MA421 Fysisk aktivitet og helse (20 sp) 

(Physical activity and health )

Fakta om emnet

Fysisk aktivitet og helse
20 sp
Ulf Eklund

Kort om emnet

Emnet vil rette seg primært mot studenter som vil arbeide med oppgaver innenfor fysisk aktivitet og helse med følgende to hovedområder:

  • Sammenhengen mellom regelmessig fysisk aktivitet og helse, dvs. fysisk aktivitet brukt i forebyggende og helsefremmende øyemed.
  • Helseproblemer knyttet til utøvelse av idrett (f. eks. astma, menstruasjonsforstyrrelser og muskel og skjelett).


Studenten skal etter gjennomført emne

  • analysere sammenhengen mellom fysisk aktivitet/inaktivitet og den enkelte sykdom/tilstand.
  • gjøre rede for kunnskap om forekomst og årsaker til enkelte helseproblemer knyttet til utøvelse av idrett.
  • vurdere og reflektere over teorigrunnlag og forskning som ligger til grunn for valg av treningsmetoder, aktivitetstype og dosering innen forebygging og behandling disse sykdommene/tilstandene.
  • tolke og presentere resultater fra sentrale epidemiologiske og eksperimentelle studier på feltet fysisk aktivitet og helse.

Læringsformer og aktiviteter

Undervisningen vil skje gjennom ordinære forelesninger, arbeid i grupper, medstudentrepsons og gruppepresentasjoner. Studentpresentasjoner vil variere i format (innlevering, muntlig og poster). Studentene vil mellom emnene arbeide med sentrale fagemner i grupper på 3-5 studenter.


For å gå opp til eksamen kreves godkjent oppmøte og aktiv deltakelse på seminaret herunder fremleggelse av individuelle oppgaver/gruppeoppgaver som vil bli vurdert til godkjent/ikke godkjent.

Antall fremleggelser og format vil bli spesifisert ved emnestart.


Studentene skal ved slutten av seminaret skrive en individuell oppgave som en 14-dagers hjemmeeksamen. Oppgaven skal trekkes. Besvarelsen skal være på maksimalt 20 sider (1 ½ linjeavstand) + litteraturliste. Det gis gradert karakter A-F.

Vi gjør oppmerksom på at oppgaver som leveres i WISEflow vil bli kjørt gjennom plagiatkontrollprogrammet Urkund.




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Bar, R. J., Cassin, S. E. & Dionne, M. M. (2016). Eating disorder prevention initiatives for athletes: A review. European journal of sport science, 16, 325-335.
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Fahrenholtz, I.L., Sjödin, A., Benardot, D., Tornberg, Å. B., Skouby, S., Faber, J, Sundgot-Borgen, J. K. & Melin, A., M. (2018) Within-day energy deficiency and reproductive function in female endurance athletes. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 28(3), 1139-1146.
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Martinsen, M. & Sundgot-Borgen, J. (2013). Higher prevalence of eating disorders among adolescent elite athletes than controls. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 45, 1188-1197.
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Martinsen, M., Bahr, R., Gresko, R., Pennsgård, A. M. & Sundgot-Borgen, J. (2014). Preventing eating disorders among young elite athletes: A randomized controlled trial. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 46, 435-447.
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Mountjoy, M., Sundgot-Borgen, J. K., Burke, L. M., Ackerman, K. E., Blauwet, C.Constantini, N,. ... Budgett, R. (2018). International Olympic Committee (IOC) Consensus Statement on Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S): 2018 Update. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 28, 316-331. 
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ACOG Committee Opinion No. 733: Employment considerations during pregnancy and the postpartum period. (2018). Obstetrics & Gynecology, 131(4), e115–e123.
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ACOG Committee Opinion No. 733 Summary: Employment considerations during pregnancy and the postpartum period. (2018). Obstetrics & Gynecology, 131(4), 754–755.
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Bø, K., Artal, R., Barakat, R., Brown, W., Davies, G. A. L., Dooley, M., ... Khan, K. M. (2016). Exercise and pregnancy in recreational and elite athletes: 2016 evidence summary from the IOC expert group meeting, Lausanne. Part I - exercise in women planning pregnancy and those who are pregnant. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 50(10), 571-589.
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Bø, K., Artal, R., Barakat, R., Brown, W., Dooley, M., Evenson, K. R., ... Davies, G. A. L. (2016). Exercise and pregnancy in recreational and elite athletes: 2016 evidence summary from the IOC expert group meeting, Lausanne. Part II. The effect of exercise on the foetus, labour and birth. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 50(21), 1297-1305.
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Bø, K., Artal, R., Barakat, R., Brown, W., Davies, G. A. L., Dooley, M., ... Khan, K. M. (2017). Exercise and pregnancy in recreational and elite athletes: 2016 evidence summary from the IOC expert group meeting, Lausanne. Part III. Exercise in the postpartum period. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 51(21), 1516-1525.
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Bø, K., Artal, R., Barakat, R., Brown, W., Davies, G. A. L., Dooley, M., ... Khan, K. M. (2017). Exercise and pregnancy in recreational and elite athletes: 2016 evidence summary from the IOC expert group meeting, Lausanne. Part IV. Recommendations for further research. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 51(24), 1724-1726. 
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Bø, K., Artal, R., Barakat, R., Brown, W., Davies, G. A. L., Dooley, M., ... Khan, K. M. (2018). Exercise and pregnancy in recreational and elite athletes: 2016 evidence summary from the IOC expert group meeting, Lausanne. Part V. Recommendations for health personnel and active athletes. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 52(17), 1080-1085. bjsports-2018-099351
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Kardel, K. R. & Kase, T. (1998) Training in pregnant women: Effects on fetal development and birth. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 178(2), 280-285.
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Mottola, M. F., Davenport, M. H., Ruchat, S-M., Davies, G. A., Poitras, V. J., Gray, C. E., ... Zehr, L. (2019). Canadian guideline for physical activity throughout pregnancy. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 52(21), 1339-1346.
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Physical activity and exercise during pregnancy and the postpartum period: ACOG Committee Opinion, Number 804. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 135(4), e178–e188.
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Physical activity and exercise during pregnancy and the postpartum period: ACOG Committee Opinion Summary, Number 804 (2020). Obstetrics & Gynecology, 135(4), 991–993.
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Bø, K. (2004). Sprek, slank & sunn mamma. Konsept Boksenteret Erik Pettersen.
* Boka finner du til lån i biblioteket her: ORIA

