SPM321 Organization of International Sports  (10 ECTS) 
Course facts
Course codeSPM321
Course titleOrganization of International Sports
Academic responsibilityPer Øystein Hansen
Teaching semesterFall

The starting point of this course is the fact that international organizations and international cooperation are having a greater impact than ever on the organization of sports within national societies. International organizations and their roles in the sporting area will be described. The course will not only examine the functioning of international sporting bodies such as the IOC, but also international organizations such as the EU and the UN, with an overall goal of locating sports within an international context.

Learning outcome

The students will:

  • Understand the key aspects of globalization.
  • Explain how international organizations such as the IOC, WADA and international sporting federations operate.
  • Conduct an analysis of how the Olympic system (IOC, international federations and national Olympic societies) works.
  • Make comparisons between international and national sports federations.
  • Make comparisons between different international federations based upon competition structures, and the elaboration of these structures.
  • Understand how to analyze change in international sports organizations in terms of two different theoretical perspectives (institutional theory and stakeholder theory).
  • Explain how the national and international sports area is influenced by governmental institutions such as the EU, the Council of Europe and UNESCO.
  • Be able to conduct an analysis of the role of international organizations in areas such as doping and in regulating international transfers.
  • Understand the Nordic sports systems and how they affect the elite sports system.
Course organization

The course will be taught through various lectures and discussions and will involve a number of case studies.


An individual oral exam (50 %), an essay (five pages, 30 %) and weekly reviews (20 %) will be graded A-F. The reviews must be passed before the students can take the oral exam.

Norwegian students can write the essay and the reviews, and take the oral exam in Norwegian. Guidelines for how to write the essay and reviews are handed out in the first lecture.

All papers must be submitted via Fronter and will be run through ePhorus for plagiarism control.

Recourses/materials which may be used in the oral exam: none

Core material

Compulsory reading:
Andersen, S. S. (2012). Olympiatoppen in the Norwegian sports cluster. In: S. S. Andersen & L.T. Rongland (eds.), Nordic elite sport: same ambitions: Different tracks. (pp. 237-256). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
You will find the book in the Library, here: BIBSYS Ask

Andersen, S.S. & Ronglan, L.T. (2012). A comparative perspective on Nordic elite sport: Filling a gap. In: S.S. Andersen & L.T. Rongland (eds.), Nordic elite sport: same ambitions: Different tracks. (pp. 259-284). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
You will find the book in the Library, here: BIBSYS Ask

Bergem, E.J., Granli, T.C., Boodhun, V., Hestman, I.M., & Larsen, S. (2011). Project rails: Reviewing and analyzing the international level of snowboarding. Master Thesis: University of Oslo, Oslo.
Available online, here:

Chapplet, J.-L. & Kübler-Mabbot, B. (2008). The International Olympic Committee and the Olympic system. (Global institutions series; 27). London: Routledge.
You will find the book in the Library, here: BIBSYS Ask 

Commission of the European Communities (2007). White paper: White paper on sport. Brussels: EU.
Available online, here:

García, B. (2007). UEFA and the European Union: From confrontation to cooperation.
Journal of Contemporary European Research, 3(3), 202-223.
The Library does not have this journal.
You can order the article for free, from here:

Green, M. & Oakley, B. (2001). Elite sport development systems and playing to win: uniformity and diversity in international approaches. Leisure Studies, 20, 247-267.
The Library has this journal online, here: BIBSYS Ask

Hanstad, D.V., Smith, A. & Waddington, I. (2008). The establishment of the World Anti-Doping Agency: A study of the management of organisational change and unplanned outcomes. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 43, 227-249.
The Library has this journal online, here: BIBSYS Ask.

Horne, J, & Whannel, G. (2012). Politics and the Olympics. In: J.Horne & G. Whannel: Understanding the Olympics. (pp.126-145) London: Routledge.
You will find the book in the Library, here: BIBSYS Ask

Mason, D.S., Thibault, L. & Misener, L. (2006). An agency theory perspective on corruption in sport: The case of the International Olympic Committee. Journal of Sport Management, 20, 52-73
The Library has this journal online, here: BIBSYS Ask

Morrow, S. & Idle, C. (2008). Understanding change in professional road cycling. European Journal of Sport Management, 8 (4), 315-335
The Library has this journal online, here: BIBSYS Ask

Mäkinen, J. (2012). The anatomy of elite sports organization in Finland. In: S.S. Andersen & L.T. Rongland (eds.), Nordic elite sport: same ambitions: Different tracks. (pp. 209-223) Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
You will find the book in the Librar,y here: BIBSYS Ask

O`Brien, D. & Slack, T. (2003). An analysis of change in organizational field: the professionalization of English Rugby Union. Journal of Sport Management, 17, 417-448
The Library has this journal online, here: BIBSYS Ask

