LKI152 Introduction to the Movement Sciences and the Fundamental Questions it Seeks to Answer (Autumn 2024)

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Department of Teacher Education and Outdoor Studies
Course Leader:
James Robert Rudd
Lecture Semester:
Spring, Autumn
Teaching language:
½ year


Movement is ubiquitous in our life, influencing and shaping every aspect of our behaviour. For instance, the beating of our heart is made possible by the coordinated movement of many cells, as well as the movement of our whole body allows us to accomplish vital daily tasks. This course is designed to provide an introduction to the sciences that investigate movement – the movement sciences – and to explore the core inquiries that define this field. Guided by professionals, it delves into the fundamental questions and concepts that underpin the Movement Sciences, such as how perception supports movement and how we can successfully coordinate multiple body parts.

This course takes an innovative approach, adopting a documentary-style format, showcasing the research and expertise of leading experts, offering in-depth insights into movement behavior. Engaging videos and activities will take our students onto an international fascinating journey to discover the intricacies and the beauty of movement. Our goal is to ignite enthusiasm and inspire students from diverse backgrounds including, PE teachers, coaches, clinical nurses, doctors, and beyond.


Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student should be able to

  • appreciate the centrality and complexity of movement.

  • give an account of the main empirical and philosophical positions in the movement sciences on perception, coordination, perception-action coupling, and exploratory behaviour.

  • understand and participate in scientific debates around the different approaches to an issue.

  • reflect on the implications of deeply understanding movement mechanisms and principles.

Learning methods and activities

The course is comprised of 6 topics (introduction to the course, perception, coordination, perception-action coupling, exploratory behaviour, and future direction), each of which will have a dedicated section on the educational platform Canvas. Each section will include the main educational video (called episode), along with sub-sections corresponding to the different sub-themes of each topic. The sub-sections will contain interviews to international guests, podcasts, reading material, and activities for testing students’ understanding.

The activities for students include

  • watching the educational videos and full-length interviews to experts

  • reading the essential and suggested scientific material

  • conducting the activities for testing their understanding

Work requirements

Students are required to watch the main educational videos across the 6 topics, each one lasting for approximately 25-40 minutes, as well as reading the essential literature provided in each topic. Further, they are encouraged to explore the suggested readings and test their understanding using the quiz and activities provided.


  • Multiple choice exam. Grading A-F (75 %)
    60 questions to be completed in a limited time, spanning the different topics of the course

  • Home exam (two days) Grading A-F (25 %).
    Engage in a discussion about the implications of one of the topics covered.
    Select one of the four covered topics and engage with other students in a written discussion about the implications of the selected topic.

Core literature

Core literature for Fall 2024.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 2, 2024 2:25:04 PM