EXFLL2 Experiential Learning in 'Natural' Landscapes  (10 ECTS) 
Course facts
Course codeEXFLL2
Course titleExperiential Learning in 'Natural' Landscapes
Academic responsibilityPip Lynch
Teaching semesterFall

The course is an introduction to practices of Norwegian friluftsliv in various 'natural' landscapes. Through single- and multi-day trips, students will experience aspects of traditional and contemporary friluftsliv. The course builds on INFTL1: Philosophy and Practice and offers students opportunities to learn directly from journeys on water, in forests and in alpine terrain. The learning is organized around the concepts of experiential learning, nature and landscape, and the following skills: navigation and orienteering, emergency procedures, leadership and expedition planning. Students will write individual journals reflecting on their learning.

Learning outcome

Students shall:

  • be able to discuss their explorations and experiences of different traditions of friluftsliv and their cultural and educational meanings
  • be able to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of nature as a resource (e.g. mushrooms, mussels, berries, fish, crabs, lumber, etc.) to fulfill human needs and as bearers of symbolic meanings and environmental significance
  • be able to use basic skills related to journeying through, living within and exploring different 'natural' landscapes
  • be able to demonstrate understanding of group management, leadership and guidance
  • be able to demonstrate competence in navigation/orienteering and emergency procedures
  • be able to demonstrate an enhanced self-awareness and enhanced ability to reflect on their own skills and personal attributes related to experiential learning, the demands required by group dynamics, natural landscapes and friluftsliv practice 
  • be able to demonstrate reflexive understanding of nature and friluftsliv as practice, phenomenon and concept
Course organization
The course is organized around three or four multi-day journeys in different landscapes, e.g. hiking in woods and alpine mountains, traveling on water (rivers, etc.). The preparation, planning, participation and reflection work are all equal fields of study. Part of the preparation might involve (individual) training in basic/technical skills; e.g. connected to kayaking, navigation, etc. Groups of students will be responsible for the planning and preparing food, equipment, travel logistics, navigation, etc., for cleaning of the gear, etc., and for self-evaluation. All scheduled outdoor activities are mandatory.

Each student is responsible for ensuring they have the personal equipment needed /high quality rain/wind proof jacket and overtrousers, warm clothing, long johns and undershirts, backpack, suitable boots, etc.). Only group equipment (i.e. tents) and technical equipment (i.e. kayaks/canoes) is provided by NIH. A detailed list will be made available when you are accepted to the course.


Full participation in scheduled outdoor activities in this course is mandatory. To be considered to have completed the course, students must also attend and participate fully in at least 80% of lectures and other class sessions.

Each student must submit a thre-part journal of self-reflection on: their experiences of learning during the exchange programme; experiential learning theory; and literature relevant to the course. In total, the journal should not exceed a maximum of 6000 words, exclusive table of content, reference list and attachments. All sources must be accurately cited and referenced using the APA format 5th edition (cf. www.nih.no). The dates for handing in each part of the journal will be provided at the beginning of the course. The report is graded A-F.

All journals must be submitted in paper and via Fronter and will be run through Ephorus for plagiarism control.


Core material

Core literature:
Graham, J. (1997). Outdoor leadership: Technique, common sense & self-confidence. Seattle: The Mountaineers.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Kolb, D. (1984). Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall.
Read chapters 1, 2, 4 and 6:
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask 

Smith, T.E. & Knapp, C.E. (2011). Sourcebook of experiential education: Key thinkers and their contributions. London: Routledge.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask 

10 research articles from Journal of Experiential Education or other academic journals approved by the teaching staff.