Norwegian version of this page

The “Healthy Body Image” program (HBI): A school-based cluster-randomized controlled trial

PhD project

Too many adolescents experience body dissatisfaction, which is associated with destructive health behavior and reduced mental and physical health.


Recent, it has been theorized that positive body image is associated with favorable health related behavior and psychological and physiological health. Due to lack of knowledge in terms of how to promote positive body image in adolescents, programs aiming to enhance body image are warranted.

The main aim of this study is to investigate if it's possible, through a school-based health
promotive intervention program, to promote positive body image and health related quality of life among boys and girls in 2nd grade high school.

Project description

High schools in Oslo and Akershus County were asked to participate in the study and consenting schools were randomized into either the intervention- or the control group. The intervention schools received interactive workshops presenting themes such as
body image, self-esteem, social media, physical activity, nutrition, and health
information. The themes were presented through discussions, individual and group work and through non-time consuming homework. Experts in the field of physical activity and health and nutrition conducted the workshops.

Project owner

Norwegian School of Sport Sciences
Published Sep. 20, 2023 1:03 PM - Last modified Oct. 20, 2023 11:26 AM