MAS445 Sport psychology (20 ECTS) 
Course facts
Course codeMAS445
Course titleSport psychology
Academic responsibilityFrank Abrahamsen
Teaching semesterFall
PrerequisiteCompleted studies of 180 ECTS (included at least 120 ECTS in sport specific science or training education), with at least a C (or 2,7) grade average in the Norwegian grade system in the sports subjects, and including at least one of the following subject spesifications: Second year of bachelor in Physical activity and health, Training, coaching and sport psychology, Sports mangament (sport psychology subjects included), one year supplementary studies in Adapted physical activity, teacher education in physical education, or studies of equal size and content

The purpose of the course is to focus on contemporary sport psychology as it is practiced in Europe and elsewhere. The course covers the history and current issues in sport psychology, individual dynamics, motivation, pro-social and moral functioning, coaching effectiveness, and the application of psychological principles to sport, exercise, and physical education behaviour.

Course content

1. Introduction to Sport and Exercise Psychology

 1. Academic and applied issues
 2. Current issues.

2. Individual differences and behaviour in sport and exercise

 1. Arousal and anxiety 
 2. The dynamics of motivation in sport and exercise

  a. Motivation defined
  b. History of motivation research
  c. From mechanism to cognitions.
  d. Contemporary approaches to motivation:

 3. The enhancement of motivation in sport and exercise

3. Moral and pro-social behaviour

1. Socialisation into and through sport and exercise.
2. Cheating in sport
3. Moral functioning and its determinants.

4. Coaching effectiveness

5. Applied sport psychology

 1. The role of the consultant in sport.
 2. The ethics of consulting
 3. The substance of consulting

a. Arousal, anxiety and stress management
b. Attentional processes and sport behaviour
c. The optimisation of motivation
d. Interpersonal relationships and sport performance
e. Coping with athletic injury

Course organization

This will be 20 SP, or approximately 30 contact hours, all lecture/discussion, with 15 hours of group discussion. The group discussions will require a written response from each student that will be part of the overall evaluation of the student.


The students will be required to write a 14 day examination covering the course material. In addition, each student will be required to attend 15 hours of group discussions where they will select their own assignment for in depth analysis and write a 5 page essay on the topic. 

All papers submitted via Fronter will be run through Ephorus for plagiarism control.


In addition to the readings presented below, readings may be added as needed. If we add any readings, they will be distributed in class.

Important note:  In addition, we have some students who do not have the background from our undergraduate programme. It is important that students have had IIS 210, or equivalent, before the course. We assume that you have that knowledge, and we build on that knowledge in the Master's programme. Therefore, I have a series of readings that are highly recommended for those whose background is weak: Those readings are marked with a *. 

Core material

Roberts, G. (Ed.). (2011). Sport psychology / Course in sports psychology at the master's level: MAS 445: 2012-2013. (Paper Collection). Oslo: Norwegian School of Sport Sciences.
The Library does not have this paper collection, you have to buy it at NIH.

Text in this paper collection is marked with: ... is in the paper collection. It's listed under, mixed with rest of the curriculum:

Introduction to sport psychology:
Gill, D. & Kamphoff, C. (2009). Cultural diversity in applied sport psychology. In: R. Schinke & S. Hanrahan (Eds.), Cultural sport psychology. (pp 45-56). Champaigne, Ill.: Human Kinetics.
This chapter is in the paper collection.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Horn, T. H. (2008). Advances in sport psychology (3rd ed.). Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics.
You have to read:
- Chapter 1,  pp 3-14. (References included as illustrated here mean the reading is in the text.)
- *Chapter 2,  pp 15-30.
- *Chapter 3, pp 31-44.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Martens, R. (1979). About smocks and jocks. Journal of Sport Psychology, 1(2), 94-99. (Influential old paper, still cited these days!)
This article is in the paper collection.
The Library has this Journal online, here: BIBSYS Ask

Individual differences and behaviour in sport and exercise:
Abrahamsen, F. E., Roberts, G. C. & Pensgaard, A. M. (2008). Achievement goals and gender effects on multidimensional anxiety in national elite sport. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 9(4), 449-464
This article is in the paper collection.
The Library has this Journal online, here: BIBSYS Ask

Beilock, S. L. & Gray, R. (2007). Why do athletes choke under pressure? In: G. Tenenbaum & R. C. Eklund (Eds.), Handbook of sport psychology (3rd ed.). (pp. 425-444). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
This chapter is in the paper collection.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Horn, T. H. (2008). Advances in sport psychology (3rd ed.). Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics.
You have to read:
-*Chapter 5, pp 65-98.
- Chapter 6, pp 99-114.
- Chapter 7, pp 115-156.
- Chapter 8, pp 157-186.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Jordet, G. (2010). Choking under pressure as self-destructive behaviour. In: A. Nicholls (Ed.), Coping in sport: Theory, methods, and related constructs (pp. 239-259), New York: Nova Science Publishers.
This chapter is in the paper collection.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Kristiansen, E., Roberts, G. C. & Abrahamsen F. E. (2008). Achievement involvement and stress coping in elite wrestling. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sport. 18, 526-538.
This article is in the paper collection.
The Library has this Journal online, here: BIBSYS Ask

Ommundsen,Y. & Lemyre, P.-N. (2007). Self-regulation and strategic learning: The role of motivational beliefs and the learning environment in physical education. In: J. Liukkonen (Ed.), Psychology for physical educators: Student in focus (2nd ed.). (pp. 141-173). Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics.
This chapter is in the paper collection.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Owen, T. & Maynard, I. (2004). Temporal aspects of competitive anxiety and self-confidence as a function of anxiety perceptions. The Sport Psychologist, 18, 172-187.
This article is in the paper collection.
The Library has this Journal online, here: BIBSYS Ask

