SPM325 Sporting events (10 ECTS) 
Course facts
Course codeSPM325
Course titleSporting events
Academic responsibilityBerit Skirstad
Teaching semesterFall
The course provides understanding of important aspects of the organization of sporting events. It examines how organizers of sports events bid for, plan, implement, and evaluate the sporting event. The course will also address how the Olympic Games are organized, with special reference to the Olympic Winter Games held in Norway in 1994. The new Olympic concept of the Youth Olympic Games will also be analyzed. The significance of the key parties involved in major events (e.g. sponsors, media, and public authorities) will be presented and discussed.
Learning outcome

The students shall:

  • understand the key aspects of sports events - including mega, major and small scale events.
  • understand the development of the Olympic Games since 1896.
  • explain the relations between international federations and the local (national) organizers (organizing committees).
  • be able to analyze the bidding processes of mega and major events.
  • make assessments of the role of public authorities.
  • understand the role of media at the events.
  • understand the concept of "risk management"
  • understand the new Olympic concept of the Youth Olympic Games
Course organization
The course will be taught through lectures and discussions and will involve a number of case studies. One event in Oslo, the Oslo Marathon, will be used as a case study. Students will take part in the event as volunteers.

A written exam (4 hours), graded A-F. Included is also an essay/report (2000 words) after the Oslo Marathon. Norwegian students can do the exam and the essay in Norwegian.










Core material

NB! To open electronic articles off campus, you must use the following VPN connection:

Andersen, S. S. & Hanstad, D. V. (In press). Organizing for optimal performance: Norway´s participation in the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business.

Gold, J. R. & Gold, M. M. (2011). Olympic cities: City agenda, planning and the world`s games, 1896-2012 (2nd ed.). London: Routledge.
Read pages 17-107.
You find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Gratton, C. & Preuss, H. (2008). Maximizing Olympic impacts by building up legacies. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 25(14), 1922-1938.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Hanstad, D. V. (2012). Risk management in major sporting event: A participating team´s perspective. Event Management, 16(3).
This article is available online: Click here to download

Hanstad, D.V., Parent, M.M. & Kristiansen, L. (in press). The Youth Olympic Games: The best of the Olympics or a poor copy?

IOC (2010). Factsheet: Legacies of the games.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Kristiansen, E. & Hanstad, D.V. (2012). Journalists and Olympic athletes: A Norwegian case study of an ambivalent relationship. International Journal of Sport Communication, 5(2) 231-245.
This article is available online: Click here to download.

Parent, M.M. (2008). Evolution of issue patterns for major-sport-event organizing.
Journal of Sport Management, 22(2), 135-164.
This article is available online: Click here to download.

 Parent, M.M. (2010). Decision making in major sport events over time: Parameters, drivers, and strategie. Journal of Sport Management, 24, 291-318.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Preuss, H. (2004). The economics of staging the Olympics: Acomparison of the games 1972-2008. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
You will find the book in the Library, here: BIBSYS Ask

Preuss, H. & Solberg, H. A. (2006). Attracting major sporting events: The role of local residence. European Sport Management Quarterly, 6(4), 391-411.
This article is available online: Click here to download.

Shank, M.D. (2009). Understanding participants as consumers I: M.D. Shank, Sports marketing. A strategic perspective (4th ed.). (pp. 105-137). Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Westerbeek, H., Smith, A., Turner, P., Emery, P., Green, C. & van Leeuwen, L. (2005). Managing sport facilities and major events. (pp. 22-45). London: Routledge.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Wollebæk, D., Skirstad, B. & Hanstad, D.V. (2012). Between two volunteer cultures: Social composition and motivation among volunteers at the 2010 Trial Event for the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships. International Review for the Sociology of Sport.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Wong, D. (2011). The Youth Olympic Games: Past, present and future. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 28(13), 1831-1851.
This article is available online: Click here to download