NOFRI104 Qualitative methodology (5 ECTS) 

Course facts

Course code
Course title
Qualitative methodology
Course language
Academic responsible
Kirsti Pedersen Gurholt


Decentralized study at NIH. 

Making sense of peoples’ ways of moving, acting, interacting, and experiencing in friluftsliv-contexts necessitates theoretical and practical tools for generating, systematizing and analyzing research data.

This course focuses on qualitative methods (such as interviews, fieldwork, texts, and visual expressions) as means to get an understanding of participation patterns and motifs, experiences, and meaning-making, and the sociocultural and geographical (material) structures that influence these motifs, experiences - exemplified through examples from the research projects in the Nordic countries. 

The course introduces the students to theoretical and philosophical foundations of qualitative methodology: How it is legitimized, the role of the researcher and what kind of knowledge these research methods can produce. Further, the course focuses on developing practical skills in selective qualitative methods. The two main methods explored are qualitative interviewing and ethnographic fieldwork. During the course, the students will work extensively to acquire hands-on experiences of and reflections on both approaches, discussing their theoretical underpinnings, the knowledge constructed, and the practical preparation for and designing of a qualitative research project. The students will explore how to organize and analyze qualitative data. Academic writing and ethical issues will be discussed throughout the course. 

Learning outcomes


Students shall develop knowledge about and understanding of the theoretical foundations of qualitative methodology. 


Students shall develop knowledge of how to design and execute qualitative methods and analyze qualitative data. 


Students shall be able to use selective qualitative methods (preferably interviews, fieldwork, and texts) to collect data for their master thesis. 

Learning styles and activities

The course will consist of lectures, discussions, and field experiences. The course includes active involvement of the students in mandatory individual- and groupwork.

The course will be held as an intensive one-week seminar.


The students are required to write an individual essay elaborating on a relevant self-chosen theme, agreed by the responsible professors. 

The written essay must not exceed a maximum of 3000 words (1.5 line spacing), excluding the table of contents, references, and attachments. All sources must be accurately cited and referenced using the APA 7th edition 

The essay must be submitted through WISEFLOW. Please note, the plagiarism control program Ephorus will scan all essays.

Core material

CORE LITERATURE (reading list):
(Approx. 500 pages)

Finlay, L. (2009). Debating phenomenological research methods. Phenomenology & Practice, 3(1), 6-25.
* The article is available online: Click here to download.

Gough, A., & Gough, N. (2022). After the posts: Thinking with theory in environmental education research. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 1–9.
* The article is available online: Click here to download.

Humberstone, B. & H. Prince (Eds.). (2019). Research methods in outdoor studies. Routledge.
Please read chapters, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 14, 15, 18, 19 and 20:
* You can borrow this book from the Library: ORIA
** This book is also available online: Click here to download.
*** NB! To open this electronic book off campus, you must use the following VPN connection: Click here to download.

Smith, B. & Sparkes, A. C. (2016). Routledge handbook of qualitative research in sport and exercise. Routledge.
Please read pages 1-7, 9-100, 103-188, 191-285 and 230-242:
* This book is available online: Click here to download.
** NB! To open this electronic book off campus, you must use the following VPN connection: Click here to download.


Daiute, C. & Lightfoot, C. (Eds.) (2004). Narrative analysis: Studying the development of individuals in society. Sage.
* You can borrow this book from the Library: ORIA

Hammersley M. & P. Atkinson (2019). Ethnography: Principles in practice (4th ed.). Routledge.
* You can borrow this book from the Library: ORIA

Kvale, S. & S. Brinkman (2015). InterViews: Learning the craft of qualitative research interviewing (3rd ed.). Sage.
* You can borrow this book from the Library: ORIA

Pink, S. (2015). Doing sensory ethnography (2nd ed.). Sage.
* You can borrow this book from the Library: ORIA

Sands, R. (2002). Sport ethnography. Human Kinetics.
* You can borrow this book from the Library: ORIA

Van Manen, M. (2016). Phenomenology of practice:
Meaning-giving methods in phenomenological research and writing. Routledge.
* This book is available online: Click here to download.
** NB! To open this electronic book off campus, you must use the following VPN connection: Click here to download.

EXAMPLE TEXTS - Qualitative methodologies applied to outdoor research:
Baklien, B., Ytterhus, B. & Bongaardt, R. (2016). When everyday life becomes a storm on the horizon: Families’ experiences of good mental health while hiking in nature. Anthropology & Medicine, 23(1), 42-53.
* The article is available online: Click here to download.

Beames, S. & Ross, H. (2010). Journeys outside the classroom. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 10(2), 95-109.
* The article is available online: Click here to download.

Chawla, L. (2015). Benefits of nature contact for children. Journal of Planning Literature, 30(4), 433-452.
* The article is available online: Click here to download.

Dahl, L., Standal, Ø. F. & Moe, V. F. (2019). Norwegian teachers’ safety strategies for Friluftsliv excursions: Implications for inclusive education. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 19(3), 256-268.
* The article is available online: Click here to download.

Kronsted Lund, L., Gurholt, K. P. & Dykes, N. (2020). The vitalizing sea: Embodiment and wellbeing on a sea-kayak journey. Annals of Leisure Research.
* The article is available online: Click here to download.

Langseth, T. & Salvesen, Ø. (2018). Rock climbing, risk, and recognition. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(Article 1793).
* The article is available online: Click here to download.

Sanderud, J. R., Gurholt, K. P. & Moe, V. F. (2021). Didactic sensitivity to children and place: A contribution to outdoor education cultures. Sport, Education and Society.
* The article is available online: Click here to download.