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Tuition fee for international students

Students with citizenship from countries outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland, must pay tuition fees to NIH, unless they qualify for an exemption.

Published Jan. 11, 2024 12:00 PM - Last modified June 28, 2024 10:02 AM

From the academic year 2023/2024, the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences (NIH) introduced tuition fees from students with citizenship from countries outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland. 

The tution fees will not affect students admitted to study programs prior to the academic year 2023/24 at NIH, nor exchange students from partner universities.

How much is the tution fee at NIH?

Applicants who receive an offer of admission, will receive information about the precise tuition fee in connection with the offer. These are the current rates for tuition fees for the academic year 2024/2025.

Studies with an annual tuition fee of 80 000 NOK

  • Online students
  • Single course students

An invoice of 40 000 NOK will be sent out prior to the start of each semester.

Studies with an annual tuition fee of 160 000 NOK

  • Bachelor programs
    • Friluftsliv, helse og naturguiding (FRI)
    • Sport Management (SP)
    • Trening, helse og prestasjon (THP)
    • Trenerrollen og idrettspsykologi (TI)
  • One-year studies
    • Friluftsliv (FLL)
    • Fysisk aktivitet og funksjonshemming (FAF)
    • Idrett og samfunn (IS)
    • Organisasjon og idrettsledelse (ORG)
    • Personlig trener (PT)
    • Sports, Culture and Development Cooperation (IKU)
    • Treningslære (TRL)

Studies with an annual tuition fee of 180 000 NOK

  • Master programs
    • European Master in Health and Physical Activity (EMA)
    • Idrett og samfunnsvitenskap (MAIS)
      • Idrett og trenerrollen
      • Idrettspsykologi
      • Kultur og samfunn
      • Pedagogikk
      • Sport Management
    • Idrettsfysiologi og bevegelseslære (MAIB)
    • Idrettsfysioterapi (MAIF)
    • Idrettsmedisin (MAIM)
    • Lærerutdanning i praktiske og estetiske fag for trinn 1 -13, kroppsøving og idrettsfag (LUPE)
  • Other programs
    • Praktisk- pedagogisk utdanning (PPU)


The rates apply to study programs.The tuition fees will be adjusted annually, latest in December for the following academic year.

NIH does not offer any scholarships that cover tuition fees. The university is legally barred from using our grant for student scholarships. The government has announced that it will reassess the issue of national scholarships for later academic years.

How to pay the tution fee? 

Students from countries outside the EU/ EEA and Switzerland who have accepted their offer of admission will receive an invoice by email. The invoice will provide instructions for paying the tuition fee to NIH.

The deadline for paying the tution fee is written on the invoice. This would most of the time be two weeks after the invoice is issued. It can take up to three weeks for NIH to register the payment, depending on the bank connection.

When NIH has registered the payment, we will send a confirmation by email. This can be used as documentation when applying for a student residence permit.

The tuition fee must be paid in full before each academic year. It is not possible to pay the tuition fee in instalments. If payment is not completed by the deadline, the offer of admission will be retracted.

If you have paid the tuition fee, but later have to withdraw from the study, you can apply to have the tuition fee refunded within September 1 for the semester and January 1 for the spring semester. 


Some students will be exempt from paying tuition fees based on residence in Norway or other close connections with Norway. Applications for exemption are processed based on the universities and colleges act and national regulations on education support. 

Students who have accepted an offer of admission may apply for an exemption. Information on how to apply for an exemption will be provided with the invoice for the tuition fees. Applications must be completed before the deadline to pay the tuition fee.

If you are granted an exemption, you will receive a confirmation which can be used as documentation when applying for a student residence permit.


Admissions office
