MA431 Policy Making and Practical Context  (10 ECTS) 
Course facts
Course codeMA431
Course titlePolicy Making and Practical Context
Academic responsibilityKirsti Pedersen Gurholt
Teaching semesterSpring

The course explores how physical education, friluftsliv/outdoor life, disability and difference have been covered historically, culturally and by society. The course focuses on discussions, values, educational context and context of experience regarding 'location/place', 'time' and 'space', 'indoors' and 'outdoors'. The course consists of two parts: Discourses and Values (5 credits) and Educational Context and Context of Experience (5 credits). The course covers discourses and values in an institutional setting regarding policy making, culture and society, as well as ethical issues, conflict of values and power structures. In addition, the course explores how people with different qualifications experience, are influenced by and impact on contexts, and how various contexts have been defined culturally and theoretically and made available/unavailable for the individual and groups. The course is taught in English.

Learning outcome

The students should be familiar with core discourses and key conflicts of values and power structures in different contexts of experience.
The students should know how people are influenced by and impact on location and space, indoors and outdoors and how these interchanges are regarded in a historical and cultural perspective.

The students must be able to identify and analyze discourses and values in different practical contexts.
The students must be able to analyze and discuss how location/place and space have been defined, applied, changed, valued and experienced.

General Knowledge
The students must be able to present and discuss conflicts of values and power structures in relation to policy making and practical contexts.

Course organization

The course consists of lectures, individual work, group work and master's seminar. The students must show initiative during the course and master's seminar. The students shall complete an individual analysis of supplementary literature on a relevant topic.


The students will work on four texts to be included in the course folder. Individual essay (3000 words) based on supplementary literature. Graded A-F.

Core material

DELEMNE I: Diskurser og verdier
(5stp / inclusive TEOS):

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Politikkutforming, kultur og samfunn:
Bay, A-H., Strömblad, P. & B. Bengtsson (2010). An introduction to diversity, inclusion and citizenship in Scandinavia. In: B. Bengtsson, P. Strömblad & A-H. Bay (Eds.), Diversity, inclusion and citizenship in Scandinavia. (pp. 1-18). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
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Dewey, J. (1938). Experience and education. (Kappa Dela Pi lecture series). New York: Macmillan.
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Løvlie, L. (2002). The Promise of bildung. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 36(3), 467-486.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Mason, M. (2007). Comparing cultures. In: M. Bray, B. Adamson & M. Mason (Eds.), Comparative education research: Approaches and methods. (CERC studies in comparative education; 19). (pp. 165-196). Hong Kong: CERC, University of Hong Kong.
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Roberts, J.W. (2012). Beyond learning by doing: Theoretical currents in experiential education. New York: Routledge.
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Telhaug A. O., Mediås, O. A. & Aasen, P. (2006). The Nordic model in education: Education as part of the political system in the last 50 years. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 59(3), 245-283.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Verdikonflikter og maktforhold:
Gibbons, M. (1994). Introduction. I: M. Gibbons, The new production of knowledge: The dynamics of science and research in contemporary societies. (s. 1-16). London: Sage.
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Gough, D. (2007). Weight of evidence: A framework for the appraisal of the quality and relevance of evidence: Applied and practice-based research. Special Edition of Research Papers in Education, 22(2), 213-228.
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Gurholt, K.P. & Broch, T. (in review). Urban woodlands: Contested symbolic meanings of preservation and recreational use. Geografiska Annaler / Series B Human Geography.
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Kirk, D. (2006). Th 'obesity crisis' and school physical education. Sport, Education and Society, 11(2), 121-133.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Lynch, P. (2012). Critical research produces a robust knowledge base for adventure programming. In: B. Martin & M. Wagstaff (Eds.), Controversial issues in adventure programming. (pp. 303-308). Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics.
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Säfvenbom, R., Geldof, J. & Haugen, T. (re-submitted). Sports clubs as accessible developmental assets for all? Adolescents' assessment of egalitarianism vs. elitism in school and sports. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics.

Etiske utfordringer:
Kjørholt, A-T. (2013). Childhood studies: The ethics of an encounter. In: H. Fossheim (Ed.), Cross-cultural child research: Ethical issues. (pp. 17-44). [Oslo]: The Norwegian National Research Ethics Committees.
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Broch, H.B. (2013). Anthropological field experiences from work with children in natural settings on three continents. In: Qvortrup, N. (Ed.), Cross-cultural child research: Ethical issues. (pp. 45-70). Trondheim: Senter for barneforskning.
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Governmental white papers and law texts:
Barne- og familiedepartementet. (1989). FNs konvensjon om barns rettigheter: Vedtatt av De forente nasjoner 20. november 1989: Ratifisert av Norge 8. januar 1991. Oslo: Barne- og familiedepartementet.
This is available online: Click here to download

Kunnskapsdepartementet. (2006). Kunnskapsløftet: Reformen i grunnskolen og videregående opplæring. Oslo: Departementet.
This is available online: Click here to download.