Roberts, G. C., Treasure, D. C. & Conroy, D. (2007). Understanding the dynamics of motivation in sport and physical activity: An achievement goal interpretation. In: G. Tenenbaum & R. Ecklund (Eds.), Handbook of research in sport psychology (3rd ed.). (pp. 3-30). Hoboken, N. J.: Wiley.
This chapter is in the paper collection.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Roberts, G. C. (2012). Motivation in sport and exercise from an achievement goal theory perspective: After 30 years, where are we? In: G. Roberts & D. Treasure (Eds.), Advances in motivation in sport and exercise (3rd ed.). (p ?-?). Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics.
This chapter is in the paper collection.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Standage, M. & Ryan, R. (2012). Self-determination theory and exercise motivation: Facilitating self-regulatory processes to support and maintain health and well-being. In: G. Roberts & D. Treasure (Eds.), Advances in motivation in sport and exercise (3rd ed.). (p. ?-?). Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics.
This chapter is in the paper collection.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Burn-out research:
Lemyre, N., Roberts, G. C. & Treasure, D. (2006). Influence of athlete variability in motivation and affect on burn-out. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 28, 32-48.
This article is in the paper collection.
The Library has this journal online, here: BIBSYS Ask

Lemyre, P. N., Hall, H. K. & Roberts, G. C. (2008). A social cognitive approach to burnout in elite athletes. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sport, 18, 221-234. 
This article is in the paper collection.
The Library has this journal online, here: BIBSYS Ask

Moral and pro-social behaviour:
Horn, T. H. (2008). Advances in sport psychology (3rd ed.). Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics.
You have to read:
- Chapter 9, pp 187-210.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Kavussanu, M. & Roberts, G. C. (2001). Moral functioning in sport: An achievement goal perspective. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 23, 37-54.
This article is in the paper collection.
The Library has this Journal online, here: BIBSYS Ask

Ommundsen, Y., Roberts, G. C., Lemyre, P. N. & Miller, B.W. (2006). Parental and coach support or pressure on psychosocial outcomes of pediatric athletes in soccer. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 16, 522-526.
This article is in the paper collection.
The Library has this Journal online, here: BIBSYS Ask

Ommundsen,Y., Roberts, G. C., Lemyre, P. N. & Treasure, D. (2003). Perceived motivational climate in male youth soccer: relations to social-moral functioning, sportspersonship and team-norm perceptions. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 4, 397-413.
This article is in the paper collection.
The Library has this journal online, here: BIBSYS Ask

*Roberts, G. C. (2003). Cheating in sport: Why do we do it, and what you can we do about it. Insight: The F.A. Coaches Journal, 7(1), 33-36.
This article is in the paper collection.
The Library does not have this journal.

Coaching effectiveness:
Horn, T. H. (2008). Advances in sport psychology (3rd ed.). Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics.
You have to read:
- Chapter 11, pp 239-268.
- Chapter 12, pp 269-292.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Pensgaard, A.-M. & Roberts, G. C. (2002). Elite athletes: Experiences of the motivational climate: The coach matters. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sport, 12, 54-60.
This article is in the paper collection.
The Library has this journal online, here: BIBSYS Ask

Smith, R. E., Smoll, F. L., & Curtis, B. (1979). Coach effectiveness training: A cognitive behavioral approach to enhancing relationships in youth sports coaches. Journal of Sport Psychology, 1, 59-75.
(Another oldie but goodie!!!)
This article is in the paper collection.
The Library has this journal online, here: BIBSYS Ask

Smith, R., Smoll, F. & Cumming, S. (2007). Effects of a motivational climate intervention for coaches on young athletes? Sport performance anxiety. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 29, 39-59
This article is in the paper collection.
The Library has this journal online, here: BIBSYS Ask

Applied sport psychology:

Beilock, S. L. & Gray, R. (2007). Why do athletes choke under pressure? In: G. Tenenbaum & R. C. Eklund (Eds.), Handbook of sport psychology (3rd ed.). (pp. 425-444). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. 
This chapter is in the paper collection.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Hardy, L., Jones, G. & Gould, D. (1996). Concentration and attention control. In: L. Hardy, G. Jones & D. Gould, Understanding psychological preparation for sport: Theory and practice of elite performers. (pp 173-202). Chichester: John Wiley & sons.
This chapter is in the paper collection.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Horn, T. H. (2008). Advances in sport psychology (3rd ed.). Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics.
You have to read:
- Chapter 13, pp 325-338.
- Chapter 14,  pp 325-338.
- Chapter 15, pp 339-376.
- Chapter 17, pp 401-422.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Jones, G. (1993). The role of performance profiling in cognitive behavioral interventions in sport. The Sport Psychologist, 7, 160-172.
(Classic study!).
This article is in the paper collection.
The Library has this journal online, here: BIBSYS Ask

Pensgaard, A. M. & Roberts, G. C. (2003). Achievement goal orientations and use of coping strategies among Winter Olympians. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 4, 101-116.
This chapter is in the paper collection
The Library has this journal online, here: BIBSYS Ask

Roberts, G. C. & Kristiansen, E. (2010). Motivation and goal setting. In: S.J. Hanrahan & M-B. Andersen (Eds), Routledge handbook of applied sport psychology: A comprehensive guide for students and practitioners (Routledge international handbooks). (pp 490-499). New York: Routledge.
This chapter is in the paper collection.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask