about this offer. 
  • Practical special arrangements 
    • Parking
      Our parking spots on campus are easily accessible, and we offer designated parking for persons with disabilities as well. 
    • University facilities
      All of our buildings follow universal design. 
    • Reading rooms
      You can book reading rooms and quiet areas at the university campus. 
  • Student housing
    NIH has an affiliation with Student Welfare Organization in Oslo and Akershus (SiO). SiO offers a selection of housing units that are adapted for wheelchair users. 

Special arrangements for activity based subjects 

It might be necessary to provide special arrangements for certain activities within activity based subjects, or, in exceptional circumstances, to be graded for your performance in alternative activities. 

In this case you will be invited to a meeting where you will be able to tell us about your difficulties and abilities, and together with your instructor(s) we will work on individual arrangements for you. 

Your performance will be assessed and graded based on your skills and knowledge in the same way with the other students according to your study plan's learning outcomes.

Completion of activity bases subjects in case of illness and injury

Students with chronic/long-lasting injuries or illnesses must fill out and deliver a special form to their instructor. This form is available in the Canvas rooms for the respective subjects. The possible special arrangements in these cases depend on the nature and extent of the injury/illness.

Students who have non-chronic/long-lasting injuries or illnesses must contact their instructor before their next class in order to discuss how the missed class can be attended at a different point, or what kinds of special arrangements might be necessary. An attendance of the missed class(es) with a different group of students can be arranged. The academic responsible for the subject and the activity instructor decide which classes cover which topics. 

Types of special arrangements that can be implemented:

  • Activity based subjects require the students to use alternative forms of movement within their ability. 
  • If the activity cannot be substituted with a different form of movement, it is required that the student participate in the subject actively as much as possible and constructively engage with assignments. 
  • If it is not at all possible for the student to complete the activity based subject based on the points above, the subject can be taken again the next academic year. This change will be reflected in the student's study plan.

Participation requirements

  • All activity based subjects require minumum 80% physical attendance and active participation in each part of the subject. Participation in the Ridderuka event at Beitostølen, including the beforehand teaching, has 100% attendance requirement. 

It is the student's direct responsibility to follow up their attendance/leave of absence/re-taking of classes etc. 

Reporting an injury

In the unfortunate event of any injury or accident, such an event must be reported. This is primarily done in order to ensure the injured person's rights, as well as to prevent future accidents. 

If you were to get an injury during class activities, it is important that you report this event to NIH. Please contact us or Reception Desk in order to receive a report form that you will fill out together with your instructor that was in class when the accident happened. 

The academic responsible for the subject/the instructor will take your report further to the HSE deviation system. They are also responsible for providing training in this routine for class teachers. 

The state is a self-insurer

NIH cannot insure its students. NIH is a state-owned academic college, and the state is a self-insuring entity. This means that NIH cannot insure its students according to the law. The students are themselves responsible for acquiring insurance in case of accidents or injuries. All students are informed about this upon the start of their studies. 

The person responsible for registration of student injuries at NIH

The injury report form in delivered to Grethe Nilsen.

Routine description for reporting injuries in the HSE deviation system:

  • The academic responsible for the subject must, together with the injured student, fill in an injury report form. The completed form is placed in the mailbox of the responsible person for injury reporting. Remember that a copy of the medical record must be attached to the injury report form if the injury has resulted in the student’s need to receive medical assistance.
    The report form is consent from the injured person to the incident being processed internally in the respective organizations. In order for the case to be processed further, the injured party must give consent for medical information of a personal nature to be registered and made available, cf. Section 5 - 1 (3) of the Working Environment Act. If such consent is not given, the form must be anonymized before it is registered.
  • The academic responsible for the subject must report the case to the HSE deviation system.
  • The case is submitted to NAV with a copy to the student and the course responsible/instructor.

If a doctor's consultation is needed, students have several options. Students at NIH can make use of SiO's health services, which are free of charge. NIH also has an agreement with the Top Sports Center's health department regarding consultations for sports-related injuries of an acute nature that occur during teaching. The consultations are free. General medical consultations are not included in the agreement.