Kunnskapsdepartementet. (2011). The Norwegian Education System. Retrieved 10th of April 2013 from:
This is available online: Click here to download.

Norwegian Board of Education (1997). Core curriculum for primary, secondary and adult education in Norway. Retrieved 10. April 2013 from:
This is available online: Click here to download.

OECD (2012). Education at a Glance 2012. Retrieved 27th of May from:
This is available online: Click here to download.

St.meld. nr 22 (2010-2011). Motivasjon - mestring - muligheter: Ungdomstrinnet. Oslo: Kunnskapsdepartementet.
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This is also available online: Click here to download.

St.meld. nr 26 (2011-2012). Den norske idrettsmodellen. Oslo: Kulturdepartementet.
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It is also available online: Click here to download.

The Royal Ministry of Education (2010). Act of 17 July 1998 no 61 relating to Primary and Secondary Education and Training (the Education Act) with amendments as of 25 June 2010 and 31 May 2011: In force as of 1 Aug 2011. Retrieved 10. April 2013 from:
It is available online: Click here to download.

Utdanningsdirektoratet. (2006). Læreplan i aktivitetslære - felles programfag i utdanningsprogram for idrettsfag: Gjelder fra 01.08.2006. Retrieved 27th of May 2013 from:
It is available online: Click here to download.

Utdanningsdirektoratet. (2006). Læreplan i friluftsliv - valgfrie programfag i utdanningsprogram for idrettsfag: Gjelder fra 01.08.2006. Retrieved on 27th of May 2013 from:
It is available online: Click here to download.

Utdanningsdirektoratet (2012). Læreplan i kroppsøving: Gjelder fra 01.08.2012. Retrieved on 27th of May 2013 from:
It is available online: Click here to download.

Utdanningsdirektoratet. (2012). Curriculum in physical education: Valid from 01.08.2012.
Not available on line at the moment. (27.05.13)

Inspirational readings:

Fairclough, N. (1992). Discourse and social change. Cambridge: Polity Press.
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Guthrie, G. (2011). The progressive education fallacy. In: G. Guthrie, The progressive education fallacy in developing countries: In favour of formalism. (pp. 3-20). New York: Springer.
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The book is also available online/electronic here: BIBSYS Ask

Labaree, D.F. (2005). Progressivism, schools and schools of education: An American romance. Paedagogica Historica, 41(1&2), 275-288.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Lamberti, M. (2000). Radical schoolteachers and the origins of the progressive education movement in Germany, 1900-1914. History of Education Quarterly, 40(1), 22-48.
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Miettinen, J. (2000). The concept of experiential learning and John Dewey's theory of reflective thought and action. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 19(1), 54-72.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Phinney, J.S. (2000). Identity formation across cultures: The interaction of personal, societal, and historical change. Human Development, 43, 27-31.
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Skirstad, B., Waddington, I. & Säfvenbom, R. (2012). Issues and problems in organization of children?s sport: a case study of Norway. European Physical Education Review, 18(3), 309-321.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Starks, H. & Trinidad, S.B. (2007). Choose your method: A comparison of phenomenology, discourse analysis, and grounded theory. Qualitative Health Research, 17(10), 1372-1380.
This article is available online: Click here to download

DELEMNE II: Lærings- og erfaringskontekster
(5stp / inclusive TEOS)

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Lærings- og erfaringskontekster sted, tid og rom:
Casey, E.S. (1996). How to get from space to place in a fairly short stretch of time: Phenomenological prolegomena. In: S. Feld & K. H. Basso (Eds.), Senses of place. (pp. 13-52). Santa Fe: School of American Research Press.
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Gruenewald, D. (2008). The best of both worlds: A critical pedagogy of place. Environmental Education Research, 14(3), 308-324.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Massey, D. (2007). Space, place and gender. In: D. Massey, Space, place and gender. (pp. 177-185). Cambridge: Polity Press.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Massey, D. (2007). Uneven development: Social change and spatial division. In: D. Massey, Space, place and gender. (pp. 86-114). Cambridge: Polity Press.
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Tuan, Y-F. (1977). Introduction, experiential perspective & space, place, and the child. In: Y-F. Tuan, Space and place: The perspective of experience. (pp. 3-34). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
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Wattchow, B. & Brown, M. (2011). The emergence of place in outdoor education. In: B. Wattchow & M: Brown, A pedagogy of place: Outdoor education for a changing world. (pp. 77-105). Clayton, Vic.: Monash University Publishing.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Lærings- og erfaringskontekster ute og inne:
Atenco, M., Beal, B. & Wilson, C. (2009). The distinction of risk: Urban skateboarding, street habitus and the construction of hierarchical gender relations. Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise, 1(1), 3-20.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Augestad, P. (2003). The architecture of the gymnasium and corporeal education: The gymnasium in the Norwegian physical training, 1889-1930. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 20(3), 58-76.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Düffel, J. von (2011). About water. In: P. Becker, J. Schirp & C. Weber (Eds.), Water - space for experiences: Youth and outdoor education in Europe. (pp. 21-29). Marburg: bsj Marburg.
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Gutman, M. & Coninck-Smith, N. de (Eds.). (2008). Designing modern childhoods: History, space, and the material culture of children. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press.
You have to read chapters 5, 8 and 14.
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Pink, S. (2009). Principles of sensory ethnography: Perception, place, knowing, memory and imagination. In: S. Pink, Doing sensory ethnography. (pp. 23-43). London: Sage.
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The book is also available online/electronic here: BIBSYS Ask

