Service declaration

We want all our users to receive good service and quality in the services we offer. Below you will find an overview of what you can expect from us, and what we expect from you as a user.

Published Apr. 11, 2024 12:55 PM - Last modified Apr. 11, 2024 12:55 PM

The library will work to:

  • make it easy for students and staff to use the library
  • ensure students perceive the library as a service institution that puts the student at the center
  • secure good access to literature and services within the frames that are available
  • ensure access to electronic information services in the library and via the school's network
  • provide students and staff with professionally competent guidance by offering training programs in the use of the library's services
  • develop the library into a good learning environment with access to learning resources, guidance, and workplaces
  • distance learning/decentralized studies should have the same quality of library services as other students

The library assumes that students:

  • follow the rules the library has established for the common good of students and staff
  • familiarize themselves with the opportunities the library provides and the information sources the individual studies use, through self-effort or by following the courses the library offers
  • help to maintain and further develop the library as an attractive learning environment
  • do not remove material from the library without it being registered
  • consider other users of the library