TCI250 Sports Psycology 1 - Motivational processes in sport and physical activity (10 ECTS) 
Course facts
Course codeTCI250
Course titleSports Psycology 1 - Motivational processes in sport and physical activity
Academic responsibilityTynke Toering
Teaching semesterFall

Students shall dedicate themselves to acquiring research based knowledge about the central motivational processes and constructs that have meaning for children and adults taking part in physical activity, exercise and sport. Students shall acquire sport psychological knowledge and insight into promoting the motivation of individuals within learning, achievement and health contexts.

Learning outcome


The students should know:

  • general understanding of the process of motivation;
  • general understanding of the major approaches to motivation in sport and exercise

Students should know:

  • how to interpret motivation research;
  • how to develop basic but appropriate motivation interventions;
  • how to design learning environments to optimize motivation
Course organization

Classes will go through the whole of the Autumn semester. The structure of the course will be a combination of formal lectures and discussion, some individual and group work that will be student driven, and presentation of projects.


Individual written projects - Pass/fail. Students choose the projects, and the written responses have a limit of 1800 words (approximately 5 pages with one and half line spacing).

All papers submitted via Fronter will be run through Ephorus for plagiarism control.

Individual written exam - Graded 2 hours.

Recourses/materials which may be used in the exam: None


Core material

Roberts, G.C. & Treasure, D.C. (Eds.). (2012). Advances in motivation in sport and exercise (3rd ed.). Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics.
Pages that must be read: 5-58, 91-128, 207-228, 233-270, 271-298 and 357-386:
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Toering, T. (Ed.). (2013). TCI250: Sports Psycology 1: Motivational processes in sport and physical activity: 2013-2014. (Artikkelsamling). Oslo: Norges idrettshøgskole.
You have to buy the Paper Collection at Servicetorget.
- The Library has some of the books available for loan.
- Some of the articles and books are available online/electronic.

To open electronic articles and books off campus, you must use the following VPN connection:

The reference list for the Paper Collection above:
Baker, J., Cobley, S. & Fraser-Thomas, J. (2009). What do we know about early sport specialization? Not much! High Ability Studies, 20, 77-89.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Bauer & Baumeister, R.F. (2011). Self-regulatory strength. In: K.D. Vohs & R.F. Baumeister, Handbook of self-regulation: Research, theory and applications (2nd ed.). (pp. 64-82). New York: The Guilford Press.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Bhalla, J. A., & Weiss, M. R. (2013). A cross-cultural perspective of parental influence on female adolescents' achievement beliefs and behaviors in sport and school domains. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 81(4), 494-505.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Biddle, S. & Mutrie, N. (2008). I think I can, I know I can! In: S. Biddle & N. Mutrie, Psychology of physical activity. (pp. 100-117). London: Routledge.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask
The book is also available online/electronic: BIBSYS Ask

Gray, P.O. (2010). Mechanisms of motivation and emotion. In: P.O. Gray, Psychology (6th ed.). (pp. 185-230). New York: Worth Publishers.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Gray, P.O. (2010). The neural control of behavior. In: P.O. Gray, Psychology (6th ed.). (pp. 137-184). New York: Worth Publishers.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Hagiwara, H., & Wolfson, S. (2012). Attitudes towards soccer coaches? Use of punishment in Japan and England: A cross-cultural study. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 11, 57-69.
The Library has this journal only in paper.
You will find this number in the Library, next to the counter, under the letter I.

Jaarsma, E.A., Geertzen, J. H. B., De Jong, R., Dijkstra, P.U. & Dekker, R. (2013). Barriers and facilitators of sports in Dutch Paralympic athletes: An explorative study. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 23,1-7.
This article is available online: Click here to download

MacNamara & Collins (2012). Building talent development systems on mechanistic principles: Making them better at what makes them good. In: J. Baker, S. Cobley, & J. Schorer (2012), Talent identification and development in sport. (pp. 25-38). New York: Routledge.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask
The book is also available online/electronic: BIBSYS Ask

Maddison, R. & Prapavessis, H. (2007). Self-handicapping in sport: A self-presentation strategy. In Jowett & Lavallee, Social psychology in sport. (pp. 209-220). Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Ommundsen, O. & Lemyre, P.R. (2007). Self-regulation and strategic learning: The role of motivational beliefs and the learning environment in physical education. In: J. Liukkonen et al., Psychology for physical educators: Student in focus (2nd ed). (pp. 141-173). Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Rawn & Vohs, K.D. (2011). When people strive for self-harming goals: Sacrificing personal health for interpersonal success. In: K.D. Vohs & R.F. Baumeister, Handbook of self-regulation: Research, theory and applications (2nd ed). (pp. 374-389). New York: The Guilford Press.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Smoll, F.L. & Cumming, S.P. (2006). Enhancing coach-parent relationships in youth sports: Increasing harmony and minimizing hassle. In: J.M. Williams (Ed.), Applied sport psychology: Personal growth to peak performance (5th ed.). (pp. 192-204). New York: McGraw-Hill.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask
The Library has the newest edition as well (6th ed., 2010): BIBSYS Ask

Sæbu, M. & Sørensen, M. (2011). Factors associated with physical activity among young adults with a disability. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 21, 730-738.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Higgins, T. (2011). Human self-regulation and emotion. In: M.A.Gernsbacher, Pew, Hough & Pomerantz, Psychology and the real world: Essays illustrating fundamental contributions to society. (pp. 147-152). New York: Worth Publishers.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Weinberg, R.S. Gould, D.(2010). Children and sport psychology. In: R.S. Weinberg & D. Gould, Foundations of sport and exercise psychology (5th ed.). (pp. 513-532). Champaign, Ill.: Han Kinetics.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Weinberg, R.S. & Gould, D. (2011). Welcome to sport and exercise psychology. In: R.S. Weinberg & D. Gould, Foundations of sport and exercise psychology (5th ed.). (pp. 3-26). Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask