Healthcare Coverage

Your membership in the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme depends on whether you have a Norwegian employer and the length of your stay.

Published Nov. 14, 2023 3:43 PM

The public healthcare and social services in Norway is called the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme (Folketrygden). Membership includes health insurance and entitlement to benefits from the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration ( The contribution rate for employees is 8.2 per cent of the pensionable income (gross wage income).

If you have a Norwegian Employer

  • If you are employed by a Norwegian employer to work in Norway, you automatically become a member of the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme from your first day of work. As an employee you become a member even if you are residing in another country while working in Norway (Note! There are other rules if you work for a Norwegian employer outside Norway). You do not have to be a Norwegian citizen, registered with the National Population Register or liable to pay taxes in Norway. What is crucial is that you are legally entitled to perform work in Norway. 
  • If your intended stay in Norway is at least 12 months, you become a member of the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme from your date of entry to Norway. 
  • You may be exempt from the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme because you maintain your membership in the social security scheme in your home country. You must document this with a certificate from the national insurance authorities in your home country.
  • Please note that you are not entitled to a General Practitioner (fastlege) in Norway until you have finalised your registration and receive a permanent ID-number.  However if you require medical attention there a few general practitioners who treat patients who are not assigned to a GP in Oslo. Volvat Medical Centre provides services without referral. 
  • If you are a national of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland, you should bring your European Health Insurance Card.

Further Information

For emergency help call 113.