IKU201 Sport and development (10 ECTS) 

Course facts

Course code
Course title
Sport and development
Course language
Academic responsible
Åse Strandbu


The courses in the “Sports Culture and Development Cooperation” were established in close cooperation with the Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee (NIF), and in line with the change in Norwegian sports assistance/aid.
The major change from material and financial aids to measures that emphasize on strengthening competence building and knowledge exchange will be relevant for this course. Against this backdrop, the course also covers topics such as international sport for development and peace, sport and integration, as well as monitoring and evaluation, gender and disability issues in sport for development and peace to mention a few.
The course is currently open to all students who want more knowledge about “Sport, Culture and Development Cooperation”. The course is for students who are prepared to travel to and work with sport organizations in southern Africa as “sport volunteers”, or who want to learn more about the relationship between sports, development and peace work.

Learning outcomes

The objectives of the teaching curriculum are:

  • To provide students with a foundation for working with sports and physical activity in other cultures.
  • To increase students’ knowledge of national and international aid policies and principles of development cooperation.
  • To provide students with a cultural understanding with a focus on the opportunities and limitations sports and physical activity have in this context.
  • Give students prior knowledge to write the final project assignment. It will be focused on both the physical exercise and voluntary sport in schools.

Learning styles and activities

The teaching is conducted as a combination of teacher-led and student-centred group work with subsequent plenary discussions. It is advantageous that the students have read the curriculum before the introductory course. Teaching will also be given for the final project assignment.


Reflecting on the various topics taught for the course, there will be a 14-day home exam which entails a maximum of 4000 words. The grading ranges from A-F.

Core material

NB! This list is not updated for fall 2021 (not received 20.05.21)

1 DIGITALT KOMPENDIUM som du finner i Canvas:
Strandbu, Å. (Red.). (2019). IKU201: Idrett som bistand: Høsten 2019. (Digitalt kompendium). Oslo: Norges idrettshøgskole.
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Innholdet (littersturlista) til det Digitale kompendiet, alfabetisk  i APA-format:
Andersson, M. (2008). Idrettens farge-vestlige nøkkelfortellinger. I: M. Andersson, Flerfarget idrett: Nasjonalitet, migrasjon og minoritet. (s. 35-55). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.

Banda, D. & Chipande, H. (2018). Zambia: The SDP ideal? I: H. Collison, S. C. Darnell, R. Giulianotti & P. D. Howe (Eds.), Routledge handbook of sport for development and peace. (s. 517-527). London: Routledge.

Beacom, A. (2008). Disability sport and the politics of development. I: R. Levermore & A. Beacom (Eds.), Sport and international development. (s. 98-123). Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

Chataika, T. & McKenzie, J. (2013). Considerations for an African childhood disability studies. I: T. Curran & K. Runswick-Cole, Disabled children’s childhood studies: Critical approaches in global context. (s. 152-163). London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Coalter, F. (2014). Researching sport-for-development: The need for scepticism. I: A. Smith & I. Waddington (Eds.), Doing real world research in sports studies. (s. 163-178). London: Routledge.

Eriksen, T. L. (2013). Hva er utviklingsstudier? I: T. L. Eriksen & K. Feldberg (Red.), Utvikling: En innføring i utviklingsstudier. (s. 12-35). Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Hasselgård, A. & Straume, S. (2011). Utvikling til idrett eller idrett til utvikling? NIF som iderttsbistandsaktør. I: D. V. Hanstad (Red.), Norsk Idrett: Indre spenning og ytre press. (s. 371-387). Oslo: Akilles.

Hognestad, H. K. (2018). Norway: Charity or development? I: H. Collison, S. C. Darnell, R. Giulianotti & P. D. Howe (Eds.), Routledge handbook of sport for development and peace. (s. 484-494). London: Routledge.

Holt, N. L., Deal, C. J. Pankow, K., Pynn, S. R. & Jørgensen, H. (2018). SDP and positive youth development 1. I: H. Collison, S. C. Darnell, R. Giulianotti & P. D. Howe (Eds.), Routledge handbook of sport for development and peace. (s. 341-351). London: Routledge.

Lidén, H. (2016). Det er bare moro å spille her, rett og slett: Fotball som integreringsarena. I: Ø. Seippel, M. K. Sisjord & Å. Strandbu (Red.), Ungdom og idrett. (s. 213-231). Oslo: Cappelen Damm.

Lindsey, I., Kay, T., Jeanes, R. & Banda, D. (2017). Young people in Zambia: Their lives and social contexts. I: I. Lindsey, T. Kay, R. Jeanes & D. Banda, Localizing global sport for development (s. 96-124). Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Markula, P. & Michael, S. (2011). Practice and the politics of interpretation: Interviewing. I: P. Markula & S. Michael, Qualitative research for physical culture. (s. 81-111). London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Millington, R. & Kidd, B. (2018). The history of SDP. I: H. Collison, S. C. Darnell & R. Giulianotti, P. D. Howe (Eds.), Routledge handbook of sport for development and peace. (s. 255-264). London: Routledge.

Strandbu, Å. (2002). Idrettens betydning som flerkulturell integrasjonsarena, I: Ø. Seippel, Idrettens bevegelser: Sosiologiske studier i et moderne samfunn. (s. 123-153). Oslo: Novus forlag.

Thagaard, T. (2013). Innsamling av data: Intervju og relasjoner i felten. I: T. Thagaard (Red.), Systematikk og innlevelse (4. utg.). (s. 95-122). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.

