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Biomechanics Laboratory

We quantify the mechanics of how humans move, to understand both physical performance and injury risk.

Published Nov. 2, 2023 12:56 PM - Last modified Nov. 7, 2023 10:48 AM
Man on treadmill with roller skis

foto: Ove Sollie


Our research projects relate to sports performance, health and product development. We collaborate with companies including Puma and Bergans of Norway to quantify how product design can influence human performance. We have research projects to understand knee injury risk in handball players and bone injury risk in runners, amongst others.


Motion capture, In-ground force plates, Force-instrumented treadmill, Electromyography, Inverse dynamics, Musculoskeletal modelling.


Basic Biomechanics, Sports Biomechanics and Performance Analysis.


Distinct muscle-tendon interaction during running at different speeds and in different loading conditions, Bergans of Norway: Let's Walk Naturally, Influence of running speed, load carriage and fatigue on second metatarsal stress during running

Contact: Head of laboratory

Picture of Hannah Margaret Rice
Associated professor
+47 23 26 23 13