Panagiotopoulos, D.P, Mournianakis, I., Alexandrakis, V. & Manarakis, S. (2010). Prospects for EU action in the field of sport after the Lisbon Treaty. International Sports Law Review Pandektis, 8, 301-310.
The Library has this journal online, here: BIBSYS Ask

Siekmann, R. & Soek, J. (2010). Models of sport governance in the European Union: The Relationship between State and Sport Authorities. International Sports Law Review, Pandektis 8, 93-102.
The Library has this journal online, here: BIBSYS Ask

Sjöblom, P. & Fahlén, J. (2012). Swedish elite sport: Contested terrain. In: S.S. Andersen & L.T. Rongland (eds.), Nordic elite sport: same ambitions: Different tracks. (pp. 193-208). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
You will find the book in the Library, here: BIBSYS Ask

Soule, B., & Lestrelin, L. (2011). The Puerto Affair: Revealing the difficulties of the fight against doping. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 35(2), 186-208.
The Library has this journal online, here: BIBSYS Ask

Steen-Johnsen, K. (2007). Globalized fitness in the Norwegian context. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 42, 343-362.
The Library has this journal online, here: BIBSYS Ask

Storm, R.K. (2012). Danish elite sport and Team Denmark: New trends? In: S.S. Andersen & L.T. Rongland (eds.), Nordic elite sport: same ambitions: Different tracks. (pp. 224-236). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
You will find the book in the Library, here: BIBSYS Ask

Compulsory reading in compendium:
Tokarski, W., Petry, K., Groll, M. & Mittag, J. (2009). Sport politics and policies at the European level. In: W. Tokarski, K. Petry, M. Groll & J. Mittag, A perfect match? Sport and the European Union (2nd ed.). (pp. 54-87). Oxford: Meyer & Meyer.
You will find the book in the Library, here: BIBSYS Ask

One additional article/book chapter on globalization will be presented in the first lecture.

* Lessons and power point presentations used in lessons are part of the compulsory reading in the course


Anbefalt litteratur

Recommended reading:
Callery, C. & McArdle, D. (2011). Doping, European law and the implications of Meca-Medina. International journal of sport policy and politics, 3(2), 163-175.
The Library does not have this journal.

Christiansen, A. V. (2005). The legacy of Festina: Patterns of drug use in European cycling since 1998. Sport in History, 25(3), 497-514
The Library has this journal online, here: BIBSYS Ask

Gardiner, S. & Welch, R. (2011). Nationality and protectionism in football: Why are FIFA`s "6+5 rule" and UEFA`s "home-grown player rule" on the agenda? Soccer & Society, 12(6), 774-787.
The Library does not have this journal.

Hanstad, D. V. (2008). Drug scandal and organizational change within the International Ski Federation: A figurational approach. European Sport Management Quarterly, 8, 379-398.
The Library has this journal online, here: BIBSYS Ask.

Horne, J, & Whannel, G. (2012). The internationalist spirit and national contestation. In: J.Horne & G. Whannel, Understanding the Olympics. (pp.109-125) London: Routledge.
You will find the book in the Library, here: BIBSYS Ask

IOC (1999). Report by the IOC 2000 Commission to the 110th IOC Session.
Available online, here: http://www.olympic.org/Documents/Reports/EN/en_report_588.pdf

Maguire, J., Jarvie, G., Mansfield, L. & Bradley, J. (2002). Sport and globalization. In: J. Maguire, G. Jarvie, L. Mansfield & J. Bradley, Sport worlds: A sociological perspective. (pp. 3-23). Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics.
You find the book in the Library, here: BIBSYS Ask

Payne, M. (2006). Olympic turnaround: How the Olympic Games stepped back from the brink of extinction to become the world's best known brand. Westport, Conn.: Praeger Publishers.
You will find the book in the Library, here: BIBSYS Ask
The book i s also available online, here: BIBSYS Ask

Pound, R. W. (2004). Inside the Olympics: A behind-the-scenes look at the politics, the scandals, and the glory of the games. Canada: Wiley.
You will find the book in the Library, here: BIBSYS Ask

Waddington, I. (2000). Doping in sport: A case study of cycling and the 1998 Tour de France, In: I. Wassington, Sport, health and drugs: a critical sociological perspective. (pp.153-168). London: E & FN Spon.
You will find the book in the Library, here: BIBSYS Ask
The book is also available online, here: BIBSYS Ask

Weatherill, S. (2010). Fairness, openness and the specific nature of sport: Does the Lisbon Treaty change EU sports law? International Sports Law Review Pandektis, 8, 11-17.
The Library has this journal online, here: BIBSYS Ask

* Additional articles or chapters in books may be added to the compulsory reading during the course