Leave and extension of contract

There are three different types of leave for doctorate students, with their corresponding application/decision proceedings.

Published Oct. 30, 2023 5:54 PM - Last modified Nov. 6, 2023 10:49 AM

1. Statutory leave or reduced working hours and sick leave for more than 14 days

Candidate must send their application for leave to HR. HR will give the candidate a reply, with a copy sent to the Department and to Dept of Academic Affairs (STA). 

Note: Application for sick leave for more then 14 days must be submitted within one week.

2. Non-statutory leave or reduced working hours

Candidate should send their application for leave to STA. STA will get the necessary comments from head of Department and present the issue to the Committee for Research Education ("KFU"). KFU's assessment will be sent to HR who in turn will present it to the Tilsettingsutvalg ("AU"). HR will reply to the candidate with a copy to the Department and to STA.

Note: Application must be sent at least 4 weeks before the leave is expected to start.

3. Extension of contract due to work related issues

Candidate will apply to STA via Head of Department. Head of Department will give his/her opinion and confirm whether the application is supported/not supported. STA will handle the proceedings, Rector will make the final decision. Reply to the candidate is sent via Head of Department.

Note: The candidate is expected to have reported the need for an extension to Head of Department as soon as such a need has arisen. Head of Department is responsible for finding possible solutions. Reasons for delays which the Head of Department was not aware of are not considered eligible for extension of the contract. Delays must be included in the candidate's annual report.