MA432 Specialization (10 ECTS) 
Course facts
Course codeMA432
Course titleSpecialization
Academic responsibilityKirsti Pedersen Gurholt
Teaching semesterSpring

The course prepares the students for working individually and scientifically on problems and challenges within one of the specializations: Physical education, friluftsliv/outdoor life, leisure activities, disability and differences. In the cross-section between theory and research literature, the students will deepen their knowledge in their field of interest.

Learning outcome

The students must be able to present and discuss key factors relevant to the specialization from different perspectives, and in light of values, discourse and context.

The students must be able to identify and discuss key issues, concepts and theories relevant to the specialization and point these out in different cases.

General Knowledge
The students must be able to analyze, evaluate and present relevant literature within the specialized field of study.
The students must be able to conduct an independent analysis of relevant literature on a chosen topic.

Course organization

The total course load is 300 hours. It consists of lectures, individual work, group work and seminars. The students are expected to be actively involved by taking initiatives and contribute in discussions and by presenting their ideas and knowledge in the seminars.


Individual written assignment (3000 words) on supplementary literature, a review of relevant literature based on the project plan handed in 15. April: 'Method of specialization'.  The students are required to attend the master's seminar and give a presentation. Graded A-F.

Core material


Reidar Säfvenbom

Säfvenbom, R. (Red.). (2013). MAS432: Spesialisering: Fritid- og ungdomsutvikling: 2013-2014. (Artikkelsamling). Oslo: Norges idrettshøgskole.
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Litteraturlista for artikkelsamlingen ovenfor:
A) Hvordan forstå fritid?

Philosophy of Leisure

De Grazia, S. (1962/1994). Time given, time taken away. I: S. De Grazia, Of time work and leisure. (s. 63-91). New York: Twentieth Century Fund.
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Bregha, F. (2000). Philosophy of leisure: Unanswered questions. Leisure/Loisir, 25(1-2), 71-78.
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Gooddale, T. & Godbey, G. (1988). Leisure, philosophy and I. I: T. Goodale & G. Godbey. The evolution of leisure: Historical and philosophical perspective. (s. 1-31). PA: Venture Publishing.
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Sociology of Leisure:
Rojek, C (2000). From ritual culture to performative culture. I: C. Rojek, Leisure and culture. (s. 1-51). New York: Palgrave.
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Rojek, C. (2005). Narrating leisure. I: C. Rojek, Leisure theory: Principles and practice. (s. 17-48). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
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Mæland, S. (2004). Basehopping - nasjonale selvbilder - sublime opplevelser. Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift, 15(1-2), 86-100.
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Social-psychology of leisure:

Kleiber, D.A., Walker, G.J. & Mannell, R.C. (2011). Leisure experience. I: D.A. Kleiber, G.J. Walker & R.C Mannell, A social psychology of leisure (2nd ed). (s. 99-128). PA: Venture Publishing.
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Kleiber, D.A., Walker, G.J. & Mannell, R.C. (2011). Leisure needs. I: D.A. Kleiber, G.J. Walker & R.C Mannell, A social psychology of leisure (2nd ed). (s. 129-54). PA: Venture Publishing.
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Kleiber, D.A., Walker, G.J. & Mannell, R.C. (2011). Leisure motivations.  I: D.A. Kleiber, G.J. Walker & R.C Mannell, A social psychology of leisure (2nd ed). (s. 155-180). PA: Venture Publishing.
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Jackson, E.L. & Rucks, V.C. (1995). Negotiation of leisure constraints by junior-high and high-school students: an exploratory study. Journal of Leisure Research, 27(1), 85-105.
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Godbey, G., Crawford, D.W. & Xiangyou, S.S. (2010). Assessing hierarchical leisure constraints theory after two decades. Journal of Leisure Research, 42(1), 111-134.
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Stebbins, R. (2006). Serious leisure. I: C. Rojek, S.M. Shaw & A.J. Veal (Eds), A handbook of leisure studies. (s. 448-457). New York: Palgrave MacMillian.
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B) Fritid, ungdom og utvikling/læring (350 pages)


