
Internationalization is important to NIH and all PhD candidates should participate in the international cooperation.

Published Oct. 20, 2023 12:43 PM - Last modified Nov. 6, 2023 11:07 AM

PhD candidates can apply for funding for research stays abroad through the Erasmus+ scholarship program or the Strategic funds. 


It is possible to apply for funding for teaching, training,  or study at higher education institutions, companies and organizations in Europe. 

Teaching mobility

The stay must last for a minimum of two days. Minimum 8 hours teaching per week. Seminars and guidance are also considered as teaching. 

Training mobility 

The stay must last for a minimum of two days. You can receive funding to attend seminars, workshops, lab training, courses and summer school. 

Study mobility

The stay must last for a minimum of 3 months at a European Higher education institution in Erasmus+ partnership with NIH. 

Erasmus+ funding is allocated by NIHs international Office, and applications must be approved by your Department.

Contact the International office for more information. 

Strategic funds

Subject to the board's approval, funds are normally allocated to stimulate research stays abroad. The purpose is to give PhD candidates the opportunity to develop an international academic network. KFU evaluates the applications and allocates the funds. The size of the financial support will depend on the number of applicants and total amount for distribution. 

The following guidelines applies to the application process. It is possible to apply for financial support for short-term or long-term stays abroad. The stay abroad must start the following year after the application deadline. 


The rates are based on the Research Council of Norway's rates for researches travelling alone. By 2017, the rate is 16.000 NOK per month. The strategic funds will support additional cost for the stay. 

Maximum support that can be awarded per application is 60.000 NOK. Any profit on the strategic fund will be taxable. 

An overview of the additional cost must be stated in the application. 


In addition to support for additional cost, travel expenses can be applied for. An overview with the travel expenses must be added to the application. 

Application must include:

  1. Intention of the stay abroad, including publication/production plan for written work. 
  2. Academic environment and opportunities for developing academic network.
  3. The relevance of the stay for the project and the expected outcome of the stay. 
  4. Overview of the additional cost, travel cost and the financing of the stay. 
  5. Invitation letter from the university to be visited.
  6. Statement from supervisor and head of department if the application is recommended/not recommended. 

Application deadline will be published on Innersvingen. Application must be submitted before the deadline to be processed. 

Questions regarding the strategic funds and applications can be directed to Gro Styrmo

After the stay: Reporting

Candidates who have received strategic funds will be asked to hand in a report with the following information:

  • If the intention stated in the application are fulfilled. 
  • Explanation of the benefits and relevance of the stay in relation to the degree program as stated in the application
  • What has been produced in relation to the publishing/production plan. 

The report must be delivered to STA/Gro Styrmo within 1 month after the stay. The report will be presented to KFU. 

Documentation of cost

The financial support for the stay shall cover the additional expenses for the stay abroad. The candidate is responsible for documenting the expenses in the form of original receipts and make a simple overview with all the expenses. 

Travel operator and DFØ 

The travel must be booked through NIH's travel operator (see Innersvingen). All candidates must submit a travel and subsistence claim form through DFØ immediately after the stay.

Contact us

International office


Picture of Gro Styrmo
+47 23 26 20 31