European Master in Health and Physical Activity 
Programme of study
European Master in Health and Physical Activity
Programme coordinator
Yngvar Ommundsen

The University of Rome "Foro Italico", an Italian state university excelling in the Sport Science studies, in consortium with the Norwegian School of Sport Science in Oslo (NOR), the University of Vienna (AUS), the University of Southern Denmark in Odense (DEN) and the German Sport University in Cologne (GER), leading European Universities in the field, offers a 2-year European Master in Health and Physical Activity (120 ECTS). The program is carried out in English and successful students will be awarded a joint national degree or equivalent degree recognized by other European universities (that is equally valid in Italy as well as in the other European countries).

The program is meant to provide to students a wider understanding of the scientific and cultural issues involved, along with a focus on the specific methodologies and technical skills needed to plan, organise, coordinate or conduct, physical activity in the various age/health conditions and settings, whether for leisure, functional maintenance, psychosocial integration and wellbeing, disease prevention, coping with disabilities, or recovery and rehabilitation.

The program is structured to allow various areas of specialisation, and involves a one-year  program on basic science and physical activity-related health issues and a second year focused on one of three alternative areas of specialisation related to age groups: Children, Adults, Elderly.