EMM445 Practical placement (15 ECTS) 
Course facts
Course codeEMM445
Course titlePractical placement
Academic responsibilityØyvind F. Standal
Teaching semesterFall
The purpose of this course is to give the student practical experience with APA. Through reflections about their own involvement in practical work, the students will work with discovering the theoretical aspects of practical work, and the practical aspects of theories they have become acquainted with in previous courses.
Learning outcome

The students will:

  • achieve skills to adapted physical activities for different persons in different situations
  • have developed a critical relation to one's own involvement in practical settings and towards others
  • be able to apply theoretical perspectives on experiences from practice
Course organization

Seminars before and after the practical placement.

5 weeks of practical placement in a rehabilitation institution or other suitable environment. 1 week participation in Ridderuka at Beitostølen. Excursions to different institutions.


Active participation in the seminar.

Graded essay, 4500 words, graded A-F.

Core material