MA480 Motivation in Sport (Autumn 2024)

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Department of Sport and Social Sciences
Course Leader:
Siv Gjesdal
Lecture Semester:
Teaching language:
½ year


This course offers an in-depth study of motivation, which is essential to the understanding of human functioning, and any attempt to guide, change or influence it. A comprehensive overview of motivation research is given, focusing on that in sport and physical activity. Students will learn about different theories of motivation, and the differences between them. Motivation is seen in relation to various antecedents, such as coaches, as well as various outcomes. The course is viewed through a lens of application, and a focus on practical applications permeates the course. This course is particularly relevant for those who want to work with people in the sports, physical activity or physical education domain.

English is the primary language of the course, however those students who wish can complete the assignments and the exam in Norwegian.

Learning outcomes

Upon completing the course, students should be able to

  • Demonstrate the ability to reflect on theories of motivation in an in-depth and critical manner.

  • Explain the differences between various theories of motivation.

  • Use theories of motivation to guide practice, for example informing sports programs and interventions for athletes.

Learning methods and activities

The course will run throughout the autumn and comprises lectures, one mandatory group work assignment with accompanying student presentations, and discussions. There will be three seminars requiring attendance from the students.
The students shall participate actively and sufficiently in the classes and forfeit the right to take the final examination (see below) if the group assignments are unsatisfactory.

Work requirements

One mandatory submission, with an accompanying presentation, based on group work. Both the written work, and the presentation must be approved in order to sign up for the exam.

Attendance at the seminars and group presentations are mandatory. A facilitator chairs these sessions.


Written, individual exam (at the school), 4 hours. Graded A-F.
Without aid.

Core literature

Core literature for fall 2024.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 4, 2024 6:25:05 PM