SPM326 Volunteerism in sport  (10 ECTS) 
Course facts
Course codeSPM326
Course titleVolunteerism in sport
Academic responsibilityØrnulf Seippel
Teaching semesterFall
The organization of many kinds of sporting activities and events depends on voluntarism; this is true both for everyday sport activities in local sport clubs, and mega sport events such as the Olympics. The course examines how the tradition of the Norwegian "dugnad" (volunteering) has developed and how it is organized and functions in contemporary Norway. The Norwegian voluntary sport field will be compared to sport volunteerism in other countries, on an everyday basis and in relation to sport events. Here, the focus of the course will be the importance of voluntary work in organizing everyday sport and in organizing successful sports events.
Learning outcome

The students shall:

  • understand the Norwegian tradition of "dugnad" as the key to the contemporary field of volunteerism.
  • understand the role of voluntary sport organizations as part of the larger society.
  • understand the social and political outcomes of voluntary sport organizations.
  • understand how sport organizations at various levels are based on volunteering.
  • understand how sport events are based on volunteering.
  • understand the social stratification of sport volunteers, in sport organizations and at sport events.
  • understand the motivation for people to be sport volunteers, in sport organizations and at sport events.
  • compare the way sport is organiased in various nations.
Course organization
The course will be taught in lectures and discussions. Students are expected to take part in two presentations which have to be approved by lecturer: one on national cases, one related to their essays.
  • Essay (2000 words) on a given topic (40%)
  • Individual oral exam, graded A-F  (60%).

Scandinavian students can write the essay and take the oral exam in Scandinavian languages.

Core material


Seippel, Ø. (Ed.). (2014). SPM326: Volunteerism in sport: 2014-2015. (Artikkelsamling). Oslo: Norges idrettshøgskole.
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Table of contents:

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Bergsgard, N.A., Houlihan, B., Mangset, P., Nødland, S.I. & Rommetvedt, H. (2007). Introduction. In: N.A. Bergsgard, B. Houlihan, P. Mangset, S.I. Nødland & H. Rommetvedt, Sport policy: A comparative analysis of stability and change. (pp. 1-17). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
You will find the book in the Library here: ORIA
The book is also available online: Click here to download.

Bergsgard, N.A., Houlihan, B., Mangset, P., Nødland, S.I. & Rommetvedt, H. (2007). The Structure of sport and the role of the voluntary sector. In: N.A. Bergsgard, B. Houlihan, P. Mangset, S.I. Nødland & H. Rommetvedt, Sport Policy: A comparative analysis of stability and change. (pp. 64-105). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
You will find the book in the Library here: ORIA
The book is also available online: Click here to download.

Downward, P., Dawson, A. & Dejonghe, T. (2009). The supply of participant sport: Volunteers and sports clubs. In: P. Downward, A. Dawson & T. Dejonghe, Sports economics. (s. 147-176). London: Routledge.
You will find the book in the Library here: ORIA

Knoke, D. & Prensky, D. (1984). What relevance do Organization theories have for voluntary associations? Social Science Quarterly, 65(1), 3-20.
The Library does not have this volume of this journal.

Kuper, S. & Szymanski, S. (2009). The curse of poverty: Why poor countries are poor at sports. In: S. Kuper & S. Szymanski, Soccernomics: Why England loses, why Germany and Brazil win, and why the U.S., Japan, Australia, Turkey and even India are destined to bec- ome the kings of the world's most popular sport. (pp. 255-275). New York: Nation Books.
You will find the book in the Library here: ORIA

Lewis, M. (2003). The curse of talent. In: M. Lewis, Moneyball: The art of winning. (s. 3-42). New York: Norton.
You will find the book in the Library here: ORIA

Putnam, R. D. (2000). Introduction. In: R. Putnam, Bowling alone: The collapse and revival of American community. (pp. 15-28). New York: Simon & Schuster.
You will find the book in the Library here: ORIA

