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Exercise physiology laboratory

The laboratory is one of several laboratories at IFP that are used to study how the body reacts to acute exercise, mainly running and cycling.

Published Nov. 2, 2023 11:49 AM - Last modified Jan. 12, 2024 11:12 AM
Kvinne løper på tredemølle

Foto: Ove Sollie


The laboratory is used to test maximum work capacity and fitness when running and cycling in many different groups such as children, elderly, patients, pregnant women, students and athletes. Typical projects are to study how fitness develops through puberty or the effect of a period of endurance training.


Note: The list is

1) Not exhaustive

2) We will discuss where (in which laboratory) we will place the various equipment.

  • Treadmill.
  • Cycle ergometer.
  • Ergospirometry equipment for measuring oxygen uptake.
  • Lactate analyzer. - Heart rate monitor.
  • EKG machine.
  • Pulse oximetry for measuring the blood's oxygen saturation.
  • Physioflow, for noninvasive assessment of the heart's pumping capacity during work.
  • Echocardiography for ultrasound examination of the heart.

The examination provides information about the structure and function of the heart.


THP200 Occupational physiology Central to many bachelor's (THP307) and master's projects (MA..) both at IFP and IMM.


Here I will come back with a list. Several projects from both IFP and IIM

Contact: Head of laboratory

Picture of Jostein Hallén
+47 23 26 23 14