THP200 Exercise physiology  (10 ECTS) 
Course facts
Course codeTHP200
Course titleExercise physiology
Course languageEnglish
Academic responsibleBjarne Rud
PrerequisiteBare for programstudenter

During the course, students will acquire knowledge about how the body responds acutely to external loading. The course is split into three topics: whole body endurance, muscle strength and muscle fatigue. Within each topic, the course will aim to cover the physiological processes at play during different types of exercise and their limiting factors. Laboratory classes will demonstrate how these physiological mechanisms can be tested and help identify methodological limitations.

Learning outcome

The candidates will have basic knowledge of

  • how maximum and submaximal energy turnover is measured
  • which factors determine the maximum oxygen uptake
  • how muscle strength and muscle fatigue can be measured
  • causes of muscle fatigue
  • factors affecting muscle strength
  • how to assess sensitivity, validity and reliability

The candidates will have broad knowledge of

  • connections between maximum oxygen uptake, performance oxygen uptake, work economy and performance in typical endurance sports.
  • influence of intrinsic factors on strength production in different conditions.

The candidates will be able to critically evaluate data and write a scientific report

Learning styles and activities

The course consist of lectures, laboratory exercises and reports. The course covers three themes:

  • Measurements of energy turnover during submaximal and maximal exercise
  • Measurements of 1 RM, isokinetic and isometric strength as well as running speed and jump capacity
  • Measurements of muscle fatigue
Mandatory assignment

100% attendance at the laboratory classes.


Students will be assessed on the basis of 3 laboratory reports (groups of 2-3 students) and an individual oral examination (approx. 25 min). Grading: A-F.

Permitted aids at oral examination: None.

Core material

Whole body endurance:
McArdle, W. D., Katch, F. I. & Katch, V. L. (2015). Exercise physiology: Nutrition, energy, and human performance (8th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
* Boka finner du til lån i biblitoteket her: ORIA

2 BOOK CHAPTERS - available as PDFs through Canvas:
Muscle Strength:
Enoka, R. M. (2015). Muscle and motor units. In: R. M. Enoka, Neuromechanics of human movement (5th ed.). (pp. 205-243). Champaign ill., Human Kinetics.
(Klarert via BOLK 05.06.19. / Bibl. - AGG)

Muscle Fatigue:
MacIntosh, B. R., Gardiner, P. F. & McComas, A. J. (2006). Fatigue. In: B. R. MacIntosh, P. F. Gardiner & A. J. McComas, Skeletal muscle: Form and function (2nd ed.). (pp. 226-254). Champaign ill., Human Kinetics.
(Klarert via BOLK 05.06.19. / Bibl. - AGG)