* Se BJSM, 2018, vol. 52(21) og 2019, vol.53(2) for 12 systematiske oversiktsartikler på ulike områder av trening under svangerskap

* Se Bø K et al 2019 i BJSM for diskusjon om evidens grunnlag og tolkning av dette når det gjelder bekkenbunnstrening og inkontinens under svangerskap.


Cesa, C. C., Sbruzzi, G., Ribeiro, R. A., Barbiero, S. M., de Oliveira Petkowicz, R., Eibel, B., ... Pellanda, L. C. (2014). Physical activity and cardiovascular risk factors in children: Meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. Preventive Medicine, 69, 54-62.
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Chaput, J.P., Willumsen, J., Bull, F., Chou, R., Ekelund, U., Firth, J., Jago, R., Ortega, F. & Katzmarzyk, P. (2020). 2020 WHO guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour for children and adolescents aged 5-17 years: Summary of the evidence. International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity, 17, e141
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Cliff, D., Hesketh, K. D., Vella, S.A., Hinkley, T., Tsiros, M. D., Ridgers, N. D., ... Lubans, D. R. (2016). Objectively measured sedentary behaviour and health and development in children and adolescents: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews, 17, 330-344.
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Ekelund, U., Tomkinson, G. & Armstrong, N. (2011). What proportion of youth are physically active? Measurement issues, levels and recent time trends. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 45, 859-865.
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Ekelund, U., Luan, J., Sherar, L. B., Esliger, D. W., Griew, P. & Cooper, A. (2012). Moderate to vigorous physical activity and sedentary time and cardio-metabolic risk factors in children and adolescents. JAMA, 307, 704-712.
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Ekelund, U., Hildebrand, M. & Collings, P. J. (2014). Physical activity, sedentary time and adiposity during the first two decades of life. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 73, 319-329.
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García-Hermoso, A., Ezzatvar, Y., Ramírez-Vélez, R., Olloquequi, J. & Izquierdo, M. (2021). Is device-measured vigorous physical activity associated with health-related outcomes in children and adolescents? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 10(3), 296-307.
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Love, R., Adams, J. & van Sluijs, E. M. F. (2019). Are school-based physical activity interventions effective and equitable? A meta-analysis of cluster randomized controlled trials with accelerometer-assessed activity. Obesity Reviews, 20(6), 859-870.
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Sigal, R. J., Alberga, A. S., Goldfield, G. S., Prud'homme, D., Hadjiyannakis, S., Gougeon, R., ... Kenny, G. P. (2014). Effects of aerobic training, resistance training, or both on percentage body fat and cardiometabolic risk markers in obese adolescents: The healthy eating aerobic and resistance training in youth randomized clinical trial. JAMA Pediatrics, 168, 1006-1014.
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Skrede, T., Stavnsbo, M., Aadland, E., Aadland, K. N., Anderssen, S. A., Resaland, G. K. & Ekelund, U. (2017). Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, but not sedentary time, predicts change in cardio-metabolic risk factors in 10-y-old children: The Active Smarter Kids Observational Study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 105, 1391-1398.
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Skrede, T., Johannessen, J. S., Andersen, S. A., Resaland, G. K. & Ekelund, U. (2019). The prospective association between objectively measured sedentary time, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and cardiometabolic risk factors in youth: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews, 20(1), 55-74.
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Tarp, J., Child, A., White, T., Westgate, K.Bugge, A., Grøntved, A., ... Brage, S. (2018). Physical activity intensity, bout duration and cardiometabolic risk markers in children and adolescents. Internation Journal of Obesity, 42, 1639-1650.
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Biswas, A., Oh, P. I., Faulkner, G. E., Bajaj, R. R., Silver, M. A., Mitchell, M. S. & Alter, D. A. (2015). Sedentary time and its association with risk for disease incidence, mortality, and hospitalization in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Annals of Internal Medicine, 162, 123-132.
