Norwegian version of this page

Submission of home exams

All submissions of coursework and home exams will be completed through WISEflow assessment.

Published Sep. 8, 2023 3:56 PM - Last modified Nov. 15, 2023 3:23 PM

Before submission

  • You log in to WISEflow by using your NIH-username and password (Login through Feide). 
  • Remember that your password needs to be updates regularly, so make sure it is valid (you will receive an email prior to a necessary change). As long as you can log into Canvas, everything should be alright. Contact the IT-department if you need assistance, either their support section in the library 12:00-14:00, phone: 23262002 or   
  • Prior to the given assessment you will receive an email from the examinations office, with instructions to a demo exam. Go to WISEflow and log in using your current username and password. Click on demo FLOWS. Run the Demo test to make sure everything is working. 


  • You can find your candidate number in Studentweb, log on through Feide using your username and password given to you at the beginning of the semester.
  • Download the front page (docx) and use it as page one of your submission. You can only upload one file when submitting the home exam.
  • The Norwegian School of Sport Sciences are using APA 7th edition referencing style. 
  • Use Times New Roman, size 12, with 1.5 space.
  • NIH is very strict when it comes to plagiarism. Make sure you use references/citations and do not take any shortcuts.

Difficulties submitted your exam?

If you are having difficulties submitted your exam in WISEflow, send an email to prior to the deadline of submitting the exam.

If the problem is that you are not able to convert your file into a PDF file (which is the only file type supported by WISEflow) you can send a word file (.docx) to the email address above. You will receive an automated reply that your email is received, and you can assume the exam as submitted.

Once your document is uploaded to WISEflow by the examination office, you will receive an automatic email information you that your exam is submitted.

System requirements

WISEflow installation, requirements and testing

After submission 

You will have access to your assignment by logging into WISEflow.

Contact us

Examinations office
