Digital Technology and Outdoor Education Webinar

Three PhD researchers discuss different perspectives on the complexities, pitfalls, and potentials of employing digital technologies in outdoor education.

Published Sep. 29, 2021 3:53 PM - Last modified Dec. 19, 2023 12:29 PM
A path in the forest as seen through a smartphone camera

\Photo: Atahan Demir, Pexels

Is the use of digital technology in outdoor education fundamentally contrary to all its key values? To what extent is digital technology already embedded in contemporary outdoor education? What do we know about its potential? And which areas are in need of further exploration?

Watch the short version of the webinar:

Or watch the full recording of the webinar on YouTube.

Panel Members

Dave Hills is a PhD researcher at the University of the Sunshine Coast. His research investigates the pedagogical considerations and consequences of managing digital technology in outdoor education. Dave has been researching this topic for 6 years now and believes that technology is the profession’s greatest opportunity, but also its greatest threat. His other research interests include educational innovations and outdoor education curriculum design in higher education.

Jack Reed is a PhD candidate at the Moray House School of Education and Sport, University of Edinburgh, where he investigates the extent to which social media influences residential outdoor learning experiences for young people. Jack has coordinated research in digital-based learning, learning communities, and the effectiveness of adventure pedagogy on the transfer of learning. His research interests include identity in the networked space, place-based education, learning communities, and outdoor and environmental education.

Imre van Kraalingen is a PhD researcher at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences. Her research aims to develop accounts of how mobile technologies now form a part of contemporary teaching and learning experiences in higher outdoor education in Norway. She seeks to explore the mediating impact of mobile technologies on teaching and learning out-of-doors.

The organisers have published a paper based on the discussions that took place during the webinar. A basic analysis of the webinar’s frontchannel and backchannel revealed areas of the conversation that may merit targeted empirical attention. To paper is published open access and can be accessed here.

van Kraalingen, I., Hills, D., Reed, J., Beames, S., & Munge, B. (2022). Digital technology and networked spaces in outdoor education: reflections upon presenting at an international webinar. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 1-14.