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Dempsey, P. C., Owen, N., Yates, T. E., Kingwell, B. A. & Dunstan, D. W. (2016). Sitting less and moving more: Improved glycaemic control for Type 2 Diabetes prevention and management. Current Diabetes Report, 16, 114.
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Bull, F., Al-Ansari, S., Biddle, S., Bourdulin, K., Buman, M., Cardon, G., Carty, C., Chaput, J.P., Chastin, S., Chou, R., Dempsey, P., DiPietro, L., Ekelund, U., Firth, J., Fridenreich, C., Garcia, L., Gichu, M., Jago, R., Katzmarzyk, P., …. Willumsen J. (2020). World Health Organization guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 54(24), 1451-1462.
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Ekelund, U., Steene-Johannessen, J., Brown, W. J., Fagerland, M. W., Owen, N., Powell, K. E., ... Lee, I. M (2016). Does physical activity attenuate, or even eliminate, the detrimental association of sitting time with mortality? A harmonised meta-analysis of data from more than 1 million men and women. Lancet, 388,1302-1310.
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Ekelund, U., Brown, W., Johannessen, J. S., Fagerland, M., Owen, N., Powell, K., ... Lee, I. M. (2018). Do the associations of sedentary behaviour with cardiovascular disease and cancer mortality differ by physical activity level? A systematic review and harmonised meta-analysis of data from 850,060 participants. British Journal of Sports Medicine.
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Ekelund, U., Tarp, J., Steene-Johannessen, J., Hansen, B. H., Jefferis, B., Fagerland, M. W., ... Lee, I. M. (2019). Dose-response associations between accelerometry measured physical activity and sedentary time and all cause mortality: Systematic review and harmonised meta-analysis. British Medical Journal, 366, I4570.
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Hamer, M., Yates, T. & Demakakos, P. (2017). Television viewing and risk of mortality: Exploring the biological plausibility. Atherosclerosis, 263, 151-155.
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Katzmarzyk, P. T., Ross, R., Blair, S. N. & Després, J. P. (2020) Should we target increased physical activity or less sedentary behavior in the battle against cardiovascular disease risk development? Atherosclerosis, 311, 107-115.
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Loh, R., Stamatakis, E., Folkerts, D., Allgrove, J. E., Moir, H. J., (2019). Effects of interrupting prolonged sitting with physical activity breaks on blood glucose, insulin and triacylglycerol measures: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine, 50(2), 295-330. https:/
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Tremblay, M. S, Aubert, S., Barnes, J. D., Saunders, T. J., Carson, V., Latimer-Cheung, A. E., ... SBRN Terminology Consensus Project Participants. (2017). Sedentary Behavior Research Network (SBRN) -Terminology consensus project process and outcome. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 14, 75.
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Hagen, K. B., Dagfinru,d H., Moe, R. H., Østerås, N., Kjeken, I., Grotle, M. & Smedslund, G. (2012). Exercise therapy for bone and muscle health: An overview of systematic reviews. BioMed Central Medicine, 10, 167.
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Kraus, V. B., Sprow, K., Powell, K. E., Buchner, D., Bloodgood, B., Piercy, K., George, S. M. & Kraus, W. E. (2019). Effects of physical activity in knee and hip osteoarthritis: A systematic umbrella review. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 51(6), 1324-1339. https:/
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Lin, I., Wiles, L., Waller, R., Goucke, R., Nagree, Y., Gibberd, M., Straker, L., Maher, C. G. & O`Sullivan, P. P. B. (2020). What does best practice care for musculoskeletal pain look like? Eleven consistent recommendations from high-quality clinical practice guidelines: Systematic review. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 54(2), 79-86.
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Luo, J., Ratcliffe, A., Chahal, J., Brennan, R. & Lee, R. (2018). Pattern of physical activity can influence its efficacy on muscle and bone health in middle-aged men and women. Sport Sciences for Health, 14(3), 503-509.
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Pinto, D., Bockenholt, U., Lee, J., Chang, R. W., Sharma, L., Finn, D. J., ... Hansen, P. (2019). Preferences for physical activity: A conjoint analysis involving people with chronic knee pain. Osteoarthritis Cartilage, 27(2), 240-247.
