EXFLL1 Philosophy and Practice (10 ECTS) 
Course facts
Course codeEXFLL1
Course titlePhilosophy and Practice
Academic responsibilityElisabeth Enoksen
Teaching semesterFall

This course provides students with an  introducion to philosophies relevant to friluftsliv as a socio-cultural phenomenon. The course will address the ideas that have shaped Norwegian friluftsliv over time, and the contemporary contexts, practices and meanings associated with it. Key themes will be: the development of outdoor life in philosophy in Norwegian cultural history; the influence of social change on friluftsliv practices; the cultural significance of friluftsliv in Norway; philosophies of nature and environment in friluftsliv; the nature of socio-cultural knowledge about friluftsliv. Students will be encouraged to think critically about these themes. The course is organized around practical explorations, classroom sessions and individual study.

Learning outcome

Students shall:

  • be able to critically reflect on personal explorations and experiences of key practices, ideas and basic skills in friluftsliv
  • be able to demonstrate an understanding of the origin, development and significance of friluftsliv as a concept and sosio-cultural phenomenon
  • be able to critically reflect on relationships between friluftsliv and contemporary socio-cultural issues
Course organization

The course is taught partly as a 4-day over-night field trip in the outskirts of Oslo, and partly as lectures and seminars organized around key concepts, learning experiences, research literature and other texts. Students must be actively involved and contribute to all issues under consideration throughout the 30 hours of class contact and 4 days of field trip. In addition, this course requires approximately 160 hours of self-directed study.


Full participation in scheduled outdoor activities in this course is mandatory. To be considered to have completed the course, students must also attend and participate fully in at least 80% of lectures and other class sessions.

Students must submit an individual written essay of a maximum of 6000 words, exclusive table of content, reference list and attachments. The topic is given by the teaching staff. All sources must be accurately cited and referenced using APA format 5th edition (see www.nih.no). The essay is graded A-F.

All papers submitted via Fronter will be run through Ephorus for plagiarism control.


Core material

Core literature:


Enoksen, E. (Ed.). (2015). EXFLL1 Philosophy and Practice: Fall 2015. (Digital compendium). Oslo: Norges idrettshøgskole.
You will find the PDF in Fronter.

The Reference list for the Digital Compendium, in APA-standard:
Ferraro, G. (2012). The concept of culture. I: G. Ferraro, Cultural anthropology: An applied perspective. (pp. 26-55). New York: West Publishing.
Subject: Concepts for understanding friluftsliv
Gurholt, K. P. (2005). Nature narratives: Norwegian youth negotiating local traditions, national myths and global trends. In: B. Humberstone & R. Nicol (Eds.), Old traditions and new trends: Examining what is continuous and what is changing in young people's lives and outdoor experiential learning: 7th European Seminar 2004 of the European Institute for Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning in partnership with Brathay Academy. (pp. 13-23). Ambleside: Brathay Hall Trust.
Subject: Norwegian friluftsliv

Gurholt, K. P. (2008). Norwegian friluftsliv as bildung: A critical review. In: P. Becker & J. Schirp (Eds.), Other ways of learning: The European Institute for outdoor adventure education and experiential learning 1996-2006. (pp. 131-154). Marburg: BSJ.
Subject: Norwegian friluftsliv

Plummer, R. (2008). The concept and study of outdoor recreation. I: R. Plummer, Outdoor recreation: An Introduction. (pp. 13-30). New York: Routledge.
Subject: Concepts for understanding friluftsliv

Reed, P. & Rothenberg, D. (1993). Introduction: Deep ecology from summit to blockade. In: P. Reed & D. Rothenberg (Eds.), Wisdom in the open air: The Norwegian roots of deep ecology. (pp. 1-35). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Subject: Norwegian friluftsliv

Solenes, O. & Goksøyr, M. (2004). Nature and the Norwegian working class: A historical study of discourse and practice ca. 1900-1940In: J. M. Delaplace, S. Villaret & W. Chameyrat (Eds.), Sport et nature dans l'histoire: Proceedings of the 7th ISHPES Congress, Montpellier, 26-31 Août 2001. (ISHPES studies; 10). (pp. 270-274). Sankt Augustin: Academia.
Subject: Norwegian friluftsliv

Taylor, P. (2011). Defining leisure. In: P. Taylor, Torkildsen’s sport and leisure management (6th ed.). (pp. 16-23). London: Routledge. 
Subject: Concepts for understanding friluftsliv

Taylor, P. (2011). Sport and leisure participation. In: P. Taylor, Torkildsen’s sport and leisure management (6th ed.). (pp. 35-54). London: Routledge.
Subject: Concepts for understanding friluftsliv

Enoksen, E. (Ed.). (2015). EXFLL1 Philosophy and Practice: Fall 2015. (Paper collection). Oslo: Norges idrettshøgskole.
This one will be handed out.

The Reference list for the Paper Collection, in APA-standard:
Goksøyr, M. (2002). Skis as national symbols, ski tracks as historical traits: The case of  Norway. (Keynote paper for the International Ski History Congress, Park City, UT.).
Subject: Norwegian friluftsliv

Nedrelid, T. (1991). Use of nature as a Norwegain characteristic: Myths and reality. Ethnologia Scandinavica, 21, 20-33.
Subject: Norwegian friluftsliv

Ministry of environment (1957). Act of 28 June 1957 No.16 relating to outdoor recreation. Retrieved 21. May 2015 from: http://www.regjeringen.no/en/doc/Laws/Acts/Outdoor-Recreation-Act.html?id=172932
The document is available onine: Click here to download.
Subject: Norwegian friluftsliv