Lerner, R.M. & Steinberg, L. (2009). The Scientific study of adolescent development historical and contemporary perspectives. I: R.M. Lerner & L. Steinberg (Eds.), Handbook of adolescent psychology: Vol. 1. Individual bases of adolescent development. (s. 3-15). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
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Lerner, R. M., Lerner, J.V. & Benson, J.B. (2011). Positive youth development: Research and applications for promoting thriving in adolescence. I: R.M. Lerner, J.V. Lerner & J.B. Benson (Eds.), Advances in child development and behavior: 41. Positive youth development. (s. 2-17). CA: Elsevier.
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Napolitano, C.M., Bowers, E.P. Gestsdóttir, S. & Chase, P.A. (2011). The development of intentional self-regulation in adolescence: Describing, explaining, and optimizing its link to positive youth development. I: R.M. Lerner, J.V. Lerner & J.B. Benson (Eds.), Advances in child development and behavior: 41. Positive youth development. (s. 20-38). CA: Elsevier.
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Fritid, utvikling og læring:

Agans, J.P., Säfvenbom, R., Bowers, E.P. Davis, J. & Lerner, R.M. (2013). Positive movement experiences: Approaching the study of athletic participation, exercise, and leisure activity through relational developmental systems theory and the concept of embodiment.  I: J. Benson & R.M. Lerner (Eds.), Advances in child development and behavior: Embodiment and epigenesis: Theoretical and methodological issues in understanding the role of biology within the relational developmental system. Part B: Ontogenetic dimensions 45. (Advances in Child Development and Behavior; Vol. 44). (s. 261-286). CA: Elsevier.
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Cohen-Gewerc, E. (2012). Why leisure education? World Leisure Journal, 54(1), 69-79.
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Kleiber, D. (2012) Taking leisure seriously: New and older considerations about leisure Education. World Leisure Journal, 54(1), 5-15.
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Säfvenbom, R. (2005). Fritid, hva er det?  I: R. Säfvenbom (Red.), Fritid og aktiviteter i moderne oppvekst: Grunnbok i aktivitetsfag. (s. 25-43). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
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Säfvenbom, R. (2005). Fritidens rolle i den menneskelige utviklingen. I: R. Säfvenbom (Red.), Fritid og aktiviteter i moderne oppvekst: Grunnbok i aktivitetsfag. (s. 54-66). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
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Säfvenbom, R. (2005). Fritiden som pedagogisk tumleplass i arbeidet med vanskeligstilte barn og unge. I: R. Säfvenbom (Red.), Fritid og aktiviteter i moderne oppvekst: Grunnbok i aktivitetsfag. (s. 69-88). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
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Pluss denne boka:
Freire, T. (2012). Positive leisure science: From subjective experience to social contexts. New York: Springer:
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Methods. Additional reading:

Burton, L.M., Garrett-Peters, R. & Eaton, S. C. (2009). "More than good quotations": How ethnography informs knowledge on adolescent development and context. I: R.M. Lerner & L. Steinberg (Eds.), Handbook of adolescent psychology: Vol. 1. Individual bases of adolescent development. (s. 55-93). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
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Little, T.D., Card, N.A., Preacher, K.J. & McConell, E. (2009). Model longitudinal data from research on adolescence. I: R.M. Lerner & L. Steinberg (Eds.), Handbook of adolescent psychology: Vol. 1. Individual bases of adolescent development. (s.15-55). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
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Includes TEOS
ca. 600 sider engelskspråklig litteratur

Gurholt, K.P. (Red.). (2013). MAS432: Spesialisering: Friluftsliv: 2013-2014. (Artikkelsamling). Oslo: Norges idrettshøgskole.
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- The Library has some of the books available for loan.
- Some of the articles and books are available online/electronic.

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The reference list for the collection of papers above:
Friluftsliv - historical and socio-cultural perspectives:

Beames, S. & Pike, E.C.J. (2013). Outdoor adventure and social theory. I: E.C.J. Pike & S. Beames (Eds.), Outdoor adventure and social theory. (pp. 1-9). New York: Routledge.
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The book is also available online/electronic:

Christensen, O. (1994). The nationalization of winter and skiing in Norway. ARV: Nordic Yearbook of Folklore, 50, 81-101.
The Library does not have this Journal/Year Book.

