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Published Nov. 13, 2023 2:39 PM
Parking lot at NIH with space for care, e-vehicles, motorcycles

\Photo: NIH

Parking fee

The parking lot is to the left after the entrance, and has 154 spaces. The parking fee is set at NOK 20 per hour. Employees and students can use free parking by downloading a parking agreement electronically.

Student parking

NIH has an electronic parking permit for students in the main parking lot. This means that a permit for parking is linked to your vehicle's registration number. Order a parking permit in the "Park Nordic" app (or the website of Park Nordic). You must create a user account based on your phone number as a username. It is not necessary to enter payment information. Validation code is your NIH username in lowercase, without [].

Students will have free parking from the start of their studies until 30 June each year. A new agreement must be entered into each year in August, after you have paid your semester fees at NIH. When a permit is granted, you have the opportunity to park one vehicle at a time, but you can have two vehicles registered in the system.

There is a requirement for inspection/moving of vehicles at least once per week (7 days).

Guest parking

Guests who have been granted free parking must registrer at Servicetorget. Use the tablet dedicated to parking and registration.

Disabled people with a valid HC card printed by the municipality has free parking within marked spaces.

Charging stations

Charging stations for e-vehicles are located in the 2nd parking row, with a total of 12 charging stations. Rates are determined as follows:

  1. Everyone who charges an electric car must pay a charging fee of NOK. NOK 12 per hour.
  2. Payment for charging takes place on the Park Nordic app, the parking machine or another app solution (e.g. easypark).
  3. Failure to pay for charging, will result in a fine.


Fines are NOK 660 and NO 990 for wrong parking in HC spaces. Guidelines for making a complaint are written on the back of the ticket.


Picture of Hans-Eirik Hasvollseter-Jensen
+47 23 26 22 07