Norwegian version of this page

Student athlete learning, psychosocial development, mental and physical health and well-being in secondary school sport classes

PhD project


Providing opportunities for students who have a special talent is a popular approach in education. In Norway, the most common example is the provision of sport. A new, specialised sector of Norwegian secondary schools now offers sport classes to young athletes and provides additional resources to develop sporting talents. The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training have approved 23 specialised secondary schools, offering a total capacity of 4152 students.

Whether (and how) sport classes actually contribute to better sport and academic achievements has also mostly been left unexamined. Understanding how the hybridisation of academic and sport learning impacts the socialisation processes of young people during the major transitions of early adolescence is a research area that needs to be prioritised. The few available studies on this subject indicate that efforts to ensure that athletes succeed in both sport and in academic schooling can be problematic. Addressing these difficult challenges is important because of the responsibility, institutionally, for ensuring that special sport classes offer young people sustainable career paths, and because of the pressures youth athletes face in achieving the same general educational qualifications as others.

Project description

The main objective of this project is therefore to explore the socialisation processes of student athletes, aged 13-15 years, in Norway´s specialised secondary schools. Attention will be given to how involvement in secondary school sport classes influences athletes´ sport and academic learning, their motivation and psychosocial development, and their health and well-being. The secondary objective is to investigate the socio-demographics and other characteristics of those attending sport classes and whether certain groups are marginalised based on their social background, gender or ethnicity.

Project owner

Child and Youth Sport Research Center
Published June 14, 2024 10:42 AM - Last modified June 14, 2024 10:45 AM