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Sosiale NIH

Sosiale NIH organises a variety of activities to contribute to a good student experience.

Social NIH has several events during the school year both in the school's student pub "Høydehuset" and in various external premises. Among these are a monthly quiz at Høydehuset, sports shown on the big screen, a Halloween party, a Christmas workshop and other major events.

Rent "Høydehus"

Sosiale NIH members can book and rent the student pub, "Høydehus". Send an email for details.

Contact us

Send email to

Office Hours

Sosiale NIH has office hours on Wednesdays, when we respond to messages and requests. Please be patient!

About the association

It can be both exciting and fun, but also a little scary, moving to a new country, starting a new school and getting to know completely new people. Through various social gatherings across classes and levels, we at Sosiale NIH want to contribute to the students forming closer ties, making new friends and having fun at all the association's events.

About the Board

Social NIH's board currently consists of four members, all with a unique background who bring different skills to the association. The board wants to further develop the offers of the association and increase the number of members. Sosiale NIH will have more focus on low-threshold gatherings and create an arena where you can make new acquaintances, not just have big parties. By having a wider offer, we hope to attract different students and thus increase the number of members.

The board also has a plan to establish a permanent volunteer group for the association and is already well underway with this. The idea is that you volunteer at Sosiale NIH's events in exchange for a fixed discount on our items on our menu and free entry to the big events you don't work for yourself. This will help to create a sustainable organisation that will ensure that the association is stable over time.

"We have gotten a good board in place and I really feel that together we can further develop Sosiale even more by building on the work our predecessors have done. All four of us bring with us different skills and strengths that will be able to contribute to an even better association. This summer, we worked a lot 'behind the scenes' to get a part in place in administration, new supplier agreements and new routines", says Markus, Chairman of the Board.


  • Daily management of the association
  • Representing the association outwards
  • Make sure the associations policy is followed throughout the entirety of our work.
  • Making sure agreements in the anual meetings are followed
  • Plan and excecute the associations total work
  • Ensure that the associations funds are used and managed in a responsible manner, in accordance with decisions made in the annual meetings, and ensure that the associations has a satisfactory and sound management of all economical aspects. Appoint two people that will jointly manage the associations accounts.
  • When needed, appoint committees, sub groups or individuals for special tasks, and produce an instruction for their task(s).



Markus Holm Buvarp

Vice Chairman

Njord Are Lande Ulleberg, Medlemsansvarlig


To contact members, send an email to

  • Maria Sanden Thue, Manager, Høydehus
  • Birte Nærland Serigstad, Communications
  • Irene Fossen, Booking
  • Emilie Danielsen Danjord, Event Manager
  • Stina Jøsendal Kjeldbjerg, Event Manager