ECTS Credits:
Study duration:
2 years

Programme Plan for European Master in Physical Activity and Health (2023–2025)

Main goal

Master graduates in Health and Physical Activity shall be able to integrate at high level their knowledge of movement sciences, into biomedical, psycho-pedagogical and sociological ones as well as specific research methodologies and, in particular pertaining the use of movement science in the preventive and rehabilitative area, in different age groups. In this regard, the master program offer learning outcomes guaranteeing the acquisition of professional knowledge, competences and the ability to upgrade techniques and theories utilizing research sources, enabling to plan, develop and manage programs of physical and sport activity.

Admission requirements

Søker må oppfylle krav fastsatt i forskrift 1. desember 2005 nr. 1392 om krav til mastergrad. I opptaksgrunnlaget skal det inngå:

  • utstedt bachelorgrad

  • minimum 90 studiepoeng idrettsfag

  • gjennomsnittskarakter må være "C" eller bedre i hele opptaksgrunnlaget (180 studiepoeng)

  • Minimum 30sp innen fysisk aktivtet og helserelaterte emner



Med fysisk aktivitet og helserelaterte emner menes for eksempel:

  • Aktivitetsmedisin

  • Helseaspekter ved ulike treningsmetoder

  • Helsekommunikasjon

  • Målemetoder for fysisk aktivitet og fysisk form

  • Arbeids- og treningsfysiologi

  • Trening i praksis

Learning outcomes

The candidate:



  • Has advanced knowledge within the academic field and specialized insight in the field of health and physical activity

  • Has thorough knowledge of the scholarly or artistic theories and methods in the field health and physical activity

  • Can analyse academic problems on the basis of the history, traditions, distinctive character and place in society in the field health and physical activity


  • Can analyse and deal critically with various sources of information and use them to structure and formulate scholarly arguments in the field of health and physical activity

  • Can analyse existing theories, methods and interpretations in the field and work independently on practical and theoretical problems in the field of health and physical activity

  • Can carry out an independent, limited research or development project under supervision and in accordance with applicable norms for research ethics in the field of health and physical activity

General competence

  • Can analyse relevant academic, professional and research ethical problems

  • Can apply his/her field based knowledge and skills in new areas in order to carry out advanced assignments and projects

  • Can communicate extensive independent work and masters language and terminology of the academic field

  • Can communicate about academic issues, analyses and conclusions in the field, both with specialists and the general public

Learning methods and activities

Learning activities are organized in 15 ECTS intensive teaching modules (3 weeks each). The 4 modules of the first year will take place in Rome, at the University of Rome Foro Italico.


Norwegian students are obliged to earn 60 ECTS at their home institution presently organized in the second year including


  • MA450 Assessment of physical activity and health 15 ECTS

  • MAS449 Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity 15 ECTS

  • MA545 Master thesis 30 ECTS.

At the end of the program a double degree will be released, in compliance with partner Universities, enrolment and ECTS requirements.


Teaching methods/forms of study

Lectures, seminars, practical workshops student presentations and written assignments. The teaching staff will have international scientific qualifications in core fields. The ambition is to engage students in the organization, execution and assessment of various educationalsequences.


Thesis Supervision

Each student should have appointed a Supervisor. The supervisor will be one of the many Faculty members at NIH who has formally joined the Program and substantively contributed to its teaching and formative objectives or another faculty member in the field. The Supervisor can also be a partner institution expert entrusted by a Faculty member in agreement with the Program Coordinator. In the latter case, the student will need to have a person at NIH as co-advisor/contact person. Specific guidelines for the master thesis process will be given.

Assessment of student learning

Assignments (essays, reviews), multiple choice tests, oral presentations.

Study model

Spring 2025

European master(emner NIH)

Choose specialisation to view courses

Please bear in mind that within the duration of the study program changes can occur in the contents of the study program, the courses and the program structure. 

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 3, 2024 7:25:13 AM