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Point sum calculation

Guide to point sum calculations in the admissions process at NIH.

Published Jan. 18, 2024 1:47 PM - Last modified Jan. 18, 2024 1:47 PM

The minimum number of points needed to be granted admission to NIH's study programs is not set until the current admissions cycle is finalized. This point margin is determined by the sum of points the last applicant admitted to a given study program had. 

The minimum sum of points needed to get an offer of admission to NIH varies from year to year. This is determined by the number of applicants, the capacity of the study programs, as well as the average sum of points the applicants have. 

Point sum calculation through Samordna opptak

Read here on how your point score is calculated 

Explanation of quotas

ORD: "Ordinary quota". All qualified applicants compete in this category
ORDF: Ordinary quota for all applicants with a first-time high school diploma (førstegangsvitnemål)

Statistics on previous admissions can be found on the Samordna opptak's website

Point sum calculation for admissions through Søknadsweb

All of your grades used towards ranking your application are all added together, and then divided by the total number of grades. Then the weighted average of your grade is calculated. This means that, for example, a subject that gives 20 credits will influence your total point score more than a 10 credit subject. 

Grade A = 50p
Grade B = 40p
Grade C = 30p
Grade D = 20p
Grade E = 10p

If an applicant has more than 180 credits in total, the 180 points that are most favorable for the grade average be used in the calculation, as long as all the subjects giving these credits qualify the applicant for the study program they are applying to. In other words, the subjects that qualify the applicant must be used in the ranking of the applicant. 


Admissions office

Telephone: +47 2326 2030
Tuesday to Thursday, 12-14 pm
February 15 to August 31