Equipment storage

GiGass members can borrow a variety of camping and outdoor equipment.

Published Oct. 30, 2023 2:34 PM

As a diligent user of all good the nature has to offer, it is important that we do our part to preserve it as best as possible. One of our contributions is to offer all our members free access to a wide range or equipment from our office storage. We do this so that not everybody has to own their own, and we can share more. Also, this often give us the chance to try out new activities with a low threshold.

We hope this will make more of both our trips and private hikes accessible to a wider range of students in NIH.

Guidelines for borrowing equipment

See our List of available equipment (xlsx)

  1. Only for members of GiGass who has paid the yearly fee of either 100 or 50 NOK.
  2. It is possible to borrow equipment for up to a week at a time. And you can reserve equipment up to 2 weaks in advance. If you wish to borrow more than a week, contact us. We might find an agreement through dialoge.
  3. Damaged or lost equipment that is to happen through the period of borrowing, is to be replaced by the borrower responsible.
  4. Sleeping bags is only to be used in combination with a sleeping liner, the liner is to be washed after use. Both of these can be borrowed from us.

Pick-up and delivery

All equipment is stored, can be picked up, and delivered at the GiGass office underneath NIH's entrance by auditorium Innsikt. We wish that as far as it goes, all equipment is to be picked up and delivered in our open office during lunch-hours (1200-1230) on wednesdays. If this is not possible, please contact us though one of our channels. Preferably Spond. And we will figure something out.