TI200 Sport Coaching 1: Coaching, children and youth (Autumn 2023)

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Department of Sport and Social Sciences
Course Leader:
Siv Gjesdal
Lecture Semester:
Teaching language:
½ year


The course is an introduction to coaching children and youth with a special emphasis on barriers and opportunities for sports participation and development. The course will give the students a theoretical understanding of the psycho-social processes underpinning development and learning in order to inform a pedagogical basis for their involvement in youth sport contexts. The focus will be on sociocultural and psycho-social perspectives on athlete development and coaching.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, students should be able to

  • critically evaluate systems of athlete and talent development in children and youth sport settings.

  • reflect upon how the context shape and enable sport activities for children and youth.

  • identify the potential outcomes of sport participation for children and youths and explain how these can be achieved.

  • consider aspects related to maturation, psycho-social and motivational aspects when designing sport activities for children and youths.

  • describe patterns of youth sport participation, particularly within the sport context in Norway.

  • discuss the experience of marginalized groups in sports coaching and athlete development, such as athletes with disabilities and immigrant girls.

Learning methods and activities

The structure of the course will be a combination of preparation for and participation in lectures and discussions (120 hours, including 40 hours of lectures), individual and group assignments (110 hours), and seminar activities including student presentations (20 hours).

Work requirements

In order to be permitted to do the final exam, students must pass three individual written assignments.


  • The first two have a 500-word limit, excluding references, 12 p Times New Roman, double line spacing, APA-standard of referencing.

  • The final one is a group assignment, with a 3500-word limit, excluding references, 12 p Times New Roman, double line spacing, APA-standard of referencing.


Papers that exceed the word limit or does not follow the guidelines for formatting or referencing will not be evaluated. The assignments must be submitted in a pdf-format in Canvas at the given date and time.


One week individual written assignment. Grading (A-F).


  • 2500-word limit, excluding references, 12 p Times New Roman, double line spacing, APA-standard of referencing.

Core literature

As we are in a transition phase between two systems, we refer to the Study Handbook 2023-2024 for literature for courses in the 2023-2024 academic year:https://www.nih.no/studier/program-og-emneplan-arkiv/2023-2024/

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 3, 2024 7:25:04 AM