SPM355 Sport Marketing (10 ECTS) 
Course facts
Course codeSPM355
Course titleSport Marketing
Course languageEnglish
Academic responsibleChris Horbel
Teaching semesterSpring
PrerequisiteOnly for IS/SPM-students and international students

The course provides an understanding of the management of sport marketing from the perspectives of the various main actors in sport markets including national and international sport organizations, sport clubs, sport events, sponsors, and media. It presents theories of sport marketing and use case-studies to create an understanding of how to take advantage of such theories. A special emphasis will be on sponsorships and its various outcomes and challenges for the involved parties. The course will also address how social media are used as a tool in sport marketing campaigns and how ambush marketing affects mega-events such as the Olympic Games.

This course is designed to build on the basic understanding of the marketing concepts in the sport settings.  Doing so entails both comparison and contrast of mainstream marketing practices with sport marketing practices. Lectures and readings will examine the application of marketing principles to amateur and professional sports, special events, international sport, broadcasting, and facility management.  Sport marketing cases will require students to critically analyze business situations and recommend and support business decisions.

Learning outcome

This course will provide the student with a practical understanding of marketing and sponsorship in the sport industry.


The student shall:

  • Understand the concept of sport marketing
  • Understand how to build a strong brand
  • Understand the mechanisms of sport sponsorships


The student shall:

  • Be able to model marketing campaigns and strategies for sponsorships

General qualifications

The student shall:

  • Explain theories related to sport marketing and be able to use these in practical life
  • Explain the motives for corporate organizations to engage in sport sponsoring
Course organization

The lectures present theories of sport marketing and involve a number of case-studies.

Case Report
In groups of 4-5 students, students will be assigned a case/assignment for an in-depth analysis. Information about the formal requirements will be given at the beginning of the course. The case report has to be written in English.

  • 4 hours written school exam, graded A-F (60 %).

  • Case report graded A-F (40 %). Case report has to be presented in the class (counts for 10% of the 40%).

    The case report must be submitted via Wiseflow and will be run through Urkund for plagiarism control.
    Recourses/materials which may be used in the exam: Dictionary

April 2020: Due to the situation with coronavirus, the assessment is adjusted to the following:

  • Written individual home exam, 2 days. Graded A-F (60 %).
  • Case report graded A-F (40 %). Case report must be presented online (counts for 10% of the 40%).

The case report and home exam must be submitted via Wiseflow and will be run through Urkund for plagiarism control.

Core material

Ferrand, A., Chappelet, J. L., & Seguin, B. (2012). Olympic marketing. London: Routledge.
* You will find the book in the Library hereORIA
** The book is also available online: Click here to download
*** NB! To open electronic books off campus, you must use the following VPN connection: Click here to download

Smith, A. C. T., & Stewart, B. (2015). Introduction to sport marketing (2nd ed.). Milton Park: Routledge.
* You will find the book in the Library hereORIA
** The book is also available online: Click here to download
*** NB! To open electronic books off campus, you must use the following VPN connection: 
Click here to download

1 DIGITAL COMPENDIUM - available through Canvas:
Horbel, C. (Ed.). (2020). SPM355: Sport Marketing: Chapters from Sports marketing: A strategic perspective: Spring 2020 (Digital compencium). Oslo: Norges idrettshøgskole.
* ThisPDF is available through Canvas.

Table of contents (reference list) alphabetical n APA-standard:
Shank, M. D., & Lyberger, M. R. (2014). Research tools for understanding sports consumers. In M. D. Shank & M. R. Lyberger (Eds.), Sports marketing: A strategic perspective (5th ed.) (pp. 93-133). London: Routledge.

Shank, M. D., & Lyberger, M. R. (2014). Understanding participants as consumers. In M. D. Shank & M. R. Lyberger (Eds.), Sports marketing: A strategic perspective (5th ed.) (pp. 137-143). London: Routledge.

Shank, M. D., & Lyberger, M. R. (2014). Understanding spectators as consumers. In M. D. Shank & M. R. Lyberger (Eds.), Sports marketing: A strategic perspective (5th ed.) (pp. 175-208). London: Routledge.

1 BOOK CHAPTER - available through Canvas:
Seguin, B. & Scassa, T. (2014). Ambush marketing legislation to protect mega sport events: The case of Vancouver Olympic Winter Games 2010. In B. C. Doagoo, Intellectual property for the 21st Century: Multidisciplinary perspectives on intellectual property law (pp. 500-520). Toronto: Irwin Law.


NB! To open electronic articles off campus, you must use the following VPN connection:
 Click here to download

Berger, I. E., O’Reilly, N., Parent, M. M., Séguin, B., & Hernandez, T. (2008). Determinants of sport participation among Canadian adolescents. Sport Management Review, 11(3), 277-307. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1441-3523(08)70113-X
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Cahill, J., & Meenaghan, T. (2013). Sponsorship at O2-“The Belief that Repaid”. Psychology & Marketing, 30(5), 431-443. https://doi.org/10.1002/mar.20617
* This article is available as a PDF through Canvas.
(OK based on §15 of the Copyright Law)

Giannoulakis, C., Stotlar, D., & Chatziefstathiou, D. (2008). Olympic sponsorship: Evolution, challenges and impact on the Olympic movement. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship9(4), 256-270. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJSMS-09-04-2008-B005
* This article is available as a PDF through Canvas.
(OK based on §15 of the Copyright Law)

Horbel, C., Popp, B., Woratschek, H., & Wilson, B. (2016). How context shapes value co-creation: Spectator experience of sport events. The Service Industries Journal, 36(11-12), 510-531. https://doi.org/10.1080/02642069.2016.1255730
* This article is available online: Click here to download

Huggins, M. H. (1992). Marketing research: A must for every sport organization. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 1(1), 38-40.
* This article is available as a PDF through Canvas.
(OK based on §15 of the Copyright Law)

Pitt, L., Parent, M., Berthon, P., & Steyn, P. G. (2010). Event sponsorship and ambush marketing: Lessons from the Beijing Olympics. Business Horizons, 53(3), 281-290. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bushor.2010.01.002
* This article is available online: Click here to download

Popp, B., Wilson, B., Horbel, C., & Woratschek, H. (2016). Relationship building through Facebook brand pages: The multifaceted roles of identification, satisfaction, and perceived relationship investment. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 24(3-4), 278-294. https://doi.org/10.1080/0965254X.2015.1095226
* This article is available online:
 Click here to download

Popp, B., Horbel, C., & Germelmann, C. C. (2018). Social-media-based antibrand communities opposing sport-team sponsors: Insights from two prototypical communities. International Journal of Sport Communication, 11(3), 339-368. https://doi.org/10.1123/ijsc.2018-0082
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Tapp, A. (2004). The loyalty of football fans - We’ll support you evermore? Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management, 11(3), 203-215. https://doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.dbm.3240221
* This article is available online: Click here to download

Trail, G. T., Fink, J. S., & Anderson, D. F. (2003). Sport spectator consumption behavior. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 12(1), 8-17.
* This article is available online: Click here to download

Woratschek, H., Horbel, C., & Popp, B. (2014). The sport value framework - a new fundamental logic for analyses in sport management. European Sport Management Quarterly, 14(1), 6-24. https://doi.org/10.1080/16184742.2013.865776
* This article is available online: Click here to download