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Weaver, C. M., Gordon, C. M., Janz, K. F., Kalkwarf, H. J., Lappe, J. M., Lewis, R., ... Zemel, B. S. (2016). The National Osteoporosis Foundation's position statement on peak bone mass development and lifestyle factors: A systematic review and implementation recommendations. Osteoporosis International, 27(4), 1281-1386. https:/
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Young, J. L., Rhon, D. I., Cleland, J. A. & Snodgrass, S. J. (2016). The Influence of exercise dosing on outcomes in patients with knee disorders: A systematic review. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 48(3), 146-161.
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Agusti, A. & Faner, R. (2019). Lung function trajectories in health and disease. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 7(4), 358-364.
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Atchley, T. J. & Smith, D. M. (2020) Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction in elite or endurance athletes. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 125(1), 47-54.
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Carlsen, K. H. (2012). Sports in extreme conditions: The impact of exercise in cold temperatures on asthma and bronchial hyper-responsiveness in athletes. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 46(11), 796-799.
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Eichenbergen, P. A., Diener, S. N., Kofmehl, R. & Spengler, C. M. (2013). Effects of exercise training on airway hyperreactivity in asthma: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicne, 43(11), 1157-1170.
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Hjalmarsen, A. (2007). Rehabilitering av pasienter med kronisk obstruktiv lungesykdom. Tidsskrift for den norske lægeforening, 127(5), 609-612.
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Røksund, O. D., Heimdal, J. H., Clemm, H., Vollsæter, M., & Halvorsen, T. (2017). Exercise inducible laryngeal obstruction: Diagnostics and management. Paediatric Respiratory Reviews, 21, 86-94.
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Røksund, O. D., Heimdal, J. H. & Halvorsen, T. (2012). Laryngeal obstruksjon som årsak til anstrengelsesutløst pustebesvær. Allergi i praksis, 2, 32-38.
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Stang, J., Stensrud, T., Mowinckel, P. & Carlsen, K-H. (2016). Parasympathetic activity and bronchial hyperresponsiveness in athletes. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 48(11), 2100-2107.
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Stensrud, T. (2012). Diagnostisering av astma hos idrettsutøvere. Allergi i praksis, 2, 14-20.
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Gibson, T. M., Li, Z., Green, D. M., Armstrong, G. T., Mulrooney, D. A., Srivastava, D., ... Robinson, L. L. (2017). Blood pressure status in adult survivors of childhood cancer: A report from the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort Study. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 26(12), 1705-1713.
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Koelwyn, G. J., Jones, L. W. & Moslehi, J. (2014). Unravelling the causes of reduced peak oxygen consumption in patients with cancer: complex, timely, and necessary. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 64, 1320-1322.
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Mugele, H., Freitag, N., Wilhelmi, J., Yang, Y., Cheng, S., Bloch, W. & Schumann, M. (2019). High-intensity interval training in the therapy and aftercare of cancer patients: A systematic review with meta-analysis. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 13(2), 205-223.
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Schmid, D. & Leitzmann, M. F. (2014). Association between physical activity and mortality among breast cancer and colorectal cancer survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Annals of Oncology, 25, 1293-1311.
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Scott, J. M., Nilsen, T. S., Gupta, D. & Jones, L. W. (2018). Exercise therapy and cardiovascular toxicity in cancer. Circulation, 137(11), 1176-1191.
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Toohey, K., Pumpa, K., McKune, A., Cooke, J. & Semple, S. (2018). High-intensity exercise interventions in cancer survivors: A systematic review exploring the impact on health outcomes. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 144(1), 1-12.
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