MA412 Specialization course in biomechanics  (10 ECTS) 
Course facts
Course codeMA412
Course titleSpecialization course in biomechanics
Academic responsibilityOlivier Seynnes
Teaching semesterSpring

The course will be taught entirely in English including all communications and exams.

The course will deal with advanced biomechanical analysis of human movement and associated methodologies:

  • kinematic and kinetic analysis, inverse dynamics
  • muscle activation and force exertion/measurement in static and dynamic contractions
  • mechanical properties of force transmitting tissues
Learning outcome

Students shall:

  • demonstrate understanding of the kinematic and kinetic analysis of human motion 
  • understand analysis of muscle activation during in-vivo human movement
  • understand the role of mechanical properties of force bearing tissues for performance, and adaptation to use and disuse
Course organization

The course will be based on scientific literature. Primary course interaction will be lecture/discussion point-counterpoint format. Relevant readings from the biomechanics literature will require short summary writing. In addition, a workshop will be included where students conduct a mini research project with data sampling, data analysis and interpretation.

Students shall participate actively and sufficiently (80%) in the classes, and must present at least one paper review or other assignment during the course. The presentations/participation will be evaluated "approved" or "not approved".


At the end of the seminar, students will have 14 days to write a 6500-word essay (including bibliography). Essay topics will be drawn amongst those addressed during the seminar. Essays will be graded A to F.

Please note that essays uploaded to Inspera will be submitted to the plagiarism prevention service Ephorus.

Core material

Robertson, D., Gordon, E., Caldwell, G. E., Hamill, J., Kamen, G. & Whittlesey, S. N. (2014). Research methods in biomechanics (2nd ed.).Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics.
You will find the book in the library here: ORIA