Waldrop, A. (2013). Kjønn og utvikling. I: T. L. Eriksen & K. Feldberg (Red.), Utvikling: En innføring i utviklingsstudier. (s. 135-159). Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Willis, K. (2011). Introduction: What do we mean by Development? I: K. Willis, Theories and practices of development (2nd ed.). (s. 1-35). London: Routledge.


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Darnell, S. C. & Black, D. R. (2011). Mainstreaming sport into international development studies. Third World Quarterly, 32(3), 367-378. doi: 10.1080/01436597.2011.573934
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Hasselgård, A. & Straume, S. (2015). Sport for development and peace policy discourse and local practice: Norwegian Sport for Development and Peace to Zimbabwe. The International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 7(1), 87-103. doi: 10.1080/19406940.2014.890635
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Höglund, K. & Sundberg, R. (2008). Reconciliation through sports? The case of South Africa. Third World Quarterly, 29(4), 805-818. doi: 10.1080/01436590802052920
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Kay, T. (2012). Accounting for legacy: Monitoring and evaluation in sport in development relationships. Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics, 15(6), 888-904. doi: 10.1080/17430437.2012.708289
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Kidd, B. (2008). A new social movement: Sport for development and peace. Sport in society, 11(4), 370-380. doi: 10.1080/17430430802019268
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Leseth, A.B. (2010). Michezo: Dance, sports and politics in Tanzania. Anthropological Notebooks, 16(2), 61-75.
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Mchombo, S. (2006). Sports and development in Malawi. Soccer & Society, 7(2-3), 318-338. doi: 10.1080/14660970600615401
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Meier, M. & Saavedra, M. (2009). Esther Phiri and the Moutawakel effect in Zambia: An analysis of the use of female role models in sport-for-development. Sport and Society, 12(9), 1158-1176. doi: 10.1080/17430430903137829
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Solstad, G. M., & Strandbu, Å. (2017). Faster, higher, stronger… safer? Safety concerns for young athletes in Zambia. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 1-15. doi: 10.1177/1012690217742926
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Solstad, G. M., & Rhind, D. (2018). Sport, safeguarding and transactional sex: A case study of social networks in Zambian sport. Sport in Society, 1-13. doi:10.1080/17430437.2018.1445990
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Spaaij, R., Oxford, S. & Jeanes, R. (2016). Transforming communities through sport? critical pedagogy and sport for development. Sport, Education and Society, 21(4), 570-587. doi: 10.1080/13573322.2015.1082127
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Strandbu, Å., Bakken, A., & Sletten, M. A. (2017). Exploring the minority–majority gap in sport participation: Different patterns for boys and girls? Sport in Society, 1-19. doi:10.1080/17430437.2017.1389056.
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Straume, S. & Steen-Johnsen, K. (2010). On the terms of the recipient? The discource and practices of the Norwegian sports development aid to Tanzania in the 1980's. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 47(1), 95-112. doi: 10.1177/1012690210388454 
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Sugden, J. (2008) Anyone for football for peace? The challenges of using sport in the service of co-existence in Israel. Soccer and Society, 9(3), 405-415. doi: 10.1080/14660970802009023
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1 ARTIKKEL, som du finner i Canvas:
Tvedt, T. (2007). Utviklingshjelp og det nasjonale godhetsregimet. Horisont, 8(1), 60-69.
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(OK iflg. Kopieringsavtalen jf. §15 / AGG - Bibl.)

Anbefalt litteratur

1 BOKKAPITTEL som du finner i Canvas:
Nyirongo, R. (2014). Country report: Malawi. I: M. Keim & C. De Coning (Eds.), Sport and development policy in Africa. (s. 83-90). Matieland: African Sun Media.
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(OK iflg. Kopieringsavtalen jf. §15 / AGG - Bibl.)

Fasting, K., Huffman, D., & Sand, T. S. (2014). Gender, Participation and Leadership in Sport in Southern Africa: A baseline study. Oslo: Olympiatoppen. Retrieved 12. Mai 2019 from https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kari_Fasting/publication/263277810_Gender_Participation_and_Leadership_in_Sport_in_Southern_Africa_A_baseline_study/links/547989e50cf2a961e4879484/Gender-Participation-and-Leadership-in-Sport-in-Southern-Africa-A-baseline-study.pdf
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Fasting, K., Huffman, D., & Sand, T. S. (2015). Gender-based violence in Zambian sport: prevalence and prevention. Oslo: Akilles. Hentet 12. mai 2019 fra https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Trond_Sand2/publication/282324718_Gender-based_violence_in_Zambian_sport_Prevalence_and_prevention/links/56b1cf1008ae56d7b06b8e03/Gender-based-violence-in-Zambian-sport-Prevalence-and-prevention.pdf
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Hasselgård, A. (2015). Norwegian sport for development and peace: Donor discourse and local practice. Avhandling ved Norges idrettshøgskole, Oslo.
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Solstad, G. M. (2019). Safe Sport for all? Exploring safety and Safeguarding in Zambian Sport. Avhandling ved Norges idrettshøgskole, Oslo.
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Straume, S. (2013). "Sport for all" in new settings. A study of the Norwegian Confederation of Sports' Sport for all projects in Tanzania in the 1980s and Zimbabwe in the 1990s. Avhandling ved Norges idrettshøgskole, Oslo.
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