Christensen, O. (1999). The playing collective: Snowboarding, youth culture and the desire for xxcitement. Ethnologia Scandinavica, 29, 106-119.
The Library does not have this Journal.

Gurholt, K.P. (2008). Norwegian friluftsliv and ideals of becoming an "educated man". Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 8(1), 55-70.
This article is available online: Click here to download.

Magnussen, L. (2012). Play: The making of deep outdoor experience. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 12(1), 25-39.
This article is available online: Click here to download.
Mytting, I. (in progress, tentative title). Pioneers in Norwegian alpine mountains.
The Library does not have this.

Nedrelid, T. (1991). Use of nature as a Norwegian characteristic. Ethnologia Scandinavica, 21, 20-33.
The Library does not have this.
Neuman, J. & Turcova, I. (2008). The Czeck outdoor experience: Turistika and connections to friluftsliv. In: B. Henderson & N. Vikander (Eds.), Nature first: Outdoor life the friluftsliv way. (pp. 197-208). Toronto: Natural Heritage Books.
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Pedersen, K. (2003). Discourses on nature and gendered identities. In: K. Pedersen & A. Viken (Eds.), Nature and identity: Essays on the culture of nature. (Kulturstudier: nr 36). (pp. 121-150). Bergen: Program for kulturstudier, Norges forskningsråd.
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Sandell, K. (2008). The right of public access: The landscape perspective of friluftsliv. In: B. Henderson & N. Vikander (Eds.), Nature first: Outdoor life the friluftsliv way. (pp. 90-99). Toronto: Natural Heritage Books.
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The book is also available online/electronic:
Skogen, K. (1999). Another look at culture and nature: How culture patterns influence environmental orientation among Norwegian youth. Acta Sociologica, 42(3), 223-239.
This article is available online: Click here to download.

Svarstad, H. (2010). Why hiking? Rationality and reflexivity within three categories of meaning construction. Journal of Leisure Research, 42(1), 91-110.
This article is available online: Click here to download.

Urberg, I. (2007). "Svalbard?s daughters": Personal accounts by Svalbard´s female pioneers. Nordlit, 22, 167-191.
This article is available online: Click here to download.

Friluftsliv in the school:
Backman, E. (2008). What is valued in friluftsliv within PE teacher education? Swedish PE teacher educators´ thoughts about friluftsliv analysed through the perspective of Pierre Bourdieu. Sport, Education and Society, 13(1), 61-76.
This article is available online: Click here to download.

Beames, S. & Atenco. M. (2008). Building social capital through outdoor education. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 8(2), 99-112.
This article is available online: Click here to download.

Becker, P. (2008). The unfamiliar is all around us: Always: About the necessity of the element of unfamiliarity in the education process and its relationship to adventure. In: P. Becker & J. Schirp (Eds.), Other ways of learning: The European Institute for Outdoor adventure education and experiential learning 1996-2006. (pp. 155-180). Marburg: BSJ-Marburg.
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Bentsen, P., Mygind, E. & Randrup, T.B.  (2007). Towards an understanding of udeskole: Education outside the classroom in a Danish context. Education 3-13, 37(1), 29-44.
The Library does not have this journal.

Gurholt, K.P. (2008). Norwegian friluftsliv as bildung: A critical review. I: P. Becker & J. Schirp (Eds.), Other ways of learning: The European Institute for Outdoor adventure education and experiential learning 1996-2006. (pp. 131-154). Marburg: BSJ-Marburg.
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Gurholt, K.P. (in process). Curiosity, nature experience and bildung/education: The quest for adventure in friluftsliv. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning.

