IBI315 Physiological adaption to training  (10 ECTS) 
Course facts
Course codeIBI315
Course titlePhysiological adaption to training
Academic responsibilityBjarne Rud
Teaching semesterSpring

The students are given an overview on what factors determine the functional capacity of the human body and how these affect performance in different activities. The course covers how these factors may be altered through training and how the physiological changes may affect functional capacity.

Learning outcome

The students must be able to:

  • Evaluate what physiological factors determine endurance performance in different sporting activities.
  • Understand what factors determine maximal metabolism.
  • Understand which mechanisms determine the efficiency of the human body.
  • Explain how metabolism and efficiency influence performance ability.
  • Explain how the physiological system is influenced by endurance training and how this affects performance ability in different activities.
  • Explain what factors determine muscle strength.
  • Understand how musculature, connective tissue and joints are affected by strength training.
  • Understand how muscle activation is affected by strength training.
  • Explain how developments in strength training influence performance ability.
  • Explain the effects of strength training on seniors.
  • Explain what factors contribute to muscle growth.
Course organization

The course consists of lectures and group work.


4-hour individual written examination. Graded A-F.

Aids allowed: Calculator.

Core material

McArdle, W. D., Katch, F. I. & Katch, V. L. (2010). Exercise physiology: Nutrition, energy and human performance (7th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Kapitell 10, 13, 17 og 21 skal leses:
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Raastad, T., Paulsen, G., P. E. Refsnes, Rønnestad, B. R. & Wisnes, A. (2010). Styrketrening i teori og praksis. Oslo: Gyldendal undervisning.
Boka finner du til utlån i biblioteket her: ORIA

Hallén, J. (Red.). (2014). IBI315: Fysiologisk adaptasjon til utholdenhetstrening: 2014-2015. (Artikkelsamling). Oslo: Norges idrettshøgskole.
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The Contents:
Bassett, D.R. Jr. & Howley, E.T. (2000). Limiting factors for maximum oxygen uptake and determinants of endurance performance. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 32(1), 70-84.
The article is available online:
Click here to download.

Bosquet, L., Léger, L. & Legros, P. (2002). Methods to determine aerobic endurance. Sports Medicine, 32(11), 675-700.
The article is available online: Click here to download.

Foss, Ø. & Hallén, J. (2005). Cadence and performance in elite cyclists. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 93, 453-462.
The article is available online: Click here to download

Gastin, P.B. (2001). Energy sustem interaction and relative contribution during maximal exercise. Sports Medicine, 31(10), 725-774.
The article is available online:: Click here to download

Hallèn, J. (2001). Fysiologisk adaptasjon til utholdenhetstrening: Artikkel til emnet "Fysiologisk adaptasjon til utholdenhetstrening". Oslo: Norges idrettshøgskole.
You will find this book in the Library, here: ORIA

Hallén, J. (2002). Hva bestemmer prestasjonen til utholdenhetsaktiviteter? Artikkel til emnet "Fysiologisk adaptasjon til trening". Oslo: Norges idrettshøgskole.
You will find this book in the Library, here: ORIA

Hallén, J. (2004). Det maksimale oksygenopptakets betydning i utholdenhetsidretter: Det teoretiske grunnlaget og de praktiske konsekvensene for treningsarbeid. I: L. I. Tjelta & E. Enoksen (Red.), Utholdenhetstrening: Løping, sykling, langrenn. (s. 7-19). Kristiansand: Høyskoleforlaget.
You will find this book in the Library, here: ORIA

Hoppeler, H. & Weibel, E. R. (2000). Structural and functional limits for oxygen supply to muscle. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 168, 445-456.
The article is available online: Click here to download.

Laursen, P. B. & Jenkins, D. G. (2002). The scientific basis for high-intensity interval training: Optimising training programmes and maximising performance in highly trained endurance athletes. Sports Medicine, 32, 53-73.
The article is available online: Click here to download.

Losnegard, T., Myklebust, H. & Hallén, J. (2012). Anaerobic capacity as a determinant of performance in sprint skiing. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44(6), 673-681.
The article is available online: Click here to download.

Midgley, A. W., McNaughton, L. R. & Wilkinson, M. (2006). Is there an optimal training intensity for enhancing the maximal oxygen uptake for distance runners? Empirical research findings, current opinions, physiological rationale and practical recommendations. Sports Medicine, 36, 117-132.
The article is available online: Click here to download

Saltin, B. (1988). Aerob arbetesförmåga: Syrets väg till och förbrukning i arbetande muskulator. I: A. Forsberg & B. Saltin (Red.), Konditionsträning: Rapport från Idrottens forskningsråds konferens på GIH i Stockholm januari 1987: En sammanställning av medverkande föreläsare. (s. 22-37). Farsta: Idrottens forskningsråd/Sveriges riksidrottsförbund.
You will find this book in the Library, here: ORIA

Wilber, R. L. (2007). Application of altitude/hypoxic training by elite athletes. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 39(9), 1610-1624.
The article is available online: Cick here to download.