Putnam, R. D. (2000). Civic participation. In: R. Putnam, Bowling alone: The collapse and revival of American community. (pp. 48-64). New York: Simon & Schuster.
You will find the book in the Library here: ORIA

Putnam, R. D. (2000). Informal social connections. In: R. Putnam, Bowling alone: The collapse and revival of American community. (pp. 93-115). New York: Simon & Schuster.
You will find the book in the Library here: ORIA


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Allen, J. B., & Shaw, S. (2009). "Everyone rolls up their sleeves and mucks in": Exploring Volunteers´motivation and experiences of motivational climate of a sporting event. Sport Management Review, 12, 79-90.
Available online here: Click here to download.

Boezeman, E.J. & Ellemers, N. (2014). Volunteer leadership: The role of pride and respect in organizational identification and leadership satisfaction. Leadership, 10(2), 160-173.
Available online here: Click here to download.

Doherty, A. , Misener, K. & Cuskelly, G.(2014). Toward a multidimensional framework of capasity in community sport clubs. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 43(3), 124S-142S.
Available online here: Click here to download.

Downward, P., Lumsdon, L. & Ralston, R. (2005). Gender differences in sports event volunteering: Insights from Crew 2002 at the XVII Commonwealth Games. Managing Leisure, 10(4), 219-236.
Available online here: Click here to download

Hwang, H. & Powell, W.W. (2009) The Rationalization of charity: The influences of professionalim in the Nonprofit Sector. Administrative Science Quarterly, 54(2), 268-296.
Available online here: Click here to download.

Ibsen, B. & Seippel, Ø. (2010). Voluntary organized sport in Denmark and Norway. Sport in Society, 13(4), 593-608.
Available online here: Click here to download.

Lorentzen, H. & Hustinx, L. (2007). Civic involvement and modernization. Journal of Civil Society, 3(2), 101-118.
Available online here: Click here to download.

Schlesinger, T. & Nagel, S. (2013). Who will volunteer? Analysing individual and structural factors of volunteering in Swiss sports clubs. European Journal of Sport Science, 13(6), 707-715.
Available online here: Click here to download.

Seippel, Ø. (2010). Professionals and volunteers: On the future of a Scandinavian sport model. Sport in Society, 13(2), 199-211.
Available online here: Click here to download.

Skille, E. Å. & Hanstad, D.V. (2013. Who are they and why do they do it? The habitus of sport events volunteers in Norway. Sport in Society, 16(9), 1135-1148.
Available online here: Click here to download

Solberg, H. A. (2003). Major sporting events: Assessing the value of volunteers’ work. Managing Leisure, 8(1), 17-27.
Available online here: Click here to download.

Thiel, A. & Mayer, J. (2009). Characteristics of voluntary sports clubs management: A sociological perspective. European Sport Management Quarterly, 9(1), 81-98.
Available online here: Click here to download.

Wilson, J. (2000). Volunteering. Annual Review of Sociology, 26, 215-240.
Available online here: Click here to download.

Wollebæk, D. & Selle. P. (2007). Origins of social capital: Socialization and institutionalization approaches compared. Journal of Civil Society, 3(1), 1-24.
Available online here: Click here to download.

Wollebæk, D., Skirstad, B. & Hanstad, D.V. (2013). Between two volunteer cultures: Social composition and motivation among volunteers at the 2010 Trial Event for the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships. International Review for the Spciology of Sport, 49(1), 22-41.
Available online here: Click here to download

Østerlund, K. (2013). Managing voluntary sport organizations to facilitate volunteer recruitment. European Sport Management Quarterly, 13(2), 143-165.
Available online here: Click here to download.

Anbefalt litteratur
Suggested readings:
Cuskelly, G., Hoye, R. & Auld, C. (2006). Working with volunteers in sport: Theory and practice. Abingdon: Routledge.
You will find the book in the Library here: ORIA
The book is also available online: Click here to download
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