Gurholt, K.P. (2005). Nature narratives: Norwegian youth negotiating local traditions, national myths and global trends. In: B. Humberstone & R. Nicol (Eds.), Old traditions and new trends: Examining what is continuous and what is changing in young people's lives and outdoor experiential learning: 7th European Seminar 2004 of the European Institute for Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning in partnership with Brathay Academy. (s. 13-23). Ambleside: Brathay Hall Trust.
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Ross, H. & Mannion, G.  (2012). Curriculum making as the enactment of dwelling in places. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 31, 303-313.
This article is available online: Click here to download.
Westphal, R. (2010). Concluding comments. In: R. Westphal, "We have the fjells, but you have the character": A comparative study of personal and social developments (PSD) within the discourses of outdoor education in Great Britain and friluftsliv in Norway. (pp. 231-244). Unpublished PhD-thesis.The University of Edinburgh.
The Library does not have this.

Friluftsliv - as cultural environmental education:

Loynes, C. (2013). Globalization, the market and outdoor adventure. In: E.C.J. Pike & S. Beames (Eds.), Outdoor adventure and social theory. (pp. 135-146). New York: Routledge.
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The book is also available online/electronic:
Macauley, D. (1996). Greening philosophy and democratizing ecology. In: D. Macauley (Ed.), Minding nature: The philosophers of ecology. (pp. 1-23). New York: The Guilford Press.
The Library does not have this book.      

Stewart, A. (2008). Whose place, whose history? Outdoor environmental education pedagogy as "reading" the landscape. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 8(2), 79-98.
This article is available online:
Click here to download.

Sandell, K. & Öhman,  J. (2010). Educational potentials of encounters with nature: Reflections from a Swedish outdoor perspectives. Environmental Education Research, 16(1), 113-132.
The Library does not have this Journal.

Strandbu, Å. & Krange, O.  (2003). Youth and the environmental movement: Symbolic inclusions and exclusions. The Sociological Review, 51(2), 177-198.
The Library does not have this Journal.

Friluftsliv - adventure, risk:
Brown, M. & Fraser, D. (2009). Re-evaluating risk and exploring educational alternatives. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 9(1), 61-77.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Harper, N. & Robinson, D.W. (2005). Outdoor adventure risk management: Curriculum design principles from industry and educational experts. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 5(2), 145-158.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Holyfield, L. (1999). Manufacturing adventure: The buying and selling of emotions. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 28(1), 3-32.
The Library does not have this one.

Lynch, P. & Moore, K. (2004). Adventures in paradox. Australian Journal of Outdoor Education, 8(2), 3-12.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Lyng, S. (2005). Sociology at the edge: Social theory and voluntary risk taking. In: S. Lyng (Ed.), Edgework: The sociology of risk-taking. (pp. 17-49). London: Routledge.
The Library does not have this book.

Pike, E.C.J. & Beames, S. (2013). Outdoor adventure and social theory. London: Routledge.
[Selected parts].
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The book is also available online/electronic:

Stephenson, A. (2003) Physical risk-taking: Dangerous or endangered? Early Years, 23(1), 35-43.
The Library does not have this Journal

Zink, R. & Leberman, S. (2001). Risking a debate - redefining risk and risk management: A New Zealand case study. Journal of Experiential Education, 24(1), 50-57.
This article is available online: Click here to download


The Department for Education and Skills. (2006). Learning outside the classroom: MANIFESTO. Retrieved 25th of May 2013, from
This is available online: Click here to download.

Regjeringen. (1996). Act of 28 June 1957 no. 16 relating to outdoor recreation. Retrieved 125th of May 2013 from:
This is available online: Click here to download.

State of the Environment Norway. (u.å.). Retrieved 25th of May 2013 from:
This is available online: Click here to download.

Statistisk sentralbyrå. (2011). Sports and outdoor activities, survey on living conditions, 2011. Retrieved 25th of May 2013 from:
This is available online: Click here to download.

