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Ironic effects of target shooting performance

PhD project

It is known that performance under high pressure environments (e.g., Olympic Games) are demanding and potentially stressful. Expert athletes are vulnerable to anxiety, particularly when the stake is high. The link between anxiety and performance has been recognized in sport psychology research, using conscious processing theories, attentional control theory (ACT) and catastrophe models. Thus, much of the current literatures on the relationship between anxiety and performance pay particular attention to those mentioned theories. However, Wegner’s (1994) ironic process theory (IPT) has been given little attention in the anxiety-performance investigation


It is known that performance under high pressure environments (e.g., Olympic Games) are demanding and potentially stressful. Expert athletes are vulnerable to anxiety, particularly when the stake is high. The link between anxiety and performance has been recognized in sport psychology research, using conscious processing theories, attentional control theory (ACT) and catastrophe models. Thus, much of the current literatures on the relationship between anxiety and performance pay particular attention to those mentioned theories. However, Wegner’s (1994) ironic process theory (IPT) has been given little attention in the anxiety-performance investigation

Project description

Pistol shooters will carry out the experimental Stroop shooting task at the Sport Psychology lab and the actual pistol shooting task in the indoor shooting range (“Skytebane”) at NIH. We will use various technologies (e.g., eye-tracking glasses) and their associated software to measure psychological and physiological variables. Data will be collected quantitatively.

Project owner

Norwegian School of Sport Sciences


Picture of Khelifa Nida Bartura
+47 23 26 24 42
Picture of Frank Eirik Abrahamsen
+47 23 26 24 31


Henrik Gustaffson

Published Oct. 10, 2023 4:17 PM - Last modified Jan. 18, 2024 10:05 AM