FAH325 Physical Activity and Seniors (10 ECTS) 
Course facts
Course codeFAH325
Course titlePhysical Activity and Seniors
Academic responsibilityNina Waaler
Teaching semesterFall

The number of adults aged 65 and above is increasing. Improving quality of life and preventing and/or reducing diseases and medical conditions is a social, moral and political challenge. Physical activity is a key factor in this regard. The level of physical activity is closely linked to a person's well-being and mobility. Research has indicated that the amount of physical activity declines with age.

The course is designed to help the students develop physiological, psychological and sociological perspectives regarding the importance of physical activity for seniors.

Learning outcome

The students must be able to:

  • describe the human aging processes.
  • describe the effects of physical activity on the aging processes.
  • describe the correlation between physical activity and seniors' well-being.
  • demonstrate how physical activity may prevent and help treat diseases and medical conditions prevalent among seniors.
  • know how seniors' mobility is tested.
  • follow research and development in the field of seniors' physical activity and well-being.
  • increase their knowledge in the field of senior's physical activity and well-being.

The students must be able to:

  • review scientific articles and present the content in writing and orally to fellow students, instructors and seniors.
  • review how they communicate and interact with others.
  • plan, organize and conduct training sessions for seniors, individually and in groups.

General Qualifications
The students must be able to identify and review how physical activity helps treat and prevent diseases among seniors.

Course organization
The course consists of lectures, case-based teaching, practical training and presentations; individually and in groups.

3-hour written examination (no aids allowed). Grading:  A-F.


Core material

NB! Skal revideres, fått beskjed 23.03.12.

Loland, N. (Red.). (2008). Fysisk aktivitet og eldre: 3BA FAH 320: 2009-2010. (Artikkelsamling). Oslo: Norges idrettshøgskole.
Biblioteket har ikke denne, fås kjøpt ved NIH.

Litteraturliste for artikkelsamlingen/kompendiet ovenfor:
(Forandringer kan skje innen kursstart)
Alessio, H. (1998). Aging of the organism: Physiological aging. I: L. A. Morgan & S. Kunkel, Aging: The social context. (s. 105-137). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Pine Forge Press.

Atchely, R. (1998). Aging and Society. I: L. A. Morgan & S. Kunkel, Aging: The social context. (s. 3-30). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Pine Forge Press.

Evans, W. J. (1999). Exercise training guidelines for the elderly. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 31, 12-16.

Hjort, P. (1998). Mitt selvbilde som eldre. Tidsskrift for den Norske Legeforening, 118, 1439-1441.

Hjort, P. (2000), Fysisk aktivitet og eldres helse - gå på! Tidsskrift for den Norske Legeforening, 120, 2915-2918.

Hughes, B. (1999). Gerontological approaches to quality of life. I: J. Johnson & R. Slater (Eds.), Ageing and later life. (s. 228-232). London: Sage Publications.

Johnson, J. & Bytheway, B. (1999). Ageism: Concept and definition. I: J. Johnson & R. Slater (Eds.), Ageing and later life. (s. 200-206). London: Sage Publications.

Krawczynski, M. & Olszewski, H. (2000). Psychological well-being assosiated with a physical activity program for persons over 60 years. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 1, 57-63.

Loland, N. W. (2000). The aging body: Attitudes towards bodily appearance among physically active and inactive women and men of different ages. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 8, 197-211.

Marsiske, M., Franks, M. M. & Mast, B. T. (1998). Psychological perspectives on aging. I: L. A. Morgan & S. Kunkel, Aging: The social context. (s. 154-182). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Pine Forge Press.

Mazzeo, R. S., Cavangh, P., Evans, W. J., Fiatarone, M., Hagberg, J., McAuley, E. et al. (1998). American College of Sports Medicine position stand: Exercise and physkal activity for older adults. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 30, 992-1008.

Morgan, L. & Kunkel, S. (1998). Sociolgical perspectives on aging. I: L. A. Morgan & S. Kunkel, Aging: The social context. (s. 183, 191-206). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Pine Forge Press.

O'Brien Cousins, S. (1998). Benefits of exercise participation. I: S. O'Brien Cousins, Exercise, aging, and health: Overcoming barriers to an active old age. (s. 59-70). Washington, DC.: Taylor & Francis.

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