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Explanations and appeals

You can request explanation and appeal a grade.

Published Sep. 6, 2023 4:28 PM - Last modified Mar. 7, 2024 11:01 AM

Explanation of grades

Grade explanation is usually given within two weeks after the deadline to apply for an explanation. If you have applied to receive a grade explanation, the 3-week period to appeal the grade starts from the day you receive the explanation. The explanations for written exams are given in written form. 

In case of oral and practical examinations the explanations are given directly to the course instructor after you have received your grade. It is not possible to appeal the grades for oral and practical examinations.

If you have requested a grade explanation, you can submit an appeal from the day you received the explanation.

Exams and submissions in WISEflow

If you have submitted your exam in WISEflow (WF) and received your grade in WF as well, you must apply for an explanation directly in WF (do not use the online form). You will then receive the explanation in WISEflow within around 2 weeks. 

The deadline to apply for a grade explanation is always given in WF under "Marking", and it is not possible to apply for an explanation after the deadline. 

Exams and submissions in Canvas etc. 

Whenever exams and submissions are done outside of WF, you must use one of the online forms you find below to apply for a grade explanation

The deadline to ask for an explanation is 1 week after the grade is made available in StudentWeb. 

Grade explanation (individual exam)

Grade explanation (group exam)

Grade appeals

You can appeal your grades via the online forms below. The appeals must be sent in within three weeks after the grade is made available on StudentWeb. If you have first applied for an explanation, the appeal deadline will be moved to a later date. When appealing a grade for a group exam, all members of the group must confirm the submission of the appeal. You will receive an answer to your appeal at the very latest within four weeks after the deadline to appeal. 

Under reassessment new examiners are assigned to your case, out of which at least one will be external. The new examiners will completely reassess your work. They do not receive any information about the original grade, your reasons for appealing the grade, or the explanations of your grade. Please note that in some cases a "pass" grade can be changed to a "fail" grade. It is not possible to appeal the new grade you receive, according to Norwegian Act relating to universities and university colleges (§ 5-3 nr. 6).

You cannot appeal grades for oral examinations, practical training or other forms of assessment where the student’s performance cannot be verified after submission.

If you appeal a grade during the semester you graduate (i.e. get a diploma for a finished educational program), your previous diploma will not be valid for the duration of the appeal process. 

Grade appeal (individual exam)

Grade appeal (group exam)

Contact us

Examinations office