Hvordan mennesker med ulike forutsetninger erfarer, formes av og utformer kontekster:

Gibson, J.J. (1977). The Theory of affordances. In: R. Shaw & J. Brandsford (Eds.), Perceiving, acting, and knowing: Toward an ecological psychology. (pp. 67-83). Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
You will find the book in the Library here: BIBSYS Ask

Ingold, T. (2000). Culture, nature, environment: Steps to an ecology of life. In: T. Ingold, The perception of the environment: Essays on livelihood, dwelling and skill. (pp 13-26). London: Routledge.
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The book is also available online here: BIBSYS Ask

Ingold, T. (2004). Culture on the ground: The world perceived through the feet. Journal of Material Culture, 9(3), 315-340.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Langseth, T. (2012). B.A.S.E. jumping: Beyond the thrills. European Journal for Sport and Society, 9(3),155-176.
The Library has this journal only in paper.
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Løndal, K. (2010). The after-school programme: An arena for interaction with others through body movements in play. Phenomenology & Practice, 4(1)30-51.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Noble, G. & Watkins, M. (2003). So, how did Bourdieu learn to play tennis? Habitus, consciousness and habituation. Cultural Studies, 17(3/4), 520-538.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Ray, S. J. (2009). Risking bodies in the wild: The "Corporeal Unconscious" of American adventure culture. Journal of Sport & Social Issue, 33(3), 257-284.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Sanderud, J. & Gurholt, K.P. (resubmitted). Barns nysgjerrige lek i natur: Utforskende dannelse. Nordic Studies in Education.

Sandseter, E. B. H. (2009). Characteristics of risky play. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 9(1), 3-21.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Governmental white papers and resources:
Learning through landscapes. (u.å.). Transforming childhood: Transforming spaces: Transforming learning. Retrieved 28th of May 2013 from:
It is available online: Click here to download.

NOU 2005: 8 (2005). Likeverd og tilgjengelighet: Rettslig vern mot diskriminering på grunnlag av nedsatt funksjonsevne: Bedre tilgjengelighet for alle. Oslo: Statens forvaltningstjeneste.
It is available online: Click here to download.

Utdanningsdirektoratet. (2012). Barnehage- og skoleanlegg: Nasjonal rådgivningstjeneste: Universell utforming. Retrieved 28th of May 2013 from:
It is available online: Click here to download.

Inspirational readings:
Abram, D. (1997). The spell of the sensuous: Perception and language in a more-than-human world. New York: Vintage Books.
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Abrahamson, A. & Fletcher, R. (2007). Recreating the vertical: Rock climbing as epic and deep eco-play. Anthropology Today, 23(6), 3-7.
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Clark, A. (2010). Transforming children´s spaces: Children´s and adults´ participation in designing learning environments. London: Routledge.
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The book is also available online here: BIBSYS Ask

Helsedirektoratet. (2009). Universell utforming av skolebygg: Kartleggingsundersøkelse av 12 norske skoler. Oslo: Helsedirektoratet. Retreived 27th of May 2013 from:
It is available online: Click here to download.

Kragelund, M. & Otto, L. (Red.). (2005). Materialitet og dannelse: En studiebog. København: Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitets Forlag.
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Larsen, K. (Red.). (2005). Arkitektur, krop og læring. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag.
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Lewis, N. (2000). The climbing body, nature and the experience of modernity. Body & Society, 6(3/4), 58-80.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Løkken, G. & Moser, T. (2012). Space and materiality in early childhood pedagogy - introductory notes. Education Inquiry, 3(3), 303-315.
This article is available online: Click here to download

McKenzie, M. (2008). The places of pedagogy: Or, what we can do with culture through intersubjective experiences. Environmental Education Research, 14(3), 361-373.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Sobel, D. (2005). Place-based education: Connecting classrooms and communities. (Nature literacy series; no. 4). Great Barrington, MA.: Orion Society.
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Ulleberg, H.P. (1995). Skoleanleggets mikrofysikk: En analyse av skolebyggets og skolegårdens sosialiseringsfunksjon. Hovedoppgave i pedagogikk - Universitetet i Trondheim, Trondheim.
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Vinje, E. (2011). Baseskoler og viktige lærerkompetanser. Hva mener lærerne? FORMAkademisk, 4(2), 69-94.
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