SPM230 Sport Marketing (Autumn 2023)

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Department of Sport and Social Sciences
Course Leader:
Chris Horbel
Lecture Semester:
Spring, Autumn
Teaching language:
½ year


The course provides an understanding of sport marketing from the perspectives of the various main actors in sport markets including national and international sport organizations, sport clubs, sport events, sponsors, and media. It presents theories of sport marketing and uses case studies to create an understanding of how to take advantage of such theories. A special emphasis will be on sponsorships and its various outcomes and challenges for the involved parties. The course will provide insight on the impact of digital technology and innovations on the practice of sport marketing. Critical areas and challenges for sport marketing will be considered.

Learning outcomes

After participation in the course, the student should be able to


  • explain the concept of sport marketing

  • identify the roles of the different actors on sport markets

  • discuss value co-creation among the actors on sport markets

  • explain the mechanisms of brand building through sport sponsorships

  • reflect upon the challenges in reaching sport marketing goals

  • plan and critically evaluate marketing strategies, including digital marketing, for sport marketing actors

Learning methods and activities

Theories and concepts of sport marketing are presented in the lectures. Group work is used for practical applications.

In groups of 4-5 students, students will be assigned a case/assignment for an in-depth analysis.

Work requirements

Mandatory submission of short reflections (individual and in small groups) in Canvas.


Approved submissions are prerequisite for participation in the group seminar presentation of a case study.


  • Written individual assignment, graded A-F (60 %).

  • Seminar presentation of case study (group assignment), graded A-F (40 %), and discussion of the presentation of another group’s case study (counts for 10 % of the 40 %). Presentation and discussion must be in English.

Core literature

As we are in a transition phase between two systems, we refer to the Study Handbook 2023-2024 for literature for courses in the 2023-2024 academic year: https://www.nih.no/studier/program-og-emneplan-arkiv/2023-2024/

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 22, 2024 11:25:02 AM