First day at NIH

On your first day at NIH, you will be introduced to your new workplace and colleagues.

Published Nov. 14, 2023 1:55 PM - Last modified Nov. 14, 2023 1:55 PM

Your employing department or host unit will help you with practicalities like keys/access card and login information to get you started and laptop/phone.

Employee ID card

All staff and guest researchers for more than 3 months are issued with an employee ID card. Your employing department will make the necessary arrangements before your arrival, or provide you with a non-personal card on loan until the practicalities are sorted out. The employee ID card is both a piece of ID, a security key card, and our library lending card. You should carry it on you at all times.

IT services, printers and copying

The IT services will provide you with a permanent or temporary username and password to access the NIH infrastructure. Normally, your employing department or host unit will arrange this prior to your arrival, and can also provide you with information about printers and copying.


Your employee ID card also functions as your library lending card. Lending books from the library collections is free of charge.


All staff are paid on a monthly basis, with payments made directly to your bank account on the 15th of each month. You will find your payslip in the HR-portal.

Abbreviations and acronyms at NIH

We are a small instiution with many departments that have very long names. Here is a list of abbreviations and acronyms that will soon become part of your language: 

  • NIH:  Norges idrettshøgskole (note: lowercase "i")
  • NIH: Norwegian School of Sport Sciences


IIM: Institutt for idrettsmedisinske fag, Dept of Sports Medicine

ILF: Institutt for lærerutdanning og friluftslivsstudier
TEOS: Dept. of Teacher Education and Outdoor Studies

IIS: Institutt for idrett og samfunnsvitenskap, Dept. of Sport and Social Sciences

IFP: Institutt for fysisk prestasjonsevne, Dept. of Physical Performance

FOBU: Forskningssenter for barne- og ungdomsidrett, Research Centre for Children and Youth Sports

OSTRC: Oslo Sport Trauma Research Center (Senter for idrettsskadeforskning, aka Skadefri) 


EIE/EA: Eiendomsavdelingen, Ofice of Facilities and Estate Mgmt. 

IT: IT-avdelingen, Office for IT services

KOMM: Kommunikasjonsavdelingen, Office of Communications

ØK: Avdeling for økonomi og forskningsfinansiering, Office of Finance and External Funding 

HR: HR-avdelingen, HR Office

STA: Studieavdelingen, Office of Student Affairs

SES: Studieseksjonen

Videre: etter- og videreutdanning, Contintuing Education 

NIHLS: NIH læringssenter, Learning Center

SST: Studentstyret, Student Council

External organizations

OLT: Olympiatoppen, Olympic Training Center

SB: Statsbygg, Gov't Building Commissioner