FRI301 Friluftsliv, learning and skill development (10 ECTS) 

Course facts

Course code
Course title
Friluftsliv, learning and skill development
Course language
Academic responsible
Simon Kennedy Beames


This course aims to provide students with a broad theoretical and practice-based platform with which they can facilitate their own learning and skill-development within friluftsliv. The course presents different theoretical approaches to skill-development and features a broad variety of learning contexts.  Students are expected to explore different activities and to apply their knowledge in the field of practice.  The course is considered a specialization and thus a continuation of the subjects taught during the first two years of study. It aims to foster individual skill-development within one or more areas of activity, through experimentation and implementation. 

The course features a blend of lectures and workshops; outdoor practice in a variety of environments and landscapes; and independent activity and study.  For class outings, students need to bring their own clothing and personal equipment in order to be safe and comfortable for extended periods of time outdoors. Information about what equipment and clothing to bring will be given at the start of the semester.  

Learning outcomes

The student should be able to


  • employ a variety of approaches to plan, develop and evaluate skill development in friluftsliv activities.
  • draw on key theories, issues and methods on the facilitation of learning and skill development in various outdoor activities.
  • be familiar with different approaches to skill development used by professional coaches within activity-oriented outdoor activities.


  • plan, execute and evaluate skill development outdoor activity sessions.
  • employ suitable methods and approaches to facilitate skill development in various outdoor activities.
  • demonstrate progression and skill-development within one or more areas of activity by applying knowledge acquired through the course.

General qualification

  • understand how issues of equalities and diversity feature in skill-development discourses
  • be familiar with general strategies for including participants of all abilities and backgrounds in skill acquisition courses
  • reflect on how different outdoor activities may lend themselves to specific types of facilitation, in order to increase skill development.
  • reflect critically about ethical, moral and value-based challenges regarding skill development in outdoor activities.
  • demonstrate knowledge about skill development strategies and methods – both written and orally.

Learning styles and activities

The course features a variety of teaching methods that range from instructor-led teaching to sessions that the students themselves plan, implement and evaluate. Part of the teaching will take place on outing, where students will gain experience with various approaches to skill acquisition and skill development. Some trips will be led by teachers and others will be undertaken by small groups of students. The course may include field work, day and overnight trips, collaborative learning, lectures and presentations.

Mandatory assignment

Full participation in scheduled outdoor activities is mandatory. To be considered to have completed the course, students must also attend and participate fully in at least 80% of lectures and other classroom sessions.

In special cases, where absence is due to extenuating circumstances, the course coordinator, in discussion with the student, will seek alternative ways of recapturing lost teaching/learning.



Assessment is done through a portfolio comprising three assignments.

  1. The first involves creating a personal development plan (PDP) for increasing one’s own skill in a specific outdoor activity.
  2. The second assignment is a critical reflection that examines the process of assignment one, as well as a report on progress.
  3. The third assignment considers learning outcomes, the learning journey, goal achievement, a thorough evaluation of one’s own performance, and outline of further actions.

The first assignment is a written assignment worth 30%.  Assignments two and three are multimedia presentations and are worth 30% and 40% respectively. Students will receive one final grade, ranging from A to F.  

Please note that tasks delivered in WISEflow will be run through the plagiarism control program Urkund.

Core material

Magill, R. & Anderson, D. (2020). Motor learning and control: Concepts and applications (12th ed.). McGraw-Hill.
* You can borrow the book from the Library, hereORIA
** This book is also available electronic/online: Click here to download. (One user at a time)
*** NB! To open the electronic articles off campus, you need to use the following VPN connectionClick here to download.

Renshaw, I., Davids, K., Newcombe, D. & Roberts, W. (2019). The constraints-led approach: Principles for sports coaching and practice design. Routledge.
* You can borrow the book from the Library, hereORIA
** This book is also available online: Click here to download.
*** NB! To open the electronic articles off campus, you need to use the following VPN connection: Click here to download.

Global Well-Being. (2017, 4. mai). Jonathan Livingston Seagull By Richard Bach Timeless Spiritual Classic [Video]. YouTube.
* This video is available here: Click here.

1 DIGITAL COMPNEDIUM - available through Canvas:
Beames, S. (2021). FRI301: Friluftsliv, learning and skill development: Fall 2021 (Digital Compendium). Norges idrettshøgskole.
* This PDF is avaliable through Canvas.

Table of contents (referencelist) after the 7th ed. of the APA-style:
Aristotle. (2000). Nicomachean ethics (Book II). (R. Crisp, Trans.). Cambridge University Press. 
* Pages 23-36, Book II - Moral virtues: Moral virtues, how it is acquired

Beames, S. & Brown, M. (2016). Adventurous learning: A pedagogy for a changing world. Routledge.
* Pages 1-9, Introduction
* Pages 99-110, Weaving the strands together

Boud, D., Keogh, R. & Walker, D. (1985). Promoting reflection in learning: A model. In D. Boud, R. Keogh & D. Walker (Eds), Reflection: Turning experience into learning (pp. 18-40). Kogan Page. 

Button, C., Seifert, L., Chow, J. Y., Davids, K. & Araujo, D. (2020). Dynamics of skill acquisition: An ecological dynamics approach. Human Kinetics.
* Pages 1-23, Athletes and sports teams considered as complex adaptive systems

Dewey, J. (1938). Experience and education. Macmillan.
* Pages 33-50, Criteria of experience

Ford, P. R. & Coughlan, E. K. (2020). Operationalising deliberate practice for performance improvement in sport. In N. J. Hodges & A. M.  Williams (Eds.), Skill acquisition in sport: Research, theory and practice (3rd ed.) (pp. 183-199). Routledge.

Schmidt, R. A. & Lee, T. D. (2014). Motor learning and performance: From principles to application (5th ed.). Human Kinetics.
* Pages 1-15, Introduction to motor learning and performance: How skills are studied
* Pages 227-253, Organizing and scheduling practice

Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Harvard University.
* Pages 79-91, Interaction between learning and development


NB! To open the electronic articles off campus, you need to use the following VPN connection: Click here to download.

Brymer, E. & Renshaw, I. (2010). An introduction to the constraints-led approach to learning in outdoor education. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 14(2), 33-41.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Dreyfus, S. E. (2004). The Five-Stage Model of adult skill acquisition. Bulletin of Science Technology & Society, 24(3), 177-181.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Ericsson K. A., Krampe, R. T., & Tesch-Romer, C. (1993). The role of deliberate practice in the acquisition of expert performance. Psychological Review, 100(3), 363-406. 
* This article is available online: Click here to download.