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NIHSPO (NIH Stipendiat- og postdoktororganisasjon) is a network for doctorate students and postdoctors at NIH

Published Oct. 30, 2023 5:13 PM - Last modified Nov. 6, 2023 11:07 AM


  • be a common platform for PhDs and postdoctoral fellows at NIH
  • be a link between PhD students and postdoctoral fellows and the management of NIH
  • promote fellows and postdoctoral fellows at NIHs interests in education and research policy matters
  • contribute to professional development across scientific departments.

The annual meeting is NIHSPO's highest body and is arranged in the second quarter of the calendar year.

For articles of the association and minutes - see NIHSPO's page (in Norwegian).


Doctorate students and postdoctoral fellows can be active or passive members of NIHSPO.

All doctorate students and postdoctoral fellows automatically becomes passive members of NIHSPO at enrollment in the doctorate program and employment at NIH. Passive members have access to the organisation as a support body and can also participate at events.

To be an active member, you must register. As an active member, you can vote and you can be elected as member of the board.

Doctorate students working at NIH and/or receives salary from NIH but enrolled in another doctorate program will not automatically become passive members. They can register as active members of NIHSPO.


A new board is elected at each annual meeting. See NIHSPO's page (in Norwegian) for updated information regarding members.

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