Inspirational readings:

Beames, S., Higgins, P. & Nicol, R. (2012). Learning outside the classroom: Theory and guidelines for practice. New York: Routledge.
ou will find the book in the Library, here: BIBSYS Ask
The book is also available online/electronic:

Beedie, P. (2003). Mountain guiding and adventure tourism: Reflections on the choreography of the experience. Leisure Studies, 22, 147-167.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Jordet, A.N. (2009). What is outdoor learning. In: OUTLiNES: Outdoor learning in llementary schools: From grassroot to curriculum in teacher education: Foundation cource, didactic manual. (4th ed.). (pp. 7-16).
This article is available online: Click here to download

Macfarlane, R. (2003). Mountains of the mind: A history of a fascination. London: Granta Books.
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Pike, E.C.J. & Beames, S. (2013). Outdoor adventure and social theory. New York: Routledge.
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The book is also available online/electronic:

Repp, G. (2004). Friluftsliv and adventure: Models, heroes and idols in a Nansen perspective. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 4(2), 117-131.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Seaman, J. (2008). Experience, reflect, critique: The end of the "Learning Cycles" era. In: K. Warren, D. Mitten & T. A. Loeffler (Eds.), Theory & practice of experiential education (4th ed.). (pp. 223-236). Boulder: Association for Experiential Education.
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Slimbach, R. (2005). The transcultural journey. Frontiers, 11, 205-230.
The Library does not have a subscription for this journal.
You can order the article for free by clicking on the following link:

Solnit, R. (2001). Wanderlust: A history of walking. London: Verso.
You have to read chapter 1, 2 and 3:
You will find the book in the Library, here:

Soper, K. (2003). Naturalised identities and the identification of nature: A realist and humanist perspective. In: K. Pedersen & A. Viken (Eds.), Nature and identity: Essays on the culture of nature. (pp. 31-50). Kristiansand: Høyskoleforlaget.
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Staempfli, M. B. (2009). Reintroducing adventure into children´s outdoor play environments. Environment and Behavior, 41(2), 268-280.
This article is available online: Click here to download

Sørensen, A-C., Høystad, O. M., Bjurström, E. & Vike, H. (2008). Natur, kropp og opplevelseslandskap. In: A-C. Sørensen, O. M. Høystad, E. Bjurström & H. Vike, Nye kulturstudier. (pp. 241-262). Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press.
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Vester, H-G. (1987). Adventure as a form of leisure. Leisure Studies, 6, 237-249.
The Library has this journal only in paper.

Wurdinger, S. D. (1997). Philosophical issues in adventure education (3rd ed.). Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt.
selected chapters.
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Disse to referansene må være kjent før oppstart av emnet:
1. Reid, G. (2003). Defining adapted physical activity. I: R.D.Steadward, G. Wheeler, & E. Watkinson (Red.), Adapted physical activity. (s. 11-25). Edmonton, Canada: University of Albert Press.
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2. Tøssebro, J. (2010). Hva er funksjonshemming. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
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Rugseth, G. (Red.). (2013). MAS432: Spesialisering: Bevegelse, funksjonshemming og annerledeshet: 2013-2014. (Artikkelsamling). Oslo: Norges idrettshøgskole.
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- Biblioteket har alt som står i artikkelsamlingen til utlån.
- Noe av innholdet i artikkelsamlingen finnes også online/elektronisk.

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Litteraturreferansene som står i artikkelsamlingen/kompendiet er merket med: "... finnes i artikkelsamlingen" og er under her, sammen med resten av pensumlitteraturen.

Tema 1: Introduksjon, grunnleggende lesestoff:

Bostad, I. (2010). Annerledeshet og frihet: Den representative frihetens sårbarhet. I: J. Kristeva & E. Engebregtsen (Red.), Annerledeshet: Sårbarhetens språk og politikk. (s. 212-233). Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.
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Grue, L. (2004). Forskjellighet og likhet: Et historisk tilbakeblikk. I: L. Grue, Funksjonshemmet er bare et ord. (s. 21-43). Oslo, Abstrakt Forlag.
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Grue, L. (2006). Normalitetens oppfinnelse: Bidrag til en forståelse. I: T. H. Eriksen & J.-K. Breivik (Red.), Normalitet. (Det transnasjonale Norge; 2). (s. 25-49). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
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Irigaray, L. (2010). How can we meet the other? I: S.Y. Sencindivier, M. Beville & M. Lauritzen (Eds.), Otherness: A multilateral perspective. (s. 107-120). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
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Papdimitriou, C. (2001). From dis-ability to difference: Conceptual and methodological Issues in the study of physical activity. I: S.K. Toombs, Handbook of phenomenology and medicine. (s. 475-492). Dordrecht: Kluver Academic.
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Bridges, D. (2001). The ethics of outsider research. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 35(3), 371-386.
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Tema 2: Bevegelse, erfaring og funksjonshemming:

Bjorbækmo, W.S. & Engelsrud, G.H. (2011). "My own way of moving": Movement improvisation in children`s rehabilitation. Phenomenology & Practice, 5(1), 27-47.
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Leder, D. (1992). A tale of two bodies: The Cartesian corpse and the lived body. I: D. Leder (Ed.), The body in medical thought and practice (Philosophy and Medicine; 43 ). (s. 17-36). Dordrecht:  Kluwer.
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Standal, Ø.F. (2010). Re-embodiment: Incorporation through embodied learning of wheelchair skills. Medicine, Healthcare and Philosophy, 14, 177-184.
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Svenaeus, F. (2005). Sykdommens mening: Og møtet med det syke mennesket. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.
Kap. 1 og 2 skal leses:
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Toombs, S.K. (2001). Reflections on bodily change. I: S.K. Toombs, Handbook on phenomenology and medicine. (s. 247-261). Dordrecht: Kluver Academic.
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Van Amsterdam, N. Knoppers, A. & Jongmans, M. (2012). "It`s actually very normal that I`m different". How physically disabled youth discursively construct and position their body/self. Sport, Education and Society, 1-19.
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Tema 3: Sosio-kulturelle perspektiv på bevegelse og annerledeshet
Peers, D. (2012). Patients, athletes, freaks: Paralympism and the reproduction of disability. Journal of Sport & Social Issues, 36, 295-316.
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Sullivan, M. (2005). Subjected bodies: Paraplegia, rehabilitation, and the politics of movement. I: S.Tremain (Ed.), Foucault and the government of disability. (s. 27-44). Ann Harbor: University of Michigan Press.
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Fitzgerald, H. (2005). Still feeling like a spare peice of luggage? Embodied experiences of (dis)ability in physical education and school sport. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 10(1), 41-59.
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Purdue, D. E. J. & Howe, P. D. (2012). See the sport, not the disability: exploring the Paralympic paradox. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 4, 189-205.
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Kroppsøving, idrettsfag og samfunn:
Annerstedt, C. (2008). Physical education in Scandinavia with a focus on Sweden: A comparative perspective. Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy, 13(4), 303-318.
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Augestad, P. (2005). Stoppeklokka, kikkehullet og skoleeleven. I: K. Larsen (Red.), Arkitektur, krop og læring. (s. 241-261 ). København: Hans Reitzel Forlag.
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Bailey, R., Armour, K., Kirk, D., Jess, M., Pickup, I.. Sandford, R. and BERA Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy Special Interest Group (2009). The educational benefits claimed for physical education and school sport: An academic review. Research Papers in Education, 24(1), 1-27.
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Evans, J. & Davies, B. (2008). The poverty of theory: Class configurations in the discourse of Physical Education and Health (PEH). Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 13(2), 199-213.
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Ferry, M., Meckbach, J. & Larsson, H. (2013). School sport in Sweden: What is it, and how did it come to be? Sport in Society.
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Fragrell, B., H. Larsson & Redelius, K. (2012). The game within the game: Girls? underperforming position in Physical Education. Gender and Education, 24(1), 101-118.
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Green, K. (2012). Mission impossible? Reflections on the relationship between physical education, youth sport and lifelong participation. Sport, Education & Society, 1-19.
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Green, K. (2004). Physical education, lifelong participation and the "Couch Potato Society". Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 9(1), 73-86.
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Harris, J. (2009). Health-related exercise and physical education. I: R. Bailey & D. Kirk (Eds.), The Routledge physical education reader. (s. 83-102). London: Routledge.
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Houlihan, B. (2009). Sporting excellence, schools and sport development: The politics of crowded policy spaces. I: R. Bailey & D. Kirk (Eds.), The routledge physical education reader. (s. 61-80). London: Routledge.
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Larsson, H. (2012). Materialising bodies: There is nothing more material than a socially constructed body. Sport, Education and Society, 1-15.
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Nordaker, D.J. (2011). Har dans en fremtid i den norske grunnskolen? I: S. Pape (Red.), Norsk danseforskning. (s 81-106). Trondheim: Tapir Akademisk forlag.
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Redelius, K., Fagrell, B. & Larsson, H. (2009). Symbolic capital in physical education and health: To be, to do or to know? That is the gendered question. Sport, Education and Society, 14(2), 245-260.
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Smith, A. & Green, K. (2004). Including pupils with special educational needs in secondary school physical education: A sociological analysis of teachers' views. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 25(5), 603-617.
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Fagrell, B., Larsson., H. & Redelius, K. (2012). The game within the game: Gilrs' underperforming position in Physical Education. Gender and Education, 24(1), 101-118.
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Delaney, T. & Madigan, T. (2009). Social theory and sport. I: T. Delany & T. Madigan, The sociology of sport: An introduction. (s. 21-39). North Carolina: McFarland Company,
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Delaney, T. & Madigan, T. (2009). The sociology of sport. I: T. Delany & T. Madigan, The sociology of sport: An introduction. (s. 3-20). North Carolina: McFarland Company,                                               
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Walseth, K. (2006). Young Muslim women and sport: The impact of identity work? Leisure Studies, 25(1), 75-94.
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Walseth, K. & Fasting, K. (2003). Islam´s view on physical activity and sport: Egyptian women interpreting Islam? International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 38(1), 45-60.
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rerutdanning, profesjon, praksis:

Green, K. (2000). Exploring physical education teacher´s everyday "philosophies" from a sociological perspective. Sport, Education and Society, 5(2), 109-129.
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MacPhail, A. & Halbert, J. (2010). "We had to do intelligent thinking during recent PE": Students' and teachers' experiences of assessment for learning in post-primary physical education. Assessment in Education, 17(1), 23-39.
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Mordal, K. & Green, K. (2012). Neither shaking nor stirring: a case study of reflexivity in Norwegian physical education teacher education. Sport, Education and Society.
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Mordal, K. & Green, K. (2012). Physical education teacher education in Norway: The perceptions of student teachers. Sport, Education and Society.
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Østrem, S. (2010). Lærerstudenters forestillinger om det framtidige yrket sitt. I: P. Haug (Red.), Kvalifisering til læraryrket. (s. 53-71). Oslo: Abstrakt forlag.
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Vurdering og læringsutbytte
Hay, P. & Penney, D. (2009). Proposing conditions for assessment efficacy in physical education. European Physical Education Review, 15(3), 389-405.
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Prøitz, T. S. & Borgen, J. S. (2010). Rettferdig standpunktvurdering, det (u)muliges kunst? Læreres setting av standpunktkarakter i fem fag i grunnopplæringen. (NIFU Rapport; 16/2010). Oslo: NIFU.
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Tveit, S. (2009). Educational Assessment in Norway: A time of change. I: C. Wyatt-Smith & J. J. Cumming (Eds.), Educational assessment in the 21st century: Connecting theory and practice. (s. 227-244). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
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Whitehead, M. (2007). Physical Lliteracy: Philosophical considerations in relation to the development of self, universality and propositional knowledge. Sport, Ethics & Philosophy, 1(3), 281-298.
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Aasen, P. (2007). Læringsplakatens utdanningspolitiske kontekst. I: J. Møller & L. Sundli (Red.), Læringsplakaten: Skolens samfunnskontrakt. (s. 23-44). Kristiansand: Høyskoleforlaget.
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Rawolle, S. & Lingard, L. (2008). The sociology of Pierre Bourdieu and researching education policy. Journal of Education Policy, 23(6), 729-741.
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Jacobsen, E.B. (2003). Boka som læremiddel i kroppsøving og idrettsfag: Et pilotprosjekt om muligheter og realiteter. (Rapport; 14/2003). Tønsberg: Høgskolen i Vestfold.
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Hattie, J. & Timperley, H. (2007). The power of feedback. Review of Educational Research, 77(1), 81-112.
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