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Application and enrollment

Enrollment in the PhD program is based on the application. An applicant must have completed a two-year master education in sport sciences (120 ECTS credits, or "studiepoeng" in Norwegian) with an average B score.

Published Oct. 19, 2023 4:31 PM - Last modified May 30, 2024 1:14 PM

Who can apply?

You can apply for admission to the PhD programme if:

  • you are employed as a NIH candidate based on an announced position, including candidates for a predefined project*.
  • you are employed as a candidate of sport sciences at another university or similar institution.
  • your doctorate project has been approved by NRC, EU, Stiftelsen DAM or similar institution who will finance all the wage and project costs.

All doctorate positions at NIH are announced at JobbNorge.

Applicants must have earned a two-year master's degree (120 credits) in sport science with a minimum grade point average of B/2,5.

*For predefined projects, the supervisor is already appointed and a research project proposal has been developed by the relevant research group.


A candidate employed at NIH must apply for admission to the PhD program within six weeks after employment.

If the candidate fails to apply within the deadline, the contract may be terminated.

Applications based on external financing will be reviewed consecutively. Affiliation with an active research group and a confirmation from a proposed supervisor must be clarified before applying. All applications for the PhD program must be sent Department of Academic Affairs, see details below. The Committee for Research (KFU) makes the decision regarding admission to the program. 

Application form and attachments

How to apply:

The applicant must fill in the application form "Application for admission to the PhD program at NIH" with personal information and attachments. The form will be sent to the Department of Academic Affairs (STA): applicants with internal financing send to Gro Styrmo, applicants with external financing send to Hilde Elisabeth Rolén.

Attachments that must follow the signed application form:

  1. A project description, including a formulation of objectives, research questions/hypotheses, as well as the choice of theoretical approach and methods. 
  2. A progress plan.
  3. Description of any legal or ethical issues raised by the project and how these can be addressed.
  4. Documentation of the educational qualifications to serve as the basis of admission.
  5. A proposal for the main academic supervisor and a statement regarding the applicant’s proposed affiliation with an active research group. A confirmation from the proposed supervisor that he/she is willing to supervise the candidate’s doctoral project must be attached. 
  6. Plan for funding.
  7. Any plans for a stay at another institution, including stay abroad.
  8. Plans for research dissemination.
  9. Information about any restrictions on intellectual property rights intended to protect the rights of others that could prevent the doctoral thesis from being made available to the public or from being defended in a public forum. NIH may dismiss applications if the agreements on intellectual property rights that have been entered into will hinder public defense of the thesis or are so unreasonable that the institution should not be involved in the project.

Expert committee for review of applications

All qualified applications for enrollment in the PhD program will be evaluated by an expert committee appointed by NIH. Committee for Research Education (KFU) will decide acceptance to the program based on the committee's recommendation.

Exception: An application based on a project description for one doctoral project, approved after review by NRC/Stiftelsen DAM/EU, does not need a new review.

Head of institution will propose the members of the committee. Members of the expert committee must satisfy the same requirements as academic supervisors. 

Review process

  • KFU appoints the expert committee
  • The committee has three (3) seeks to review the doctorate project
  • The committee's evaluation is presented to KFU with a recommendation: acceptance to program with or without comments regarding the project proposal, submitting a revised project or refusal of admission.
  • KFUs decision is forwarded to the candidate.  
  • If the project description is not approved, the candidate may submit one (1) revised project description. Deadline for resubmitting is 14 days. The same committee will review the resubmitted description.
  • If the candidate does not receive admission to the doctoral program within three months from appointment to a research fellowship position, the candidate must resign his/her position.

An appeal of rejection for admission should be submitted to Department of Academic Affairs before discussed by KFU. If KFU upholds their decision, the complaint can be brought to Den sentrale klagenemd.

Applications clearly not meeting the requirements for admission cannot expected to be processed.

Contact us

Picture of Gro Styrmo
+47 23 26 20 31
Picture of Hilde Elisabet Rolén
1434 Rådgiver
+47 23 26 20 98